Becoming Vegetarian (ignore b)

Okay so I want to become Vegetarian :3

Every time i eat red meat i feel like im about to puke or get disgusted and sick while eating it which causes me to stop

the problem is that I come from a My mom always cooks food that has red meat on it. Sometimes she would cook just veggie pasta but thats sometime when i ask for it. And everytime i try i always loose track and eat some.
So far what im trying to do is to just eat either chicken and fish but like i said its hard

Do you guys have any tips on how it can transfer to being vegetarian ? or any websites that have vegetarian recepies?

(DISCLAIMER:I know eating chicken and fish is not considered vegetarian. Its just for now till i transfer to it nice and slow XD)


  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    well, its not a healthier lifestyle based solely on eliminating meat, for the record.

    however, there are lots of recipes for veggies online. i think there is a at least one group on mfp for veggies.

    good luck on your transition. and not sure if you think eating chicken and fish make you a veggie, but they don't.
  • lobbylobster
    lobbylobster Posts: 33 Member

    There are plenty of resources out there, and google is a simple way to get started. Make sure you're aware of your nutritional needs, and what alternatives you have (for protein, B12, etc). It's easier if you make tasty meals, and learn how to make you're old favourites vegetarian.
    As for living in a non-veg family, it takes some adjustment, but you should be able to help your mum to create a base meal that can then have meat or vegetarian food added to it - like making a pasta sauce with veges, then adding pan browned mince to their portion and beans to yours.

    Good luck!
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Most people don't become vegetarian because it's healthier. A lot of times, being a vegetarian leaves you lacking in the health department. The main reason people switch is for moral issues.Meat isn't unhealthy :)

    That being said, if you're disgusted when eating meat, learn to cook your own foods rather than relying on your mom. That way you can give her recipes as you discover them and make them yourself as an alternative.

    you can make nearly anything vegetarian by replacing the meat with either more vegetables, quinoa, fake meats (not healthy), etc. I've heard of people using Tempeh in place of ground beef/chicken. Also, join pinterest and search "vegetarian" and you'll be given thousands of recipes based on your search tags! That way you can see pictures and tailor your searches to exactly the type of foods you want and like to find the vegetarian alternative :)
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Please check my reply on b. :):happy:
  • EdoLuna
    EdoLuna Posts: 10
    I did thanks :3
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I suggest you check out the homeless soup kitchens in your city/county. A great many churches and homeless service providers serve free meals every day to people in need in the community. This would offer you the opportunity to eat meals other than what your mother prepares.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Your mother would accommodate you if you made things easy for her. Ask her what would work for her. For dinner skip the meat dish and eat a larger portion of vegetables, beans, nuts, dairy, eggs.
  • Maitria
    Maitria Posts: 439 Member
    I suggest you check out the homeless soup kitchens in your city/county. A great many churches and homeless service providers serve free meals every day to people in need in the community. This would offer you the opportunity to eat meals other than what your mother prepares.

    Yes, but for the homeless or those truly in need. That food and labor doesn't come from nowhere. Many providers would like to do more than they already do. Not only does OP seem to live at home, she's 19 and old enough to cook her own meals.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I assumed from the OP's post that there is some issue in her household that prevented her from cooking for herself, and that she had no money to eat at restaurants-- otherwise, isn't that what she would have already done?