always over daily calorie consumed



  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I don't exercise,


    Hi you are doing a lot of the right things but ^^this is really basic. There are a lot of success stories here about people who have lost the weight and kept it off for good. Along the way many of them discovered exercise and now have a brand new lifestyle of workouts that keep them motivated.

    If your only goal is a number on the scale, chances are you will have difficulty. But, if you start adding some NSV goals (Non scale victories) such as walking pace, running distance, number of pushups, burpees, minutes of yoga etc. etc. etc - the journey becomes a lot more fun and a lot more interesting.

    Good luck! And keep checking in here :flowerforyou:
  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    This sounds pretty silly but one of the things that has helped me a ton is simply eating meat and veggies WITHOUT all the extra stuff that used to go along with meat and veggies.

    I used to add bread, cheese, sauces, butter, a side of potatoes as well as some soda at about 900-1000 calories.

    Now I just sit down with a turkey burger and some peas or broccoli and a small side of BBQ sauce for dipping flavor and get full off 350 calories.

    For me the above is tasty and delicious. There's nothing wrong with the stuff I cut out, it's just most of the things I dropped don't fill me up and have a ton of calories so they are best avoided while I am trying to lose weight. I think if you tried a simple lean protein and ample veggie approach you would probably find yourself full without struggling to hit calorie goals.
  • goinalltheway
    goinalltheway Posts: 8 Member
    I have went over 3476 cal for 5 days over a total of 6 days, they were random days not consecutive, I know exercise would help me greatly but I lack motivation to start or even keep going, I enjoy the way you feel after sweating sessions. I also have a 18 mnth old who I have to bring everywhere which makes it more difficult to just get up and go to the gym, Im a person who has to have major exertion during a workout to feel accomplished. I wish I had a physical partner to help motivate me with the exercising part, my spouse isn't a gym person, he's the type that gets on a machine for 5 minutes then gets off and walks around while I am on my gym machine. its frustrating to take him bc he just does nothing while I go to achieve something. I feel like he's pushing me to hurry up. I'd also like to try like HIIT training or weights but have no idea what to do, I guess its overwhelming, I would like to get the consistency of cardio at the gym down before starting weights. I know it takes a month or something like that to get a habit down, I also use a food scale to measure my food.
  • Bri_Becq
    Bri_Becq Posts: 146 Member
    I drink about 8 cups of fluid a day, mostly water.

    - What else are you drinking???
  • Andrea4456
    Andrea4456 Posts: 39 Member
    Try adding a side salad with every meal, or even as a snack. I notice that when I make salads part of my daily eating habit, I will unknowingly eat less (less calories).

    I'd also look at possibly doing a low-carb kick for a week to jump kick your new eating pattern. It'll give you the freedom to not worry about calories and at the same time it'll shrink your appetite (shrink your stomach as well).

    Every time I'm successful at dropping lbs and feeling great, it's when I start off with a week or two of low-carbing before I start counting calories. It helps me get off the sugar, without leaving me that "I'm hungry" feeling... b/c doing low carb, you're still able to eat if you wanna eat, it just has to be low-carb.

  • djmom1984
    djmom1984 Posts: 55 Member
    I agree. Add more vegetables and water, less wheat products. Also, plan ahead for the day what you intend to eat.
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    I have went over 3476 cal for 5 days over a total of 6 days, they were random days not consecutive, I know exercise would help me greatly but I lack motivation to start or even keep going, I enjoy the way you feel after sweating sessions. I also have a 18 mnth old who I have to bring everywhere which makes it more difficult to just get up and go to the gym, Im a person who has to have major exertion during a workout to feel accomplished. I wish I had a physical partner to help motivate me with the exercising part, my spouse isn't a gym person, he's the type that gets on a machine for 5 minutes then gets off and walks around while I am on my gym machine. its frustrating to take him bc he just does nothing while I go to achieve something. I feel like he's pushing me to hurry up. I'd also like to try like HIIT training or weights but have no idea what to do, I guess its overwhelming, I would like to get the consistency of cardio at the gym down before starting weights. I know it takes a month or something like that to get a habit down, I also use a food scale to measure my food.

    How are you going over 3476 calories in a day? What are you eating? I eat EVERYTHING I want to....I am not even trying to lose anything...and I could not come close to going 3476 calories over my daily. You need to plan your daily meals out ahead of time, add up the calories, adjust as necessary...then go for it. There is no reason for anyone to go over 3476 are just making terrible food choices. And exercise. If you cannot get to a gym, put that baby in a stroller and walk a mile. Next week walk two. When you get comfortable with the distance, run pushing the stroller. You can find a way to exercise if you are serious about wanting to be in shape and to lose weight.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Increase protein and lower carbs. You won't be nearly has hungry.

    I'm right at 200 pounds and I need to eat about 3300 to maintain my weight while losing bf very slowly. So you will need to adjust accordingly for your LBM.
  • goinalltheway
    goinalltheway Posts: 8 Member
    I drink about probably a cup of coffee in the morning, and depending on the mood, juice or milk, but I measure out a cup only.
  • bbardwell0916
    bbardwell0916 Posts: 33 Member
    Eat more times a day and not huge meals. Also, lower your goals at first then once your body has adjusted to it, you can raise them back up. I had to lower my goals to 1lb a week but lost 10lbs in two weeks. Don't forget to change your drinking habit too. If you drink soda, drink diet. Water is the best method though. The more water you drink, the more weight you will eventually lose. Also, exercise (even a small portion in the morning) will help you not feel so hungry. Keep yourself active throughout the day so you don't get those bored hungry moments :) Good Luck!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I have went over 3476 cal for 5 days over a total of 6 days, they were random days not consecutive, I know exercise would help me greatly but I lack motivation to start or even keep going, I enjoy the way you feel after sweating sessions. I also have a 18 mnth old who I have to bring everywhere which makes it more difficult to just get up and go to the gym, Im a person who has to have major exertion during a workout to feel accomplished. I wish I had a physical partner to help motivate me with the exercising part, my spouse isn't a gym person, he's the type that gets on a machine for 5 minutes then gets off and walks around while I am on my gym machine. its frustrating to take him bc he just does nothing while I go to achieve something. I feel like he's pushing me to hurry up. I'd also like to try like HIIT training or weights but have no idea what to do, I guess its overwhelming, I would like to get the consistency of cardio at the gym down before starting weights. I know it takes a month or something like that to get a habit down, I also use a food scale to measure my food.

    I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here. Did you exceed your daily total by 3,476 calories each day? Or did you exceed your 5 day total by 3.476, which would be about 700 cals over target each day? There's a big difference there.

    I also think your 2 lb/week weight loss goal may be a bit aggressive and difficult to manage when you have a young child. You may have better luck with a more conservative 1lb/week goal. but by having realistic goals that you can adhere to, you may be able to avoid some of the pitfalls that come with aggressive targets. Things like, "well I'm already over, might as well just eat whatever I want now" or "I'm making poor choices so I'm not going to log it because I don't want to know".

    It also would be helpful for people if you would open up your diary, people may be able to make more specific suggestions for you.

    Good luck.
  • goinalltheway
    goinalltheway Posts: 8 Member
    its not a day, over 5 days so its about 695 cal a day! I log everything but at the end of the day I get discouraged about my eating habits,
  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I'm not sure how many total calories you're eating in a day but first 2 lbs a week is aggressive so I'd start by switching to 1lb per week. I would also suggest eating every 2-3 hours, this doesn't mean a full meal but instead you snack in between meals. Say you have oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, about 2 hours later have some greek yogurt with or without fruit your choice. Then when it's time for lunch make sure you have veggies and protein on your plate. In the afternoon have another snack, I tend to drink an afternoon latte gives me some dairy and protein and gives me just enough to get through to dinner but sometimes I go for the apple and/or rice cake with peanut butter or sometimes flavored almonds. For dinner make sure you've got protein and veggies on the plate and some whole grains. I don't snack typically after dinner but if you're a person that needs dessert keep some sugar free jello or pudding in the fridge.

    As far as exercise you don't need the gym to get in movement. You have an 18 month old so use that to your advantage. I'm assuming he/she is walking so make a game of chasing each other around the house, when it's nap time do a video (either DVD or online). It costs nothing to do push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks you just need to put that as a priority on your list. YOU are worth it!

    I hope all these words of other MFP's will help you find your way.
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    its not a day, over 5 days so its about 695 cal a day! I log everything but at the end of the day I get discouraged about my eating habits,

    Logging is the only way to go. If you didn't log you wouldn't know you are going over. Keep logging and you will realize that you cannot continue to go over if you want to lose. Set aside a cheat day every 7 to 12 days for a reward.
  • japaneseboy
    japaneseboy Posts: 26 Member
    Try intermittent fasting (e.g. eat only between 12 pm and 8 pm) and drink lots of water.
    Eat less calorie dense food.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    I can't see your food journal but I would tell you to maybe start out at 1/2 pound a week or 1 lb and work from there because you can gradually go down. Some people just can't handle the sudden drop in calories, especially if you were eating like 3000-4000 before and then you want to do like 1500 (not saying you are just an example?).
    Also, you need to keep in mind that it could take 30 minutes before your brain tells you you're full and if the foods you're eating are full of fat and small portions, they may not properly reach the "full" signals built into your belly. (google it, its a real thing).
    I would also not advise eating until completely full, the Japanese have a way of eating called Hara Hachi bu meaning eat until 80% full. That's one of the many ways they stay lean.

    Good luck ^_^
  • Iljkmittaa
    Iljkmittaa Posts: 20 Member
    Cut off all the unnecesary stuff like cakes or ice-cream - that means to limit as much as possible your intake of empty calories and replace them with healthy snacks like fruits, vegetables or milk.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    This is something that was said to me when I used to say I wanted to lose weight - but kept a laundry list of excuses why I couldn't make it happen:

    When you are ready to lose the weight and get healthy - you will.

    I thought the person was just being rude and certainly not very helpful. Guess what? Turns out, they were spot on. Once I made up my mind I wanted to be healthy, I got rid of all the excuses about doing it and started making it happen.

    Read this link and then set up a doable plan for yourself. Losing weight is about being in a calorie deficit. That's it. Exercise helps and certainly has wonderful benefits - but if you truly don't have the time or inclination - then don't.

    Best of luck!
  • Hegemone
    Hegemone Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, just wondering if I can ask you what you mean by full:
    do you mean full, like your stomach is full of food and that's a good, satisfying feeling?
    Or by full do you mean: you fee as though you have eaten enough to have energy, you do not feel lethargic, your blood sugar feels stable, and you are not feeling hungry?
    Best wishes for feeling well!
  • letthetrexout
    letthetrexout Posts: 10 Member
    No one ever finishes a workout and thinks "Ooof. I shouldn't have done that."