Weight gain question

So for about four days now I've been trying to eat my calorie goal (which is 1450) and workout 3x a week burning 200 calories each time. I'm 22 and 178lbs. I just weighed myself and the scale said 183 o.0 Which seems odd. Though I know night time is a bad time to weigh yourself. I'm just wondering though, since I used to not eat much and pretty much put myself into starvation mode by skipping breakfast and sometimes lunch, could that be why I'm gaining some weight? Because now my body is holding onto the extra food? I'm just wondering how long my body will take to get used to eating


  • LadyBaggins
    I hope I explained what I meant well enough.
  • RangerRN507
    RangerRN507 Posts: 124 Member
    that alone wouldn't make your body go into starvation mode but skipping breakfast...ok here we go I know this is controversial but I am on the side that believes skipping breakfast kills your metabolism for the day.

    keep in mind not all calories are created equal, try using different macro combos and take a look at your workouts, try doing cardio early in the morning before breakfast without eating any carbs before hand, then complex carbs during breakfast.
  • LadyBaggins
    that alone wouldn't make your body go into starvation mode but skipping breakfast...ok here we go I know this is controversial but I am on the side that believes skipping breakfast kills your metabolism for the day.

    keep in mind not all calories are created equal, try using different macro combos and take a look at your workouts, try doing cardio early in the morning before breakfast without eating any carbs before hand, then complex carbs during breakfast.
    Well, I was only eating about 800 calories a day or less.. Which is WAY under what I should of been consuming.
    But yeah I've been forcing myself to eat breakfast now, or at least making a green smoothie and drinking a good amount of that.

    I'll give that a try, thanks
  • Drama_Free_Zone
    If you just started a workout regiment chances are that those extra pounds are nothing more than muscles retaining water for repair purposes. Also.. while I do not condone eating that few calories, ever.. for anyone.. starvation mode is pretty much BS. I'm not going to explain that as there is a ton of good information you can find on why it is BS if you are interested enough to look.

    There is nothing wrong with skipping breakfast, you don't need to eat 3-6 meals a day.. I know a lot of very fit and successful individuals who eat one massive meal every day. The only benefit to breakfast/lunch/dinner is that it helps keep energy levels steady and makes it less likely that you are going to binge. If your energy levels are fine eating once per day, feel free to.

    All that said don't worry about that little bit of weight, it's probably all water weight. If you are only eating 1450, at your height and current weight, and excercising 3 times a week then you are doing fine.

    I am not a health care official, a nutritionist, a dietitian or any such other thing. The best advice I can give is do as much research on what I have said here and make your own conclusions as to the validity of it.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    You body naturally fluctuates 3 to 7 lbs throughout any given day. Also, starting a new workout will cause a temporary gain in water weight because your muscles retain more water to repair themselves.

    In short, you likely didn't actually gain any weight.
  • touslesmemes
    You body naturally fluctuates 3 to 7 lbs throughout any given day. Also, starting a new workout will cause a temporary gain in water weight because your muscles retain more water to repair themselves.

    In short, you likely didn't actually gain any weight.

    Wise woman^ :)
  • LadyBaggins
    You body naturally fluctuates 3 to 7 lbs throughout any given day. Also, starting a new workout will cause a temporary gain in water weight because your muscles retain more water to repair themselves.

    In short, you likely didn't actually gain any weight.
    That's good to know, thanks! :)
  • donut0420
    donut0420 Posts: 44 Member
    Interesting. I've been having the same issue. I haven't been cutting my calories quite as drastically, but I know what you mean about the weight gain after starting to train. It's super hard - you make up, you feel good (a little sore, but still), you know you're making better choices for yourself and working hard. Then you step on that scale and BAM! There goes all of your self-esteem in that one number. This thread has made me feel a little bit better about that, and I hope it has for you too. Keep up the good work buddy - we can do this!
  • LadyBaggins
    Interesting. I've been having the same issue. I haven't been cutting my calories quite as drastically, but I know what you mean about the weight gain after starting to train. It's super hard - you make up, you feel good (a little sore, but still), you know you're making better choices for yourself and working hard. Then you step on that scale and BAM! There goes all of your self-esteem in that one number. This thread has made me feel a little bit better about that, and I hope it has for you too. Keep up the good work buddy - we can do this!
    Aw I'm glad it helps you fee better about that! And also glad I'm not alone. Yes - we sure can do this :)
  • LadyBaggins
    5 days later.. Went down from that 183 to 177. :D Fairly happy now