Return of the Michigan 30 Day-Shred



  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    No p90x for me today. gained 1 pound this weekend too...its ok tho just gotta extra hard this week to get it off!!
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    i'm not going to do p90x. changed my mind. just gonna stick to yoga
  • nofunforfu
    nofunforfu Posts: 4 Member
    I was even this week, holding at 163.2. Hopefully I'll get it down to 162 next week.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    down to 218. that is a total of 7 pounds. 2 pounds over the last 2 weeks which is good considering the week I had last week. Marie and I are going to try and work it real hard this this week. back in ICU starting Friday. will have to try and have a good weekend for weigh in next Monday. I want to be down a couple pounds and then maintain it while in ICU. Marie kicked but today. she did treadmill for 45 minutes with speed 3 and incline 15 and burned 400 plus calories. the scale did not move for her so she was a little bummed. it was hard for her last week with me gone so much and her watching the two kids. we will do better this week and next week
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    looking for everyone. everyone having a hard time keeping up like me. mike classes kicking your butt? well last few days have been ok will push hard the rest of the week.
  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    Hey guys. I'm down to 133.4, its been a tough week havent worked out much and didnt eat a lot. Probably why I lost some. Lack of nutrition i guess. Im trying to get back on track with a crazy work and school schedule I am trying to figure out a new workout routine...If the weather stays a little warmer might go for a run.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138

    Ya I've been all over the place. This no job situation is bogging me down. Trying to find a job plus studying has been occupying most of my time. Doing amazing in classes thus far so trying to keep the pace. I had to give a speech about being healthy HA. Anywho ya I am down to 172.6 so riding out these last few pounds till the 169 goal. I don't believe my body can achieve that though personally. I think my muscle mass is up and to get any lower seems virtually impossible even when I do more cardio. Now granted I went through 3 weeks of slight gains that tallyed like a lb and a half. This prior week i took the day before my weigh in off in antcipation of p90x so I was going to do the stretch video but old mans dvd player suxs. Anywho I lost weight which I wasn't expecting. My diet has actually been more protein and less veges in terms of the shift. The only other thing is I haven't took creatine this week either so maybe thats my weight loss as well. Anywho its still an idea about the water weight loss on a recover day that we talked about Ben. I talked with Justin over it and he said the same thing that he gains weight. Gonna do the same thing this week and HOPEFULLYYYYYYYYYYYY this time Tuesday I am doing p90x. Issues trying to plot the pull up bar somewhere and I don't feel encouraged to do lat pull downs instead. So basically my plan is to start p90x tuesday and have my lifts be tues thurs saturday. Now on top of the lift days i'm gonna throw in the 100 push up challenge which puts you on a program to do 100 consecutive push ups in a row. I think i can do 50 or 60 if I wasn't fatigued but 100 seems staggering. I am on the 3rd week of that and I am going to use that program which is like an added 15 minutes as a finisher to the lift days on p90x to make sure I hit every stabalizer pretty good. Are you still on P90x Ben? I figured your not doing it while your in the icu and when your out ur back on it, so ur like on a on and off program??

    Fu are you liking Insanity? It can be tedious but 2nd month is hard. Level 3 drills are rough.

    OHHH before I forget. Foam roller is a +. I've been using it twice a day and now it feels pretty good on my entire body. That plus some yoga and even Kempo cardio which you should borrow ben. Much better than the normal kempo and adds more flexability. I've noticed huge changes in my flexability. I can freaking do a toe lock on the balance postures in yogax where you grab your toe and stand up with your leg straight in front of you. Even in plyometrics I am feeling like i'm stronger, maybe I am using more foot muscles that I haven't used before who knows. So thats my peace. Got a few more things to do before bed.

    Hope everyone is doing well.