Is greens all that's important?

I still live at home and am moving out next year. I've heard all about eating as many greens in each meal but my parents don't buy lots of greens all the time. How am I suppose to loose weight without eating tons of greens? I understand it's healthy for you but if that's a important part of my meal and I'm not able to have it as often what is close to it?


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn. Eat as many or as few greens as you like.

    Read the Sexypants post:
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    Depending on where you are from of course, greens are really not expensive. Ask your parents if it's possible for them to buy more. If you they say whenever they do they end up going bad before being consumed, try frozen veggies. they are of really good quality nowadays and I always have 2-3 kind of frozen vegetable in the freezer so when i run out i still have options.

    You don't necessarily need to eat more greens to lose weight, eating fewer cals is the key yes, however it's important you still get all the nutrients you need to do it healthy. No need to swap being heavier to lighter with nutrient deficiency.

    Good luck!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you can ask your mom and dad to buy you some vegetables the next time they go grocery shopping. or you can go out and buy them and cook them yourself.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    No, but they are much lower-calorie so you can eat a lot of veggies with the other more calorie-dense foods for a meal and feel like you aren't missing out. I try to do half a plate of veggies at a meal. Veggies generally take longer to eat, at least for me. I try to take my time eating, we talk as a family and then by the time you're done you're already feeling full. If I scarf down my food I still feel hungry when I'm done and am more likely to fill my plate again.

    Look for a local farmers market. Most are a great savings on grocery-store prices. People like to grow the weird veggies too... or weird ones I had never tried (we have Google now so get anything and then look up good recipes when you get home).

    Depending on where you live a garden may be a great way to get more veggies in the house yourself without having to pay a lot for them. Will take some work and time but a good pay-off. I got hooked on gardening when I was about 14.. my cousin taught me about rooting cuttings, which I found really cool. Tomatoes do really well from cuttings, and there's nothing so rewarding as a home-grown tomato. I grew up in Florida, which had 2 growing seasons in a year.. so it paid off well if you could keep the bugs out of stuff. So then I just loved growing a garden. I since moved to Wyoming, a very cold zone, gardening is a struggle, 45 frost-free days a year. I've had to adjust to what I grow and how I grow it. Tomatoes just don't pay-off, except cherry-tomatoes which were never my favorite but its something. As a bonus, the soil is really great here and the growing season has longer days. Zucchini grow well almost everywhere because they are so fast. Broccoli, cabbage, and kale handle very well below-freezing temperatures. Lots of things do well in a sunny window throughout Winter: cherry tomatoes, leaf lettuce, alfalfa and broccoli sprouts (I order organic seeds online in bulk, so the price ends up really good).

    Frozen vegetables are great when you run out of fresh. Some vegetables are high in calories though (like corn and carrots) so just be mindful of that when choosing. I like frozen broccoli florets. Broccoli tends to be a bit rubbery in texture once it's been frozen and the tops are better than the stems once they do that. Frozen spinach is pretty cheap in reality compared to fresh. Fresh spinach goes bad so fast too. Frozen is really good on omelets and excellent in Chinese Spaghetti.