Grrrr... Argh! New and need motivation!

Hi everyone! I'm new here so really have no idea what I'm doing but thought this would be a good place to start. My story: 43, divorced, mom of 3 boys, work full time, in committed relationship, he also has 3 boys. Yeah. I'm at my heaviest right now at 195 lb. I thought I could handle it until I saw pics of myself in a bathing suit yesterday and I almost died. I couldn't believe that was me!! 3 years ago, I was about 147 lbs and felt and looked pretty good. I'm a huge stress eater and have a very sedentary job, so I know how it happened, I just can't believe I let it happen. I am so embarrassed to be seen by old friends and I am embarrassed for my boyfriend because the person he started dating looked a whole lot different. I like who I am on the inside - I'm fun, happy, loving, caring, but I look and feel like crap. I can feel the effects of the weight on my bones and digestive systems, not to mention the mental anguish. That should be enough to motivate me, right?? I want to be healthy and active for my boys. They need me to be. There's motivation right there. But I'm a poor meal planner. And when stress hits me, it's straight to the vending machine or nearest place to eat sweets. I'm totally addicted to sugar. And it's like I know exactly what I need to do to start losing, but I would rather sleep.

So to those of you reading this - what got you started? How did you begin your journey to a healthier you??
Best wishes to you all...


  • cecarry1
    cecarry1 Posts: 18
    I totally feel your pain. My version is similar only I had a series of orthopedic surgeries that basically retrained me to be sedentary. Two years ago I was playing soccer in college, and I at least enjoyed exercising. Now I get so depressed after working out to the point that I dread it. My shrink is playing with my meds to help straighten that issue out, but in the meantime I'm trying to get motivation using the EveryMove app. I usually reward myself with food, so this app gives me an alternate way of rewarding myself for healthy living. I'm trying to use Medifast meals during the day to stay away from other snacks. Just to jump start some weight loss. I've tried doing it long-term, and I got even more depressed and had no energy.
  • vnratc
    vnratc Posts: 1
    Hello there. For me personally, sport has to be fun in the first place. And it is most of the time. For instance, I like speed, so cycling charges me with adrenaline, it's like a small roller-coaster made with your own hands for yourself. Rollerblading - the same: smooth, nice skating along embankment with a gourgeous urban view - that's what makes me do it over and over again. Sport apps like Runtastic kinda motivate too. It bacomes some sort of a game: you are fighting not your lazyness, but those numbers in statistics on the website. Reviewing your recent activities is a real pleasure)! Go for it, have fun while doing sports! Cheers.
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! I'm 44 and have 3 children as well that keep me extremely busy. I really don't have a fascinating story about why I decided to get healthier. I just know that as I get older, its going to be harder to lose and maintain...may as well get ahead of the game if I can.

    I have met some wonderful people on MFP. They are encouraging, motivating and help me stay accountable for my actions...and my actions, both good or bad, affect only me. Feel free to add me as a friend if you are looking for support. Good luck to you on your journey!!
  • I would suggest the book "The Eat Clean Diet Recharged" by Tosca Reno. Easy read, tons of yummy recipes, simple meal plans, inspiring stories, and life-changing advice. Seriously, buy it used on Amazon, you won't regret it!
  • KristenSnider77
    KristenSnider77 Posts: 18 Member
    Its frustrating, im in the same boat and hear you. 37 years old, office job, 5'4" and 170 lbs...i use to be 125lbs and now i jiggle when i laugh and dont fit into any of my clothes and fill like a huge blob. I was depressed, and it was affecting my marriage...i didnt want him touching me because i was ashamed of myself. I no longer felt proud walking into a room...i felt embarassed. I got myself a fitbit, and started tracking my steps...then started tracking the food i was eating to see just how much crap i was putting into my body. This spurred me to eat was a game to me...lets see how many calories i take in today and how many i can burn. I joined the gym, and started on the treadmill in the womens only part of the gym...then signed up for a personal trainer trial. After the trial, i sucked it up and decided to sign up for 6 my trainer. He is easy to get along with, doesnt make it seem hopeless and is easy on the eyes even...hahah a little extra motivation there. But i find with having the set time/appointments, it makes it easier to go and dedicate. The more i go, the more of a routine i get into. Already i am feeling like i have more energy, am happier and like i am accomplishing something. I havent lost any weight yet...i have gained a few pounds, but am told that this is normal as muscle weighs more. I can feel it around my ribs though...more slender, and am walking with more of a bounce in my step :) I wish you luck, and am sending you positive vibes and energy :) We are worth it.
  • jsorell62
    jsorell62 Posts: 5 Member
    I just started on this system yesterday myself I'm 51 and never seem to be able to keep on a diet. I feel different about this program it's nice to have such a great support system with everyone who is on this. Good luck to you seem to have the determination it takes for this journey. I weigh the same and I'm hoping for a 40 lb lose so keep in touch
  • bellemass2
    bellemass2 Posts: 1 Member
    I saw a picture of myself as well, and started Clean eating! I actually have to plan my meals around my work schedule, the hubby's schedule and 3 kids. It is hard to motivate myself but I come here! Keep it up!! you will do great!
  • PaulaKac
    PaulaKac Posts: 79 Member
    How did I begin my journey, you ask?? I started, plain and simple. I logged on to MFP. I logged everything I put into my mouth, good or bad. It was right there for me to see. I starting eating more fresh fruit and fresh vegetables and less can and boxed food.

    I measure my food. If I want to eat out I check to see if the calories fit into my daily account. If it's too much and I still want it, I eat less of it.

    As for water intake, I fill my containers at the start of the day. If I'm falling behind, I can see it, and make a conscious effort to drink more.

    Most important for me is to log everyday. Good Luck on your journey :-)
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Holly...I understand being a poor meal planner. My 3 kids keep me hopping daily and it was too easy to hit a drive thru on the way to volleyball practice or a soccer game. I do my grocery shopping and meal planning on Sundays, which seem to be the slowest day for us (not always). I buy in bulk and freeze. It's a little easier right now because my kids are out of school and I can call the 15yo and have her get pork chops out of the freezer for dinner. As for my meals, I always have a refrigerator full of fresh veggies and cut them up on Sunday. Perfect for salads, quick snack or as a side dish with our meals.

    Not sure if you work outside of the home or not but I prepare weekly lunches on Sunday night too and pack my lunch each night before going to bed. I also take my snacks to work. This has not only saved me calories but a lot of money as well. I try to live by the motto: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If I dont do my lunches on Sunday night, I'll hit every drive thru in town for lunch. Good luck!
  • juditdell
    juditdell Posts: 32
    Hello and welcome:) totally understand your frustration;)
    I am 34 with 2 kids and an office job... I am also 195, the heaviest I have been, including my pregnancies.
    I also think it "should be so easy to get motivated" but in reality it is not.
    I have been here for 1 week and so far, it is the best thing I have done in a long time. these guys are great, there are always people online who can help you stay on track:)

    Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend, I would love to help when you need it:)
  • Hey Holly,

    right there with ya. I've struggled with depression and anxiety since I was a teenager. I got married, became pregnant, had our son, then postpartum knocked me out. My depression and anxiety was worse than it had ever been and most days moving was out of the question. I took care of the baby but nothing else. Thankfully I have a wonderful new doctor who has me on new medications that work, an incredibly caring and patient husband , and the grace of God to help me get to a healthy place where I can function normally most days. 50ish pounds seems daunting but I'm pretty positive I can stick with MFP. Being in the process of losing weight will feel better than how I feel now! I'd love to be friends! We're all in this together!
  • kipper5
    kipper5 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Holly,

    I started because I realized that I was thinking about my weight gain several times a day and thought - why don't I put my energy into doing instead of lamenting. Even if you are simply counting calories you can lose weight. They say diet is 80 % and exercise is 20 %. And you never know- once you start losing weight you will feel more energetic and want to make time for exercise even if it is only 20 minutes a day. I am doing a Jillian Michael's DVD right now and find her super motivating!!

    Best of luck- and feel free to add me as a friend.

  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    When I turned 49 I decided I wanted to be healthier by the next birthday for the big 50.
    I didn't make it to my goal so here I am still trying everyday.
    Good luck to you.
  • Holly2353
    Holly2353 Posts: 3
    Thank you, everyone! So glad I found you! I will be on here regularly for advice and inspiration! Getting started is the hardest part. I know once I start moving, I'll feel so much better. Also going to start planning better and prepping healthy snacks to grab and go. This will only benefit me and the kids as they all start fall sports. Best wishes to you all! We can do this!
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    Keeping the food journal on MFP was a big eye opener for me. I think it made a huge difference at the start of my transformation to see on paper what I actually ate during a day. At the same time i started tracking my food I did join the local gym and started to weight train 3x times a week. I don't have much motivation for cardio work so I did not do much there but I would like to add something like walking in the evenings just to unwind. My kids are teens so it was easy to find one hour a few times a week for myself. Probably the most motivation was that I was finally, after years of doing things for the family, doing something for myself that I enjoyed when I was younger. That along with how eating better and working out made me feel have kept me motivated. I would say think of yourself and you will feel motivated.