Stationary Bike + Elliptical

I have both of these machines in my house and was basically wondering if they are enough?

Here's what they look like




I've been slowly building up time on them by adding 10 minutes each week until I can do 30 on one and 30 on the other, in a row. Don't know if this is relevant, but I've been eating very small meals every 2 hours because of GERD/no gallbladder, so 6 a day. Anyway, I was hoping these machines would be enough along with small weights to hold while using the bike (eventually, when I build up enough endurance) to lose about a pound or half a pound a week.


  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    Honestly, at an appropriate calorie deficit, someone would typically be able to achieve that weight loss without the exercise. I am all for getting in some good cardio each day though. I have found that my walks have helped me out with just my overall ability to breath. I also like to not feel guilty if I go over my calories a little and having workout calories on my charts that keep me in the green. Everyone is a little different though and you have to find the right grove for you and your body. :)

    P.S. Glad to have you as a new friend here on MFP!

    Edit: Random tidbit about me after Googling GERD. I am not diagnosed with anything of the like, but I get similar symptoms with increasing frequency as my weight goes up. As I have been loosing weight, I have found that these issues are dissipating slowly. Not saying this journey will solve the problem, but it may help some. :)
  • Rivethead
    Rivethead Posts: 9
    Thanks! Yeah, being winded is my main kryptonite. GERD sucks but smaller meals spread out really helps keep the acid and nausea to a minimum. If I get to a healthy BMI, the symptoms should be negligible. Some other bad conditions make it hard to lose without working out, so I gotta get my heart pumping :)

    Thanks for the add~ :D