Already over :(

Already 139 cals over today and its only 4:30pm here :/ going for a hill run in a bit but no idea how many reps I'll be able to do cos it's only my first hill run :(


  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Stop worrying about it, there is more to it than just one day, just be a bit less tomorrow.
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    weight loss is more about weekly numbers than daily.

    just make up those extra kcals over the course of the next few days and you will be fine.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Stop worrying about it, there is more to it than just one day, just be a bit less tomorrow.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    Every day is a new day. Just keep on trying and don't worry about it. As mentioned already, it's more about the weekly count than daily anyway. Just work harder tomorrow and the rest of the week!