Just a rant from a mom tired of fighting for her workout.



  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    This is odd for me to read. Why should you have to fight for anything in your own home? Fact is, if you're not trying to do it during Game of Thrones or something that they really really want to watch, it's YOUR DAMN TV.

    Make a time, tell them what it is. Make them go read a book or something.

  • MaiLinna
    MaiLinna Posts: 580 Member
    Have you tried telling them all to go **** themselves? All this time you've put into their development, his relationship with you and the children, their health, all their lives...and you can't have one hour a day?

    Seriously, I'd yell at them and tell them all to go take a flying leap.
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    You have the right to time to take care of yourself. They may whine and complain (including the big baby), but they will ajdust. Dig in your heels and insist on your time. They will also benefit from a healthier, happier you. As mothers, we are so used to putting our needs aside to take care of others, that it can be difficult to assert ourselves. They have to learn to share the tv and space until you are able to change your living situation.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    Can you look into something like You Are YOur Own Gym or get a set of dumbbells or kettlebells and find a routine that allows you to workout sans tv? When I finally got back into fitness I'd usually turn on an hour of cartoons for my kids to have some "rest time" (since they stopped napping), then I put together a dumbbell routine and some yoga progressions and just did one of those each day. The kids were absorbed and didn't bug me while I lifted. Best of luck to you! It's amazing sometimes how much everyone realises they need you as soon as you finally decide to take a little time for yourself :p
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I was wondering if you work as well? IS the only time you have to work out at 8 at night when the hubby gets home from a looonng shift???? Why cant you work out before he gets home or go for walks when he gets home without him or the kids???? nobody has even asked this here in this thread. What should he do when he gets off of work? My husband would never go for this either. He is however quite okay with me doing it IF it doesn't involve his chill out time before bed. Just saying the obvious.
  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    I'm feeling ya! I cant exercise other than walking/running when my youngest is awake cause it triggers a major meltdown (he's on the spectrum) And when I asked hubby to watch him for 40 mins 3 times a week so I can go for a run he kicked up the biggest stink, and wants to know when he can get 3 hours a week to himself away from the kids. (I'm a sahm so Im home with the youngest all day, and then up with him all night) So I'm just gonna start exercising at home in the hour between when the youngin goes to sleep and I do, and bring him in the pram on my runs.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    What about doing something like a walk/run on the weekends/when their dad is in, that way you get to break up your workout routine and the kids - the adult sized one too :P aren't on their own. Also I find running AMAZING for getting my head clear and you may as well make the most of the summer weather.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Can you pick a time when they will be asleep. otherwise they will just have to get used to it. One hour a day for self maintenance and sanity is not too much to ask. I am luckier as I use my laptop and have a screen attached so dont have to use the TV. My other half says I should cut it down to 1 work out a week. Found that quite amusing. Good Luck
  • Sherbear1109
    Sherbear1109 Posts: 155 Member
    To clarify, I use the T.V. because I use my Zumba with the Kinnect on my Xbox. Sure, I could do something else, but I like the Zumba and I think I should be able to use my Xbox for it. Besides, no matter what I do, they can't really watch T.V. if I'm working out because I would be blocking their view. Wasn't joking about the small house.

    Findingamy - Yes, I do work, but I work out of my house. It has it's perks and down falls just like any job. I DO workout in the MORNING. During the week I do it when the boys eat snack, as they tend to play well together right after. During the weekend I do it earlier. I allow myself enough time to have a cup of coffee and then I start my workout. When I start it, my 1 yo is usually the only one up. No matter what time it is though, within 5 - 10 minutes of starting my oldest and their dad are up and grumbling about my using the T.V. and having to wait or me to do my workout. Frankly, it's rather ridiculous. Hence the grumbling.
  • Sherbear1109
    Sherbear1109 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm feeling ya! I cant exercise other than walking/running when my youngest is awake cause it triggers a major meltdown (he's on the spectrum) And when I asked hubby to watch him for 40 mins 3 times a week so I can go for a run he kicked up the biggest stink, and wants to know when he can get 3 hours a week to himself away from the kids. (I'm a sahm so Im home with the youngest all day, and then up with him all night) So I'm just gonna start exercising at home in the hour between when the youngin goes to sleep and I do, and bring him in the pram on my runs.

    Did you tell him he gets 8 hours a day away from the kids? Lol I work at home, so I get where you're at with the kiddo attached to your hip 24/7. I don't think they understand how draining it can be to never be alone. That's the reaction I get when I actually ask to do anything alone, like say run to he grocery store w/o the kids. Good luck to you! Hope things get easier for you along the way. :-)
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    some suggestions
    -try a shorter workout (30 mins)
    -use your laptop in another room to run the video (I do this ALOT, so I dont hog the TV)
    -get up extra early before everyone else to do your workout (again, what I do most days)..or scheduale it around kids naptime,ect.
    and when I say early, Im talking, some days Ive gotten up at 4:30AM

    Sometimes...you just have to say $@(&% it and do your workout.
  • jbrownnolan
    jbrownnolan Posts: 72 Member
    Running shoes and the road. No gym membership, no TV, no husband, no kids. That's my gym.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I can relate. Hang in there. My husband had T.I.A.'s when our daughter was a 1yr old. So yes always taking care of all of them. My Mother-in-law just gifted us with a family gym membership. So awesome though I'm not sure how long it will last. :( My center has two hours of free daycare. So you may want to check into that when the time comes. As for me I'm trying to go everyday while I can.
    Before that was walking the neighborhood everyday or evening.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Once I decided to make myself the priority, I had no problems finding time to work out with 4 kids and a boyfriend.
  • hariharannarayanan
    hariharannarayanan Posts: 16 Member
    I am sorry, but I kinda empathize with your fiance and your kids. He is out from 4 AM till 8 PM on weekdays and you cut into his TV time on weekends just cause you enjoy zumba more than any other workout? Instead of staking your territory, i think its best if you went out of the house or did something else just for the weekend.
    I agree with everything else you say...about them not being very supportive of your fitness goals.
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    I feel for ya! As a mother of 5, I have to make it a priority or else my workout won't happen. Have you thought about finding something like running, walking, cycling, etc? That you can do outside of the home without the cost of a gym membership? I love cycling and have recently started the c25k. I ride/run on quiet country roads and it is truly the best part of my day. It is amazing what a little fresh air can do for you.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Can't he do something like "daddy story time" or "outside ball time" with the kids on the weekend? OMG he might have to spend an hour doing something with his kids.
  • Snail_Whale
    Snail_Whale Posts: 21 Member
    The kids getting annoyed is expected because they are kids. Of course they are going to get all huffy about it. But your guy needs to grow the hell up. You two really need to sit down and discuss this issue, because it may be less about TV time and more about other problems in your relationship. Like, him getting what he wants all the time, if that's the case.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    I'm feeling ya! I cant exercise other than walking/running when my youngest is awake cause it triggers a major meltdown (he's on the spectrum) And when I asked hubby to watch him for 40 mins 3 times a week so I can go for a run he kicked up the biggest stink, and wants to know when he can get 3 hours a week to himself away from the kids. (I'm a sahm so Im home with the youngest all day, and then up with him all night) So I'm just gonna start exercising at home in the hour between when the youngin goes to sleep and I do, and bring him in the pram on my runs.

    Did you tell him he gets 8 hours a day away from the kids? Lol I work at home, so I get where you're at with the kiddo attached to your hip 24/7. I don't think they understand how draining it can be to never be alone. That's the reaction I get when I actually ask to do anything alone, like say run to he grocery store w/o the kids. Good luck to you! Hope things get easier for you along the way. :-)

    Yeah, I am sure his 8 hours away from the kids is a vacation...