the perfect workout plz?

Hello all. I know one workout doesn't fit every body type or every human being. However I have been working out a few times a week for 2 weeks, eating at a 500 cal deficit, but haven't lost any weight or inches. I've asked around and done my own research and they all say differently. Cardio is a must! Circuit training is best! High intensity interval training works best! Walking alone will do it! Resistance training is a must!

Well which is it for me?! I'm 5 foot 4 inches and weigh 130. Some people will say I don't need to lose cuz im a healthy BMI and they're right, I'm healthy in that sense. However I have love handles and a belly that's very noticeable to me. I want my flat tummy baxk. Many people say it has nothing to do with exercise, only with eating. But I've BEEN eating healthy and at or a tiny bit over my goal. Obviously I'm impatient because I've never dealt with this before and I figured since I don't have much to lose to begin with, it'd come off faster.

I've been doing yoga almost every day, the fat burning kind not the super slow meditation type. I've been walking almost 2 miles a day, minus a few in between when I just can't fit it in. I was doing 10 minute of circuit training, a circuit I got off nerdfitness thanks to a mfp members tip. My watch and mfp calculator says I burn a lot of calories doing those things. I'm only taking it as an estimate though cuz i know that's all it really is.

I was told I can eat my cals back then I was told I shouldn't. Sooo which is? I've read the mfp links that are the starters pages. I know i need to pay more attention to my body than what things say or other people suggest, and I'm doing so. I feel great. Better than I've felt in years. I'm a 23 year old mom of a 3 year old who up until a few weeks ago was sedentary basically aside from what I did with my toddler, like running around like crazy. I also ate a box or more of cookies a day, I have depression, it was bad, but its getting better already from eating healthy and working out.

I never looked at calories til now so now that I've seen how many calories I was eating in cookies alone every day, it makes me sick and wonder how I didn't gain 50 instead of only 7 lbs.

I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing , but tel me someone, what exercise DO I need to do to help the fupa and the love handles? I know there's no spot work out, can't target one thing or place. Just asking what I should be doing exercise wise?


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    what exercise DO I need to do to help the fupa and the love handles? I know there's no spot work out, can't target one thing or place. Just asking what I should be doing exercise wise?

    The standard fat-loss plan of doing full-body strength training and a calorie deficit. For non-strength activities, pick whatever you want. All activities burn calories, so they all help.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Based on your previous thread about burning 300 calories from walking .... verify your exercise burns. Too many people here over estimate their exercise burns and under estimate their caloric intake.
  • RachelAngel01
    RachelAngel01 Posts: 77 Member
    The perfect workout is the one you do consistently. For more than a couple of weeks. All you need is patience.
  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    A couple discussion points here.

    Exercise: Exercise will help prime your body or help augment fat loss but fat loss starts with your nutrition plan. Exercise goals should be something other than weight loss, something like you want to run a mile faster, just general good physical shape, you want to be better able to handle a physical job, athletic goals, strength goals, etc, etc.

    Diet: Diet is walk will make or break your weight loss goals. Your diet should be something you can sustain long-term. If you can't see yourself (be honest with yourself) doing this 5 years from now then don't do it. Diet at as many calories possible. For you, I calculate your maintenance with 3-days of exercise to be approximately 1700 calories / day. A 500 calorie deficit is almost a 30% calorie deficit, that's pretty substantial.

    Just my opinion here... If I were going to setup training I would say to start with something like StrongLifts5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women, do some high-intensity intervals 3 to 4 times per week. Nutrition wise, my suggestion would be to start at 1615 calories (5% deficit) and see how your weight loss goes from there. Try that for two weeks and see what happens. If nothing, drop another 5% (1530), and go from there. You could also try some other variable such as carb-cycling and do low-carb early in the week which could help your insulin sensitivity and move-up to a more "normal" carb consumption later in the week. Or even low-carb on non-training days and "normal" carbs on training days.

    1615 calorie diet
    protein: 1 x 130 = 130 grams or 520 calories
    fat: 28% * 1615 = ~50 grams or 452 calories
    carbs: the difference of 1615 & fat / pro = ~160 grams or 643 calories

    Again, that is all my opinion based on what I've studied in school via research journals and other PhD's in nutritional studies but you should find what works best for you.

    Edit: Oh, and there is no eating-back of exercise calories here; that's a ridiculous concept made popular to sell crap like HRM's.
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    You dont want to lose weight, you want to lower your body fat percentage. Up your calories so that your deficit is half what it is now to keep from losing more muscle, make sure you're getting plenty of protein, and start a full body strength program. You don't have to lift weights, but it will probably give you the fastest results. Look at StrongLifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women.
  • what exercise DO I need to do to help the fupa and the love handles? I know there's no spot work out, can't target one thing or place. Just asking what I should be doing exercise wise?

    The standard fat-loss plan of doing full-body strength training and a calorie deficit. For non-strength activities, pick whatever you want. All activities burn calories, so they all help.

    Ok, WHAT is specifically strength training then because I need to know if I've been doing any of it or not. I have a ymca membeship but haven't used it yet cuz i haven't had time and still have yet to find it. What is strength I can do at home
  • You dont want to lose weight, you want to lower your body fat percentage. Up your calories so that your deficit is half what it is now to keep from losing more muscle, make sure you're getting plenty of protein, and start a full body strength program. You don't have to lift weights, but it will probably give you the fastest results. Look at StrongLifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    So basically I have to go to a gym for strength training? Damn idk how the hell I'm ever gonna find the time... ****. Also, if I up my calories how do I change that on mfp so it's not showing me going 250 over every day cuz i like using their diary but it has me set at 1200 right now and I've tried upping the exercise or weight loss weekly numbers and it's always given me the same 1200 no matter what. So how can I change my numbers on here to match me being able to eat more calories a day? And I don't think I'm losing muscle cuz i have none to lose but a few ppl have told me i need to eat more so I don't lose the wrong weight. However, I DO want to lose the 5 lbs at least cux I don't fee healthy at 130 a
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    The perfect workout is the one you enjoy and can stick with :D
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    OP ... how tall are you?
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Look up "Ashtanga Primary series" - there's the perfect workout right there.

    - of course; I'm biased!
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    Ok, WHAT is specifically strength training then because I need to know if I've been doing any of it or not.
    What is strength I can do at home

    "Strength training" has different definitions, but usually it's an exercise where you get fatigued after around 10 repetitions (as opposed to 100s of repetitions, like with cardio). For a simple program you can do at home, Google "Nerd Fitness beginner body weight program"
  • Stage14
    Stage14 Posts: 1,046 Member
    You can manually change your calorie goal itself under Goals (I beliebe that is where it is) instead of changing the weightloss rate. Find a TDEE calculator online (scooby's workshop has a pretty good one) and include your exercise in the activity level you pick (1 to 3 hours per week light exercise, or whatever fits you). Set your calorie goal to be 80% or 85% of that number. Don't eat back exercise calories witb this number because they are already figured in.

    For strength training, Google you are your own gym or other body weight exercises. As long as you keep progressively challenging yourself, it will work just fine.
  • Based on your previous thread about burning 300 calories from walking .... verify your exercise burns. Too many people here over estimate their exercise burns and under estimate their caloric intake.
    And how do I do that
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    The perfect workout is doing the activities and workouts you enjoy and mixing it up for results and not boredom.
  • You can manually change your calorie goal itself under Goals (I beliebe that is where it is) instead of changing the weightloss rate. Find a TDEE calculator online (scooby's workshop has a pretty good one) and include your exercise in the activity level you pick (1 to 3 hours per week light exercise, or whatever fits you). Set your calorie goal to be 80% or 85% of that number. Don't eat back exercise calories witb this number because they are already figured in.

    For strength training, Google you are your own gym or other body weight exercises. As long as you keep progressively challenging yourself, it will work just fine.

    I already did tdee calculator and it shows 1830 as my tdee, so 80% of that would be 1464. So I should change my calorie goal to that? But when I add my exercise to my diary it'll make my number larger through the day cuz it'll give me them back, so I should I not pay attention to that? And I guess I'm not really challenging myself enough cuz i can't find the time to do a legit workout. Like I've done that nerd fitness circuit training and make it to 3 reps which is only 10 minutes, but I'll start doing more or look up the info u gave me. Thanks
  • The perfect workout is doing the activities and workouts you enjoy and mixing it up for results and not boredom.

    WELL I GUESS I haven't found that yet then lol cuz i only enjoy walking and jogging honestly
  • tl;dr: The perfect workout is the Hawaii Chair

    The Hawaii chair is a thread or a workout found online?
  • Ok, WHAT is specifically strength training then because I need to know if I've been doing any of it or not.
    What is strength I can do at home

    "Strength training" has different definitions, but usually it's an exercise where you get fatigued after around 10 repetitions (as opposed to 100s of repetitions, like with cardio). For a simple program you can do at home, Google "Nerd Fitness beginner body weight program"
    I am doing nerd fitness the circuit training one, but is that dif than the one you're talking about? I guess I didn't really browse his website cuz i was told circuit twining was the most important. So should I just leave cardio out except for walking and jogging?
  • OP ... how tall are you?

    5 4
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    The perfect workout is a Mountain Bike ride. Period. The end.