Please help!!

Alright so I know a lot of you have been in your own weight loss or fitness journey for way longer than me so I’m hoping one of you can help us.

Basically we seem to have hit a plateau. We're maintaining weight, not losing. :(

Started Insanity on June 2nd although we had made changes to our diet and started couch to 5k training prior to that.

The problem is it's been over 2 months (1 1/2 since starting Insanity) and we've barely seen any improvement. On the contrary, we've actually gained some weight and have mostly maintained it week after week. We've only lost about 2-3 inches overall.

Before you say “In weight loss there’s a lot of ups and downs and you’re gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat…” yeah I understand that but last year when we were doing pretty much the same thing we lost 20lbs in the first 2 months! And we also lost about 15 inches overall each.

My fiancee's brother has been doing the program with us and he’s way heavier so he’s definitely seen some results but it seems to be slowing down as well. Which is funny because everyone says that they lost the most weight during month 2 of Insanity but it doesn’t seem to be working for us. Last year I didn’t even make it to the 2nd month. I was doing 30 day shred and then month 1 of Insanity and I still lost a lot of weight and now that we’re doing harder and longer workouts we’re not losing any!

We’ve cut our calories, we workout harder and longer, we’re even more active during the weekends (riding bikes, hiking, kayaking, etc) than we used to be, but nothing seems to change. Any ideas on what we can do to change this? Any help is appreciated.


  • It might be your macros. I wouldn't cut calories just yet. If you cut too much calories your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down.

    I would suggest cutting down on carbs, and upping protein and fats. If I'm right Insanity has like 40% protein 40% Carbs 20% fats. So I would suggest switch to something like 50% protein, 25% Carbs, 25% fats. Look at your macro nutrition before deciding if you need to cut calories.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So what you did before worked well for you and what you are doing now works less well. It sounds like what changed is that you push yourself harder and you try to eat even less.

    Out of curiosity why would you change what was working? Perhaps you should go back to what worked for you more and exercise less.

    Honestly you probably are losing fat you are just retaining water because you are putting your body under severe stress...if you ease up a bit you'll probably see a big whoosh of weight loss. Now that is just water weight so you have a choice whether you care or not, you can just soldier on and the weight will come off eventually. Sounds like you are pushing yourself harder than you enjoy though so might not hurt to ease up a bit.
  • Tsuki11
    Tsuki11 Posts: 4
    We're not using the eating plan that comes with Insanity, we never have because we like more options.

    I guess we figured that since we stopped working out for over 6 months we should work a bit harder to get back into shape. Our calorie intakes have not changed much from that first time, although I'm starting to think we might be eating too little while working harder and longer than before. I was thinking maybe we need to up our calorie intake. Or maybe you're right and we need to cut back on our exercise a little to match our calorie intake.

    If it's just us retaining water then damn it doesn't seem to want to leave us! lol
  • Tsuki11
    Tsuki11 Posts: 4
    Guess I should've used this reply button, oops