I hate my roommates



  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 Posts: 151
    I live with 7 other people that all work with horses (we live on a ranch, and I work in the office). Our house reeks of horse poo, they leave the door open to let flies and other creepy crawlers in, are always "too tired" to do dishes or cleaning of ANY kind. Oh, and they start work around 4:30AM, so all the doors are slamming and echoing across the whole house.
  • PsiChi
    PsiChi Posts: 157
    I dont mind any of my roomates but 1. He use to get super wasted and stay up all night yelling! :mad: Finally one night when he woke me up at 3:00am I was so pissed I got up and I yelled at him that if he didnt shut the *kitten* up I would kick his *kitten* up one side of the halway and down the other. He just sat dumbfounded in the kitchen, when campus security knocked on the door and said there was a nosie complaint about him from the neighboring apartment and if they were called again the campus police would come too. I'm happy to say that he hasn't been loud since. :happy:
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    In college, every roommate I've had (that isn't a friend of mine) has tried to convert me to Christianity. One of the first questions out of their mouths after moving in is "are you a Christian?" (which is kind of rude and nosy in my opinion). After finding out I'm not, they constantly get on me about going to their church and praying with them, and I'm really uncomfortable with it. They continue despite telling them in the nicest way possible that I'm not interested. I don't know why they care about MY religion so much, I'm not in their face about mine or anything...

    Thankfully this coming quarter I'm rooming with my friends, so I won't have to put up with that
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    The baseball coach at the school I work for rents a room from me. He's great, though and we get along just fine. He leaves during the weekends and doesn't come back until Monday. His wife lives about 3.5 hours away (odd, I know) so that's cool. I charge him very little for rent.

    While in college, however, I had a roommate that was into eating toast with his butter. Yes...he used to put so much button on his toast it was disgusting to watch. Oh, and he never cleaned - EVER!

    I moved out shortly after I discovered he was not a cleaner. That's just nasty!
  • corseting
    I know this topic is old but I need to vent as well. My roommate and I knew each other in high school but haven't really hung out until we were older. We moved in together and it was great at first because I was always out and about but since winter hits, I'm annoyed of her for no reason. I don't want to hang out with her every time she wants to hang out and I work 2 jobs and go to school just to avoid being home. I sometimes wish she had a boyfriend so she can leave the house and I can have the place to myself. I can't talk to anyone else about it because we have the same mutual friends. I'm at the point where I'm planning on talking to a therapist. Our lease ends in June and I did say that I want another year there but I'm thinking that I'm at the point of telling her that I don't want to sign on to another year... with her.
  • xania1985
    I know that this post is pretty old but I need some advice.

    To begin with my fiance and I are living at his parents house and he is one of six so it is pretty crunched as is in the house. Well dear FH and I have just been moved into my sister-in-laws room with her boyfriend. Something about the youngest girl didn't need to share a room with her older sister and boyfriend so FH and I got moved into the room. Everything was all fine and going well until I started arranging our stuff into this room (keep in mind there are already two people living in it), and I smelled a horrible smell coming from where the dog kennel is (currently housing 3 puppies and a mom) and on top of that a medium sized dog carrier (currently housing two kittens). At first I was like what how can the smell be coming from them it must just be the litter box (as it hadn't been cleaned yet), but FH brought to my attention that it was the animals themselves on top of my sister-in-law not being a completely clean person. Three days later and I still cannot enter the room for more than 5 minutes at a time due to the smell and about 50+ comments made from FH to his sister about cleaning it up and FH and I are still sleeping on the couch in the livingroom.

    How do I bring up to her that it needs to be cleaned up and that until something is done that I cannot enter the room. She and I both have asthma but due to lack of medical insurance for myself I do not have anyway to stop an attack. I am just looking for advice on how to fix this problem, in the past I have had 9 cats and it never got this bad. Please help.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I have sex with mine
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    The last roommate I ever had used to log his gay sex chat on my pc which was in MY room. He had his own laptop, so not sure why he needed to do it on mine (my furniture yukk!). Imagine my surprise one day while logging on, he forgot to log out of his messenger, and I got an interesting proposition and cam invite :laugh:

    Caught by the necropost. Damn you.
  • april27kelli
    april27kelli Posts: 338 Member
    Oh, I remember those days...thankfully, I live alone now.

    ~I had a roommate whose Chihuahua loved to pee on everything...she thought it was funny and refused to even try to train him.
    ~She'd turn the heat up so high at night that I'd wake up with nosebleeds.
    ~She called me at work to bail her out of jail when she got pulled over and didn't have insurance...even though I'd just let her borrow the money to pay it.
    ~Her rent check bounced at least 7 times.
    ~Her boyfriend came to visit for a weekend...and ended up staying 3 months. So I guess he sort of became a roommate, too. He ate all of our food and drank all of our alcohol ~ he actually replaced the vodka with water and put it back in the freezer, not realizing that it would freeze. I saw him drink my mouthwash, right out of the cap. I moved out that weekend.
  • april27kelli
    april27kelli Posts: 338 Member
    Xania... it is completely out of the question to just MOVE...? Even if it's to a hotel? I couldn't live like that.
  • HarrietSmeltzer1
    HarrietSmeltzer1 Posts: 101 Member
    My My last roommatewas my x husband and I have been alone for 37 years he made me so gun shy on roommates. They let lasting effects. MY two now are Persian brothers Solomon age 3 and Samson age 1and a half. They are fun. Look at their pics. Good luck some of posts had me laughing out loud
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    So, I can't say this in public, and I can't say it on Facebook, but no one knows me here so I just have to say:

    "I hate my roommates"

    I'm tired of apologizing for existing, or walking on eggshells when one of them is in a bad mood, or getting yelled at for no reason whatsoever. I'm moving out of this house within the next month and I CAN'T WAIT!

    Ok, your turn. Any horrible roommates stories out there?

    my college roommate is still my best friend and my roommate from medical school is a close number 2 - both have strong bromantic connections haha - plus my buddy from medschool was responsible for me losing all my weight (well a big influence)

    but I think I lucked out - sorry they suck, just get through it!
  • chityetlar
    chityetlar Posts: 2 Member
    I hate my husband. we are acting like roommates than hauband and wife.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Am I the only one with a decent roommate? He is a hermit. He goes to work then directly to his room (where his computer is). He only comes out to get a drink or a snack. He eats every meal out, so no dirty dishes. Wow! I didn't know how good I had it.

    <NVM...Zombie posting...but still...>
  • WithPassion
    Alright... Heres my story

    I have a housemate. We became good friends when we first met. Then i started to realize how messy she was. She would throw her towels in the bathroom floor or her clothes too. She thought she was using her eyeliner but she was using mine. I dont know if it intentionally made or she was just being stupid. She puts her music up at the middle of the night and i say goodbye to my sleep!!! She doesnt clean the dishes she use for days...

    Then, me and my other guy housemate became boyfriend and girlfriend. When we broke the news to her, she got weird and quiet. She usually winges like a lot!!! Then she keeps on doing her odd and messy ways. She would not wash her dishes, towels and clothes on the floor, dark makeup in the carpet, weird mask thing in the floor and i step on it, uses my things. She even used my epsom salt for the bathtub. Lights up candles and incense wherein the ashes goes everywhere on the floor... Does not ask if she can use my stuff... Cant close the door to dress herself so you see her naked. Just wears panty while sleeping and leaves the door open for everyone to see her vagina, she sleeps with her legs open i dont know why. One time I was on holiday, when I came home, she was on the sofa sleeping naked WTF!!!

    I told my boyfriend some of the stuff i experienced but all he can observe was how good she cleans the house which she does once in a month and all the other days i clean. However she is really good in cleaning because she can lift stuff as she was training a lot in the gym... Then our contract was up in the house, so we were to vacate on 3 months. My boyfriend, without even asking me, asked the other housemate to movein with us even though I had some issues with her habits... He doesnt want me to talk bad about her so i cant vent out to him. He thinks shes an angel even though she tells me before how uncool my boyfriend's friends are and you cannot even take them out as youll feel embarassed... She always cleans and doesgood stuff when my boyfriend's around.

    Now, were already in the other house which is fabulous, overlooking the city! She leaves her towels in the laundry sink so if you want to use the sink, youd have to remove her things from the sink and put it back... She leaves my clothes in the floor after its washed also my bf's clothes. She eats my food. Its fine to eat my food but just tell me when its finished so that i could at least buy for myself. Im not greedy... She puts on loud music ... Again... She boasts about her connections and stuff... She fills up the trashcan but does not throw it on the big bin. Id have to do that. Carelessly leave a rare chicken in our recycle bin and for me to find out its already rotting and smelling like a dead rat WTF!!! Brings guys over. Doesnt tell us in advance that her friend is sleeping here... Uses the basement parking and does not give us the chance to use it. It can park two but youll have to be at the back of another car in the same apartment to use it... My bf once parked at the back of her car, he was gping out and waiting for her to move her car so he can pass... She did not move the car until 15mins cause she was talking on the phone. Is it that hard toove a car. If she parks at the back of our car, we move it right away. I caught her naked again when she was going from her room to bathroom. She was just wearing her underpants and no bra, just covering her upper body with a shirt. She shouldve just use the shirt. My boyfriend was just there sleeping!!! I wouldnt be surprise if my boyfriend has seen her naked. She also smokes and they share cigarettes with my bf... She has now of a habit to put flowers around the house as if im into that, i cant complain, but she leaves it there until they dis and shed tgeir pollens and leaves and I clean it up!!! I clean after she cleans the dishes because she leaves soap and dirt in the dishes and utensils without trying to remove it. Like how hard is it really?

    Grrrr... I just hate her with passion now... Ive got lot more things to complain but im tired of typing. Just wanted to vent out my feelings.

    Ive already talked with her before but im tired now... Cant do ghis anymore. Cant talk to someone whose habits and culture is far different with mine...
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Perfect reason not to have a roommate. I've had a couple over the past 40 years, but had no serious problems with them.

    I wouldn't have a roommate now. I might help a friend out for a finite and specified time period but that's as far as it goes. Other than my wife and kids there will be no one else in my home.

    You're 28. It's time to get your own place.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I got in a fight with my roommate. It didn't help I was beyond drunk.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Old thread is old.

  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    My roommate at bible college was just nasty. She never washed her clothes the whole time I was there, or cleaned her side of the room. Constantly getting demerits for the smell and the mess I urged her to clean up. (We shared a closet) I offered my massively large suitcase for her to pack her clothes in and take to the laundromat. The thing is, she put her clothes in there but still never got them washed:sick: . I ended having to steal my suitcase back, sterilize it heavily:noway: and pack my stuff to go home. Needless to say I didn't come back for the next semester. :grumble: