what do you love and hate !!!

What's something you hate about your old body ? Then tell me something you love about your (semi) new body or goal weight body . Just wondering:)

I hate having to wear a jacket or something to feel comfortable .
I love seeing my rolls go away now like 50 pounds still to goal , so it will only get better and better.


  • penelopeyvonne
    penelopeyvonne Posts: 97 Member
    Interesting comment about jackets from the OP! I know exactly how that feels and, even though I've now got some extremely smart, designer jackets (could never fit into the designer ones, they never made 'em that big!), I'm happy to NOT wear one, even with trousers - which was such a HUGE No-No! So, not wearing one today, even though I've brought my favourite Jaeger one in.

    What did I really hate? Being the fattest person (or almost - there was one bigger!) at my place of work. Now that I've lost all I have, I'm not the largest any longer, which is such a fantastic feeling.

    Hated the "back fat" which, although it's lessened, will (so I understand) never really go away...

    Hated the "apron" of fat on my stomach which - again - has lessened, still ruins the skinny-fit (wiggle?) skirts and dresses I love to wear now, to show off the curves (hence the need, still, for those jackets!). So I still hate that.

    I hate gaining back - and then losing - that same darn' 10lbs over the last few weeks. And then reaching a plateau and staying there for what seems like months (probably just weeks).

    What do I love? Mostly, the feeling of confidence, and the extra stamina I now have.

    Knowing that I only have between 15 and 20lbs before I reach goal (depending on the aforementioned "same 10lbs") and particularly knowing that I can AND WILL get there.

    Lastly - discovering that I really DO have willpower and self-determination to lose weight, and keep it off (even though I discovered a heretofor love of baked goods and a sweet tooth that I never had before!).

    Oh, and most of all, liking the New Me a lot more than I ever liked the Old Me, physically and emotionally :happy:
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    What I hated: wearing long pants and a cardigan ALL YEAR because I thought it would hide my fat. Even in 40 degree Celsuis weather - Id be rocking it..

    What I love: I wore shorts for the first time in probably 15 years in public a few weeks ago and I wasn't embarrassed!
  • cookiekrunch
    cookiekrunch Posts: 65 Member
    I hated buying ugly clothing in the plus size section just because they fit. Plus, I hated buying jeans and pants with elastic.
    I love shopping in the misses department and purchasing cute outfits that accentuate my new-found figure.
  • mommiejohnsonof6
    mommiejohnsonof6 Posts: 217 Member
    your post was all so motivational you all look great!!!!
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    I loved my body before and I love it now.

    I guess I hated just always being the bigger girl inmy group of friends. Average but not thin. I hated that.

    I love that I am generally one of the thinnest girls in a room now. I love that I can wear anything and look great!
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    I hated (still have a rocky relationship) with my arms and stomach. I love that my curves are more accentuated. I'm encouraged with my changes I am seeing and it is definitely an encouragement to lose the next 85 lbs.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    In the past I hated feeling like I had a spare tire literally. I still have a tummy bulge but it is like nothing compared to before (130 lb ago). I can look into a mirror and see the wind blowing my t-shirt tight against my stomach and the fat roll there would probably make a lot of slimmer women cringe so bad but I'm all like "WOW that is not bad, it is like a little sandwich worth of fat right there instead of a semi truck tire all the way around my body" LOL

    I love the way my back is very flat now and dishes in a lot at my lower back and then my bum is like BAM! Still quite large, hehe. My husband has complimented this so much that I have come to see it as an extremely good thing and not a flaw :-)
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
  • mommiejohnsonof6
    mommiejohnsonof6 Posts: 217 Member
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Hate & love:

    Since puberty I've had this fatty hump-like thing at the base of my neck, basically the top of my spine. Supposedly it's hereditary, usually women of eastern European descent have it, which I am not. Whatever, it's GROSS. I hate it, I think looks unfeminine. In the past when I lost weight it never went away so I figured it was just "thems the breaks kid" and I was stuck with it.

    I noticed the other day that It's gotten significantly smaller :) Someone's getting an asymmetrical bob this summer!
  • TasteofEnvy
    TasteofEnvy Posts: 123 Member
    I hated how much of a shadow my stomach used to cast....
    Now it still does, but it's almost gone :3 I can't wait for my stomach to be so flat there is no shadow.
    I also used to hate how I couldn't feel the bottom of my ribcage even when i was laying on my back...
    but now i can :)