Things I think when I run...



  • zeussmith718
    zeussmith718 Posts: 29 Member
    stupid commercials on my radio
    oh a good song
    keep pushing just a little farther
    if you slow before the normal rest point you will stop progressing
    stop being a little b!tch and pick up the pace
    more commercials uhhgg
    push it up this hill wimp
    I am glad I was lifting for 90 minutes before this.
    oh good the rest point.. time to do pull ups on the playground equipment
    get into a pull up contest with a random 5 yr old... barely win
    back to running
    work stuff for the next half hour while I end up on autopilot.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    'oh look another runner! should i wave? i'm gonna wave and show support to my fellow runner *waves* ....oh god he just ignored me oh god oh god oh god why did i wave?'

    lol I like that one, so me

    look another person out for a run or walk, smile and nod smile and nod, here they come smile and nod
    oh crikey I just nodded they would have acknowledged me if I had smiled! why didn't I smile o look another person, smile and nod smile and nod smile and nod, oh gosh I just smiled, she must think I'm a creeper, got to smile and nod smile and nod, o bollocks I'm not gonna smile or nod, these people are all mean, oh darn she smiled and nodded! and I just ran past, I so suck at this, smile and nod smile and nod............

    LOL, I'm rolling here! I'm the same. Just when I think I've got the "runner's acknowledgment" etiquette down, I always feel I did it wrong and feel so embarrassed. From now on, I think I'll just be the "ignorer". So much easier, but then I'M the jerk embarrassing people for not acknowledging their smiling and nodding and waving.

    Ugh! I'll never get it right! And now I will think of all this next run :laugh: Thanks/notthanks, everybody:tongue:
  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    Love this thread, I got such a monkey brain when running as well.

    1. Ok there we go
    2 is the door locked? Garmin on?
    3. Today's gonna be a good one
    4. Where do all these little flies come from? And why are they all aiming for my face?
    5. There's the lady walking her dog I run past every day.
    6. I hate hills. Seriously couldn't I have picked a flat route?
    7. Yay, running downhill as fast as possible. I love the hilly routes.
    8. What's for breakfast?
    9. Squirrel!!
    10. Why can't that stupid cyclist use his bell when riding past me? What if I'd moved sideways or something?
    11. I know I could run a bit more if I wanted o but I'm soo tired...
    12. No, stop moaning and keep going
    13. Whoa, why is that cyclist ringing his bell, totally freaked me out. I almost jumped into his path
    14. Ok last hill...
    15. I need to go shopping tonight. What shall I have for dinner?
    16. Sprint finish? But I'm so tired...
    17. Stop whinging and do the patient, you're done afterwards anyway
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    1. Gate closed, no doggies out, children are screaming they want to come... should have taken one of them.
    2. Older child's bus stop... warm up over.
    3. Oh hell, I forgot to reset the lap on Garmin.
    4.Crap, reset lap button stuck, how am I supposed to know how fast I'm going when the freaking lap button won't work?
    5. I know i'm going faster than that, this is still counting my warm up darn it!
    6. Is that dog leashed? That dog better be leashed.
    7. Crap, he's not leashed. Slow down, dont make eye contact.
    8. Oh hell, he's growling and following me anyway.
    9. Don't yell at the owner who just came out and is yelling at you. Just keep walking... dog is no longer a threat.
    10. Dumb dog owner ruined my pace.
    11. I should have brought older child, I'm not going that far.
    12. Reset button! Reset button!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    that ponytail is quick ....

    I hope it's on a chick ....
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    'ahhh a curb is coming up *jumps* PARKOUR'

    Oh my word! Yes!
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278
    Oh **** what did I get myself into...6 miles to my destination... 6 miles to get home damn have to keep going :D
  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    1) I love this song!
    2) Getting sassy, let's shake it
    3) Dancing while running/walking burns more calories, right?
    4) Oh god, who saw me doing that?
    5) Just run until the end of this song...
    6) Okay run until the next song starts...
    7) Of course there would be a commercial. Come on commercial
    8) Commercials are, like, what, thirty seconds? Maybe a minute?
    9) I'm pretty sure this commercial has gone on for at least four minutes
    10) Twenty seconds?! I'm thinking it's time to walk for a minute.
  • bullhk
    bullhk Posts: 1
    Usually I just get a few lines of a single song stuck in my head on repeat:

    "Tell me why, ain't nothin' but a heartache
    Tell me why, ain't nothin' but a mistake
    Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say,
    I want it that way"
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    1. one bunny
    2. oh here's the section without a sidewalk, any cars coming?
    3. two bunnies
    4. this part of the sidewalk is always flooded, why?
    5. three bunnies
    6. there's the lady walking her little dog riding in a scooter
    7. four bunnies, or was that three, lost track already
    8. did my husband just drive by, or did I wave at a stranger?
    9. Ok I really think that was 5 bunnies now
    10. can my knees handle the long route with all the extra cul-de-sacs today?
    11. 6 bunnies? 7?
    12. OK, I don't care if I have to stop jogging to skip this song, I am not listening to taylor swift on pandora
    13. When are these people going to trim their trees so I don't have to duck while I'm jogging?
    14. Geese! Is a group called a gaggle? I'm sure my brother would know, gotta ask him one these days.
    15. Ok, gotta push it up Alicia's steep hill and I'm done.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Usually I just get a few lines of a single song stuck in my head on repeat:

    "Tell me why, ain't nothin' but a heartache
    Tell me why, ain't nothin' but a mistake
    Tell me why, I never wanna hear you say,
    I want it that way"

    Sometimes when I forget my music my head auto plays the peanut butter jelly song, ha :embarassed:
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Why are those buzzards circling? And circling? and circling?
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    3. Puppies!! In a stroller!!

    Opps you must have seen me! LOL
  • Zondeare
    Zondeare Posts: 50 Member
    1. Here we go!
    2. Which way?
    3. How far was I going to go again?
    4. I feel so terrible- keep going. After the first mile I'll feel good
    5. Why did I think this would get better after a mile?
    6. That walker in front of me is going the same pace I am! At least I'm behind her so she won't know.
    7. OMG she stopped to let her dog pee. I'm gonna just pass her when she starts walking again and I'll accidentally be running with her. Can I go a different way? :( nope.
    8. SPEED UP
    9. How far was I going again? Can this count as my speed work for the week?
    10. Why did I decide I was crazy enough to sign up for a half marathon?
    11. My favorite songs come on all in sequential order- air drum!
    12. Oops Those people saw me. Oh well at least I'll never see them again.
    13. Agh! That was a coworker!
    14. Has it really been 5 miles? I should do this everyday.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Some of this mornings thoughts:

    Good morning crows.
    Why are the street lights flashing?
    hmm that guy looks kinda of cute
    I think I am getting close to the next 5 minute interval
    What's that noise???
    This so easy!
    I can do this!
    I hope I don't get any new blisters
    Group of loud guys run faster!!!

    As a song from my grampy's album started playing:
    Grampy is running with me!
    I wonder what he would think of his granddaughter running? (He's been gone for a few years now)

    When my C25K app told me to do my cool down walk
    I can keep going!! I can do this!! I can run a full 5k easily!! (Today's run was 25 minutes, which was a shade under 4k)
  • jturnerx
    jturnerx Posts: 325 Member
  • littlelexical
    littlelexical Posts: 146 Member
    1.OMG!!! I Did it! I ran! And the ground didn't collapse and swalllow me!!!
    2.That was a great half block jog... aim for a whole one tomorrow!

    Yeah... I'm new to this & not very good at it :)
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    Lol you guys cracked me up!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    1. Idiots!!
    2. Hope no one heard that.
    3. Cool a turtle!
    4. It's cold!
    5. It's hot!
    6. What was that?
    7. Hope that isn't a bear.
    8. Hate bugs!!
    9. Cool a armadillo!
    10. Hope it doesn't rain!!
  • breakingfitter
    In the beginning it was:

    Slow down when you pass these people so they can't hear you gasping