Moms trying to lose weight

Hi! Im a mother of a 4 year old and a new baby girl (5 weeks old) and I am looking for support from other moms. With my first I never fully went down to my pre-pregnancy weight (10 lbs shy) and now that I just had my second I am trying to at least go back to the weight I was before her. Anyone else have this issue or is struggling with this? All I have heard is that with every pregnancy women tend to weigh 5lbs more each time. Please tell me this is a lie!! lol

Please feel free to add me, I have been on here daily and will provide support as well!

*Bonus points if you have an open food diary, I love to have other meal ideas!


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,216 MFP Moderator
    My kids are 13 and 9, and I spent 12 years much higher than that 5 pounds you've been told about. I once got back down to 150 lbs, but ballooned right back up. If you're not paying attention to your fitness level, its easy to lose site of 'healthy weight'. AND when you have small ones in the house, its very easy to focus on THEM instead of YOU. NOT that I think you should ignore the cuties - just that YOU have to be around to take care of THEM, and in order to do that best, you need to take care of yourself too. :flowerforyou: I think it's FANTASTIC that you've come to MFP and taken the first step in taking care of yourself. I am living proof that you don't have to live with those extra 5 lbs per kiddo. I'm currently at a lower weight than I was when I got pregnant with my first. You CAN do this thing!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Well hello :)

    I'm a mom of a 2.5yr old and a 7wk old (both boys). Oddly enough both of my pregnancies have occurred while trying to lose weight.
    My first Pregnancy (2011):
    Pre-pregnancy weight - 190 to 200lbs (ugh)
    6wks Postpartum weight - 260lbs (:explode: wasn't even a full term pregnancy, had an emergency csection at 34wks 5 days)
    By June 2012 weight - 198lbs (maintained the loss till September)
    September 12' - Feb 13' I gained 20lbs of what I had lost back
    March 13 2013' weight : 213lbs
    August 12 2013 weight: 179.8lbs

    My Second Pregnancy (2013):
    Pre-pregnancy weight - around 170lbs
    41wks Pregnant weight - 212lbs
    6 wks Postpartum weight (7/10/2014) - 191lbs
    This morning: 189.4lbs

    I still have a bit to go before I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but I know I'll get there. My goal is to actually get to what I weighed around the time I met my husband and that's at least 50lbs away :sad: . I've had 2 c-sections now, so I'm not sure I'll ever get my stomach to look the way I want (without surgery), but I'm going to try and hope for the best.
  • SnarkyMam0610
    SnarkyMam0610 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi there, I wish that I could tell you it was only 5 lbs... but in my experience it was far more! I have two sons one is 8 and the other is 4. My first pregnancy was sorta planned (occurred after a miscarriage) and the second was a TOTAL surprise!

    Pregnancy #1 (2006):
    Starting weight 260 lbs dropped to 250 lbs and then back up to 269 at delivery which was at 36 wks via emergency c-section. I got back down to 245- 250 within a week or so after delivery.

    Pregnancy #2 (2010):
    Starting weight was 270 lbs, I lost like 11 pounds in the beginning but my weight at delivery was 296 lbs which was another c-section at 37 wks. I lost 35 lbs in the first two weeks.

    I have had a hard time keeping the weight I lost off. I have lost 20 lbs and then gained it right back several times. I restarted my weight loss journey at my highest weight of 306 lbs and am down to 299 lbs.

    I believe that if you work at it you can get the weight off and keep it off. I plan to this time. You already have me on your buddy list, I am here to help support you.
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Hi there, added you. I'm a mom of a 2 yo little girl. I *technically* managed to get back to my pre pregnancy weight, but that was also the most I'd ever weighed in my life, so it didn't really feel like that much of an accomplishment :/
    I'm mostly focusing on my body fat % and getting stronger but cutting weight at the same time. My diary is open & I try to be as honest as I can (you'll notice this week was pretty good & consistent... but I try not to leave out the bottle of wine I throw back here & there)

    ETA: I was a pretty consistent 132, but my pre pregnancy weight was about 140. HW at end of pregnancy wa s 182, took me a full year to get back to 140, managed to get back around 132 briefly, but am now back at 140 again.
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    I have a 2 year old daughter. I had really bad morning sickness when I was pregnant, which resulted in me losing (and then regaining) 13kgs while pregnant. So at 9 months pregnant I was back at my prepregnacy weight. Sadly over the first year I gained 30kgs! 20kgs left now to get back to prepregnancy weight and another 10 or so to get to my goal.
  • sexymamadraeger
    sexymamadraeger Posts: 239 Member
    Well my first pregnancy I gained 35 lbs and lost almost all of it. But then I started eating and gained a bunch over time. With my second I was already big so I only gained about 10 lbs. Again it all melted until I was 20 lbs lighter than when I started! But, alas, I gained and gained. So here I am working hard and losing. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    I have 3 daughters. I gained a lot of weight during all of my pregnancies. Seemed like as soon as I lost it all I got pregnant again. My youngest is 4 years old now, I breastfed her until she was a little over 2. As soon as she weaned I started to gain weight. Then went through some personal hard times and stress ate a lot. So now I am hoping to lose the 70 pounds that I gained from that. I have lost 16 so far.

    I have sent you a friend request. Anyone else can feel free to add me also.