Super quick weight loss question.



  • mscarr51
    mscarr51 Posts: 12 Member
    I am eating 1220 a day, some times less, but I am full and satisfied, but that is very few calories to MFP. but I work nights and exercise 4 times a week 45 min each day.. My menu is filling. 4 small meals and two snack.
    at 63:blushing: and working 10 hours a day:sad: I continue to go. I do make sure that each day I juice ,because sleeping is very bad, alone with my water intake my green juice keep me going.
    on the weekend I do hit the gym for at lease two hour, but do a lot of relating. I guest each one body is difference. Just be careful not to drop to cause any health problem. My doctor said I am doing fine. Some day I am on target with MFP, some days I am off, I think balance is the thing and what you do eat. Is it health?

    But I am still strugging:laugh:
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    The guy I work with explained it to me as like, Eating one meal a day at 1200 calories at work. Processed food, preservatives etc VS salads and fruits, being good calories. That's why it confused me.

    I apologize if I come off like a troll, I just don't understand. And MFP tells me to eat 2700 calories, that seems like a lot :/

    Yeah, don't listen to the guy at work. There are no good or bad calories or good or bad foods.

    Read the sexypants link posted above, it is very helpful. And don't get freaked out by the calorie count - it may seem like a lot, but it calculated based on your personal stats. You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight, you should aim to eat as many calories as you can and still lose. Plus, that number is going to go down as you lose weight if you keep the same deficit, so starting higher is good.

    I want to specifically highlight the "You don't need to starve yourself to lose weight". Everyone should aim for the MOST amount of calories that allows them to still lose, NOT the LEAST amount. Quicker is not better. You want to be able to sustain it for the rest of your life so slow and steady is better.

    BTW, I am a 46 YO, 5'7" woman who currently weighs 170 and I eat 1825 calories... to lose... at 22, a male and over 200 you should be eating a lot more calories than you are now! A LOT...

    Edit: Oh and plus, I just noticed you only want to lose 11 pounds!! Doh... maybe you really don't even need to lose anything at all. Maybe you just want to look better? If so you could potentially eat at maintenance and lift heavy to get the look you want.
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    How does eating more equal losing more? That's a serious question. :/
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    One thing I would like to point out. You said before you were only eating a 1200 calorie meal, but do you know the amount of calories in...what did you say 4-5 32oz? sweet teas a day? I haven't looked it up but I am imagining it is around 100 per 8-16 oz. So it sounds like a lot of your calories were coming from drinks. Cutting that alone even without changing the meal would probably produce weight loss.
    You definitely need to eat more or the weight you lose will be precious muscle that you are trying to work out and I assume want to build. You want to preserve muscle at all costs which means eating plenty of protein (at least 1 gram per pound of lean body mass if not more) and working those muscles in a challenging way.
    You can lose weight based on calories in/calories out but nutrition is not the same as calorie deficit. Obviously you are going to get less fat and more vitamins eating fruits/veggies vs fries, but that doesn't make fries bad. You can still enjoy them in moderation along with the vitamins in the fruits/veggies.
  • mscarr51
    mscarr51 Posts: 12 Member
    do it now, the older you get the harder it will take to lose. Your intake will have to be less, and you will have to exercise more to keep it off.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    lol "super quick"
  • MicheleWE
    MicheleWE Posts: 179 Member
    How does eating more equal losing more? That's a serious question. :/
    What I am beginning to learn is that your body responds better if it isn't under stress. Eating very low calorie creates stress in the body on a hormonal level. When certain hormones are high you won't lose fat. If you create a lot of stress through high intensity exercise and then don't fuel yourself properly it's a double whammy. It may work for awhile but eventually it comes to an end, if your even successful that way to begin with.
  • dlionsmane
    dlionsmane Posts: 674 Member
    How does eating more equal losing more? That's a serious question. :/

    You were probably consuming more calories than 1200 a day already. Not accounting for anything other than the one meal. Cutting out the sweet tea will reduce your intake, but maybe by too much. You could replace those calories with fruit and veggies and lean protein. (You need more protein to build muscle) I think you can eat at maintenance or just below, like a 10% deficit and get the look you want by lifting weights.

    Do some research here on the boards search for eat more weigh less. Read the Sexy Pants guide, check out the Eat Train Progress group. There is a lot of good info out there.
  • GfromCows
    GfromCows Posts: 9
    I figure if I stayed on the track I was, I'd lose the 11 quicker, then get back on maintaining :X