Healthy alternative to flavired coffee creamers



  • thats my fav!!!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Any ideas for a healthy low sugar replacement for international delight coffee creamers?
    I can't (don't want to) do without my morning cup of yummy flavored coffee,
    But I hate starting my day w 30+ grams of sugar.

    I refuse to give up my coffee and my flavored creamer. I limit myself to one large cup with 2-3 TBSP of creamer (10-15g of sugar). I'd rather have ONE cup of what I love than 4 cups of something I'm tolerating. The rest of the day, I follow my primal/paleo/clean eating program and I'm still able to stay where I need to in regards to carbs/protein/fat.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Unsweetened vanilla almond milk is only 40 calories for a whole cup. I usually add 1/4 cup to my coffee.

    Love unsweetened vanilla almond milk .... however, it tastes like butt in coffee
    When you add torani sugar free vanilla syrup (0 calorie) it tastes great!
  • Bianca42
    Bianca42 Posts: 310 Member
    At home I use 2 Tbsp of Fat Free 1/2 and 1/2 and a 1 Tbsp of toroni sugar free syrup (whatever flavor I want...I currently have hazelnut and vanilla).

    At work I use 1 packet of splenda and 1 tsp of powdered non-dairy creamer.

    If I have room in the evening, I'll occasionally splurge on a cup with the full fat/sugar flavored creamer.
  • Thanx for all the fabulous ideas!!
  • My vote is for Almond Milk. I put it in black coffee and I used the Vanilla flavoured.
  • I like Natural Bliss but really like Sammi's Best Coffee Creamer it is powdered but the Vanilla for instance is only 22 calories per serving and it is all natural and no hydrogenated oils and has a nice flavor, they have an original that is not flavored though it has a coconut flavor to it.
  • birdieh
    birdieh Posts: 4 Member
    I am definitely going to try the coconut creamer. I am lactose intolerant and most of the international creamers are lactose free. So I can't have regular cream. My trainer suggested Stevia to cut out my sugar with my coffee. So, I am trying that with your suggestion. Can't wait to see what its like.