Back at it again.. need support

Hi, Im 33 yr old mom of 2 boys. on the verge of a divorce as well and really just want to better myself all around. I was on this site 2 years ago and whatever I lost I have gained back and some from stress etc. Looking to rebuild my MFP support system that keep me going on the right path I am so tired of failing at this damn weight loss, I love food and its hard to give up on my chips and fried crap.. I have terrible Acid reflux, as well as IBS and Im hoping this will get me back on track with being healthy and eventually being able to indulge when I can. Add me and we can support each other.


  • mystified75
    Hi there! I'm a 39 yr old mom of a 17th month old and she keeps me on my toes. I can only imagine how it is with two boys!! What ages are they? I'm sorry to hear your marriage is on the rocks. The stress from that alone can be VERY taxing on a person's body. What types of workouts are you currently doing or have you done in the past?
  • adamgoleafs87
    adamgoleafs87 Posts: 129 Member
    I am back at it as well, bit of a different situation though. I injured my back, gave up on eating right and put about 40 back on. Feel free to add me, we can help each other!
  • escile6
    escile6 Posts: 59 Member
    My boys are 2 and 3 keeps me very busy. I currently just walk when I find the time. How about you? Do you find the time?
  • MandiS80
    MandiS80 Posts: 127 Member
    Back at it again myself... hoping to be able to stick to it this time. I'm 34, mother of 14 year old daughter. My doctor very nicely told me that I was fat and had to do something about it ASAP! I had my yearly physical today and weighed in at 244!!! I'm 5' 8" and I don't actually FEEL as fat as I look, which I find weird. Doc says it's because I've accepted this for myself. I gave away all my skinny clothes thinking there was not a chance in hell I'd be in them again. She's also sending me to a behavioral therapist who specializes in weight management. Maybe this is the wake up call that I needed?
    I dug out my fitbit, only to find it no longer works so I'm off to get a new one tomorrow.
    Best of luck to all of you folks, the road ahead of us is bumpy but we can all make it with some support.
  • patbrown57
    Support here!