Super quick weight loss question.

Hello all, I'm 22 years old, I'm a male, 5'10 and I weight 221lbs. I'm not necessarily fat. I had a test done on my body fat and I'm 20.9% body fat.

Recently a buddy at work has been teaching me about things such as calories and eating correctly. Before like, 12 days ago, I was eating one meal a day, an Angus meal at Arby's (roughly 1200 calories, counting fries and drink) because it's where I work, so it's easily accessible, cheap and filling. Plus working 8 hour shift, I feel I'd burn some of it off, thus I'd be maintaining my weight.

Now, I've decided I'd like to at least get to 210lbs, maybe even 200, so I changed the way I eat entirely. I used to be big on Sweet Tea, in fact I still am, I'd drink like, 3 or 4, 32 oz cups a day. That's a lot. I cut it out entirely and drink strictly Water.

I basically try to eat 3 times a day, 2 at least. I been eating more Salads, maybe one or two a day. I eat turkey at work, no fries. I've eaten a LOT of apples, grapes, and watermelon. In fact, that's sorta my diet now.

-Turkey wraps at work.
-Fruits (Apples, Grapes, Water Melon)
- Lots of Water.

I also try to Gym every day, or if I can, 4 times a week. Burning at LEAST 500 Calories a gym run.

My total intake on calories has been the same as if I were to eat Angus. 1200-1400 Calories.

My question is, is this good? Will I reach my goal, or do I need to do more?


  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Let me know how long that diet will last for you.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    It sounds like you are definitely putting yourself into a calorie deficit, which means that yes, you'll lose weight. But if you are working out that much and if you do anything physical at work, you are probably not eating enough calories.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,570 Member
    If you were only eating 1200 calories a day, it doesn't matter what it came from. At your size, there is no way that was enough to maintain your weight, you should have been losing as it was.
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    I'm confused, I mean, I barely understand how calories even work. I was told there's good calories and bad calories. I don't mean to come off stupid, I just don't understand.

    Also, what do you mean, raggedypond?

    I was also told that I wasn't losing anything before because my metabolism was slowed down from eating once a day. I dunno if that's true or not.

    Lastly, I cheated today and ate at subway, but still.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    Pretty sure I'm just stupid :/
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I'm confused, I mean, I barely understand how calories even work. I was told there's good calories and bad calories. I don't mean to come off stupid, I just don't understand.

    Also, what do you mean, raggedypond?

    I was also told that I wasn't losing anything before because my metabolism was slowed down from eating once a day. I dunno if that's true or not.

    Lastly, I cheated today and ate at subway, but still.

    Who told you these things? And what do they think good calories and bad calories are?
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    There are no bad or good calories. There are high calorie and low calorie foods. You eat based on whatever your goals are. Stick with what goals MFP is giving you instead of dropping it down to 1200 which is only sustainable for short amounts of time.
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    The guy I work with explained it to me as like, Eating one meal a day at 1200 calories at work. Processed food, preservatives etc VS salads and fruits, being good calories. That's why it confused me.

    I apologize if I come off like a troll, I just don't understand. And MFP tells me to eat 2700 calories, that seems like a lot :/
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    Check this thread out

    If you're not already, log your food into MFP. Be as accurate and honest as possible.

    To lose weight yes you need to eat less than the number that would keep you at your current weight (maintenance calories) but not so little that you're fatigued and hungry all the time - that way just leads to failure.

    Do not worry about "bad" calories and "good" calories. Start with just "fewer calories." Just a deficit is what's required for weight loss. After you get a better handle on that, you can start changing your diet to be more healthy and do it at your own pace instead of trying to rush it.

    Good luck.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Just make sure you have your activity level to sedentary and eat all your exercise calories it gives you. The process takes a long time. Just stick with it.
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    Thanks for all the help, and my apologies for being an inconviniance
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    No inconvenience. You just can't tell who is being serious and who is joking around here anymore.
  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    FYI... eating at Subway isn't cheating.... at least once a week I get a foot long vegie sub on honey oat, no cheese, all the vegies...with a "splash" of honey mustard and sweet onion sauce... This is two meals for me and a total of 230 calories per meal. The kids working at Subway don't even bother asking me what I want anymore because they just know. haha.... I could easily add grilled chicken to the sub but choose not to. There are other choices you can make at subway that are healthy as well... my suggestion is to get a copy of their nutritional guide and build your sub based on that...

    .... and for what it's worth-- the Subway I go to is about 1 1/2 miles from home... I walk there and back -- taking the "long" route-- usually ending up being about a 5 mile walk...
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The guy I work with explained it to me as like, Eating one meal a day at 1200 calories at work. Processed food, preservatives etc VS salads and fruits, being good calories. That's why it confused me.

    I apologize if I come off like a troll, I just don't understand. And MFP tells me to eat 2700 calories, that seems like a lot :/

    Yeah, don't listen to the guy at work. There are no good or bad calories or good or bad foods.

    Read the sexypants link posted above, it is very helpful. And don't get freaked out by the calorie count - it may seem like a lot, but it calculated based on your personal stats. You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight, you should aim to eat as many calories as you can and still lose. Plus, that number is going to go down as you lose weight if you keep the same deficit, so starting higher is good.
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    The problem is I got a foot long buffalo chicken lol that was 700+ :S

    I understand, raggedypond

    I'm gonna try, kgeyser, it's just kinda freaky seein that much.
  • sdouglas0728
    sdouglas0728 Posts: 21 Member
    It's 1200 without including the tea. That also doesn't include any condiments or anything else you ate. The 4 large Sweet Teas a day were probably putting you at maintance calories for your wait. Just switching to water instead of anything with calories should give you a loss.
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    I never thought of it that way either.
  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    Make sure to pay attention to how much protein and fat you're getting, both are very imporant. Try to hit what MFP gives you as a minimum. Google "macros" and "IIFYM" or there are threads here that explain them. Don't worry about looking dumb, everybody has to start somewhere :)