the scale psyches me out......

anyone else? I started this challenge 12/30, and have been pretty good so far, but put my starting weight as the last weight i'd logged months ago. after all, how far off could I be? well, after 2+ weeks of behaving and working out, i gathered the courage, and lo and behold, was up 7 lbs from my initial 'assumed' weight.

In the past, that would have sent me into a tailspin. on the other hand, a good loss would have given me psychological permission to splurge. WTH!

I will prevail, and am curious, has anyone else experienced this midset? tips? thanks in advance....... DC

p.s. I have lost 100+ pounds, so i know HOW to do it, but need some help with the 'head game'. :D


  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I would ditch the scale and get a tape measure. Sometimes my scale doesn't move but I have lost inches on my waist or hips. Another great indicator would be to get your body fat percentage done.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I completely agree with Iceprincess. I've been the same weight since high school although I look significantly different now than I did then. Inches tell much more of the story than the scale.
  • dameCelina
    dameCelina Posts: 5 Member
    i used to keep track of inches, and was always impressed with the sheer change in size when i lost weight before.

    i sure appreciate the suggestion. going to get my tape measure out! thanks! DC
  • lotrisneat
    lotrisneat Posts: 36 Member
    I bought a pair of jeans a size too small on Black Friday. My weight has been stuck for over two months, but those jeans now fit me. The scale and I have personal issues.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    If you know that you have been doing all the right things, then just keep on keeping on. What else can you do? If you keep on sticking to it, the evil scale will eventually HAVE to give in. Stay strong! :wink:
  • dameCelina
    dameCelina Posts: 5 Member
    again, the encouragement really helps. thanks again ladies :D
