Self Conscious at the Gym?

Hey everyone, i was thinking about this after a conversation with a co-Worker. Are you Self Conscious at the gym? I know i was/still am! It has improved for me alot. I used to only go on a treadmill cause i was "afraid" to workoutwith to many people around! but you know what, who cares! we all started somewhere! But its easier said then done, somedays i feel worse than others and somedays i feel like im all alone in the gym! How do you guys and girls cope with this? I personally love Music as it drowns everyone out, but i would love to hear some posotive feedback or even some tips on how you deal with it!! Always looking for motivation!! Thanks guys


  • yummyboogereaterr
    yummyboogereaterr Posts: 23 Member
    It's taken me a long time to really come to terms with my self confidence and physical appearance. It was only in the last couple months that I truly realized that we all have our own journeys and run our own races. What we do has nothing to do with anyone around us, we have no idea how they got to the point they're at and vice versa. It takes a lot to not compare yourselves to others but when I now look at people I'm not thinking, wow I'm running so much faster or God I know all these people are thinking I'm gross I'm just thinking about how far I've come and how excited I am to see how far I can go.
  • IamMCM
    IamMCM Posts: 122
    It's been a while since I've gone to the gym regularly, although I plan to start up again by next month. One of the perks that comes with reaching middle age is getting to that point where I just don't care what others think. They're free to think, make snarky comments, or do whatever else they wish. I'm free to ignore that and concentrate on what I'm doing for me. So nope, not self conscious here.

    I'm researching gyms to join and am boggled by Planet Fitness and their lunk obsession. Just as I don't care what others think of me, I can't imagine being upset at the sight of muscle bound guys with gallon water jugs grunting during their heavy lifts. Why do people care? Spend that energy concentrating on your own workout. If you'd rather spend it worrying about me or others in the gym, it's your loss.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Everyone at the gym is there because they want to improve their bodies and be better than they would be without the gym (even the super fit people). The only thing to be ashamed of in the gym is not giving it your all. =)
  • jasoncollins1985
    yeah i have been at the gym 3 weeks now and for the first week i mainly just did cardio downstairs away from the "fit people" upstairs lol!
    I have build a lot of confidence since and enjoy going up to the top with all the strength building aids and as everyone else says, i don't care what people think or say or do, we are there to better ourselves and complete our own goals.

    So do not worry about anything. Relax and enjoy your time there.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You will be very surprised to know how many people (strangers) at the gym don't spend time thinking about you.

    At. All.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Nope.. I walk around like I own the place.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    You will be very surprised to know how many people (strangers) at the gym don't spend time thinking about you.

    At. All.

    some do. but who cares either way just get in and do YOUR thing.

    if people want to stop, stare, judge, 'miring, etc dont make it your issue
  • SheGlows
    SheGlows Posts: 520 Member
    I used to be really self conscious. But then something clicked, and I wasn't anymore. Not just in the gym, but anywhere. I can't really tell you how that "click" happened, it just did! I'm really happy it did, too. I'm weird, and some people don't like that. But that's okay, because their opinions do not mean anything to me.

    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
  • ecphillips1286
    ecphillips1286 Posts: 331 Member
    Pretend your the only 1 there
    Keep goals in mind

    Just remember as stated above that everyone there wants to better themselves. Most do not judge. Many try to help especially with technique and such.

    If all else fails and your too self conscious about the others around you....pass some gas and they may leave :bigsmile: but that may back fire (no pun intended) and then you will be worse off then you started :blushing:
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    I used to just crank up my music and focus on me. But the truth is that after 2 years, I finally decided that it was better for me to spend the money and invest in home equipment. I truly think some people, like me, will never be truly comfortable at the gym no matter how silly it seems.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You will be very surprised to know how many people (strangers) at the gym don't spend time thinking about you.

    At. All.

    some do.

  • hippiefemme
    hippiefemme Posts: 35 Member
    Since starting at the gym in late February, I feel significantly more comfortable. Part of that is realizing, as others have said, that most people at the gym aren't worried about what I'm doing at all (and if anyone is, they really shouldn't be). The other part is becoming comfortable with the equipment. If you can, find a trainer at the gym or a buddy who is more familiar with whatever equipment your gym has.

    There have only been two times that I've judged/been concerned with anyone at the gym:
    1) A person who used equipment in a way that could have been extremely dangerous. Standing on things that aren't meant for that, hanging from bars that aren't meant to support full body weight in that way, etc.
    2) A person who sat on a recumbent bike and read a magazine for twenty minutes. Even then, I didn't know the situation, so I started thinking "maybe they're having an extended cool down" or "maybe they're waiting for their ride to pick them up, and they don't want to wait downstairs."

    Honestly, once you're comfortable in what you're doing, much of your self-consciousness will disappear.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    There have only been two times that I've judged/been concerned with anyone at the gym:
    1) A person who used equipment in a way that could have been extremely dangerous. Standing on things that aren't meant for that, hanging from bars that aren't meant to support full body weight in that way, etc.
    2) A person who sat on a recumbent bike and read a magazine for twenty minutes. Even then, I didn't know the situation, so I started thinking "maybe they're having an extended cool down" or "maybe they're waiting for their ride to pick them up, and they don't want to wait downstairs."

    Why on earth would you juse number 2?

    Sure, they could be cooling down or waiting for a ride. They could also be rehabbing an injury or have the resistance cranked waY up or be sick or taking an easy day or just starting out or a heart patient who is unable to get above a certain heart rate or any number of things.

    Why does it matter to you or put you in a place of superiority?
  • Rogue_Girl
    Rogue_Girl Posts: 36 Member
    Pretend your the only 1 there
    Keep goals in mind

    Just remember as stated above that everyone there wants to better themselves. Most do not judge. Many try to help especially with technique and such.

    This is exactly what I needed to read. You, sir, are brilliant.