What's your motivation?



  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    setting a good example for my kids
  • I am doing it 100% for others. Left only with myself, I wouldn't care. I'm doing it first for God, then also for my husband (so I don't get health related problems I can prevent), my children and because we want to have more babies and I want to be as healthy as possible for pregnancy.

    I very much agree. I started out wanting to do this for God because I would have no confidence or energy to go where He wants to me to go or talk to people He wants me to talk to if I stayed at the weight I was/am. God loves me no matter what I weight but He wants the best for me!
  • I couldn't give a fuc& what anybody thinks, if you're not doing this for you you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

    Oh believe me sir. I am doing this for me. I'm proving MYSELF wrong while proving everyone else wrong too. When I walk into a store and buy a smaller pair a jeans, that's all about and for me. Rewards come in different areas of life. Whether it's smaller clothes or a second glance from an old friend, progress happens.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    So that I can feel really good about myself going back to uni in October, and because I love how I feel good when I'm comfortable with my weight.
  • sheiscute22
    sheiscute22 Posts: 10 Member
    I’m doing this for myself. It’s not my fault I live in a phony, materialistic society that demands good health (it’s cheaper in the long run), beautiful people and dogs that like to run. It’s also not my making that my brain works better when I pay close attention to what I put into my mouth and move my body. But now I’m willing to do what needs to be done to be part of the very culture I disapprove of. (One that never learned that you never end a sentence with a preposition.) Many years ago, when the self-help movement began, one of the mantras was, “Only saying YES to your goal “. Never say NO to what you don’t want. “ No” creates negative events in your life. Like “I can’t be a physically attractive woman that other people admire because that is a superficial value." Guess what? Whatever works!!! I refused for years to take my weight seriously because I felt so bad about myself that I couldn’t conjure up a beautiful picture of myself that could draw me toward it. As a result, I slowly gained and gained and now I have 100 lbs. to lose. I could just give up, but, I love beautiful clothes, compliments from other people and laughing and feeling part of the group, among many other normal activities. All attributes that many people in my hippie generation disapproved of. Well, I didn’t choose this culture. And there are lots of changes I would make. But the reality is that people don’t pay attention to fat people. More often than not, they don’t even see you and if they do, they don’t give credibility to your words because they have prejudged you on your excessive weight and assume that you are lazy and not very bright. I no longer want to experience the feeling that your friends are embarrassed to sit at a table in a restaurant with you. I long ago lost touch with the girl under the heavy shell and I want to get to know her again. And I’m willing to be “phony” and “superficial” for a while to help her emerge from her hiding place and perhaps help others to emerge.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    I’m doing this for myself. It’s not my fault I live in a phony, materialistic society that demands good health (it’s cheaper in the long run), beautiful people and dogs that like to run. It’s also not my making that my brain works better when I pay close attention to what I put into my mouth and move my body. But now I’m willing to do what needs to be done to be part of the very culture I disapprove of. (One that never learned that you never end a sentence with a preposition.) Many years ago, when the self-help movement began, one of the mantras was, “Only saying YES to your goal “. Never say NO to what you don’t want. “ No” creates negative events in your life. Like “I can’t be a physically attractive woman that other people admire because that is a superficial value." Guess what? Whatever works!!! I refused for years to take my weight seriously because I felt so bad about myself that I couldn’t conjure up a beautiful picture of myself that could draw me toward it. As a result, I slowly gained and gained and now I have 100 lbs. to lose. I could just give up, but, I love beautiful clothes, compliments from other people and laughing and feeling part of the group, among many other normal activities. All attributes that many people in my hippie generation disapproved of. Well, I didn’t choose this culture. And there are lots of changes I would make. But the reality is that people don’t pay attention to fat people. More often than not, they don’t even see you and if they do, they don’t give credibility to your words because they have prejudged you on your excessive weight and assume that you are lazy and not very bright. I no longer want to experience the feeling that your friends are embarrassed to sit at a table in a restaurant with you. I long ago lost touch with the girl under the heavy shell and I want to get to know her again. And I’m willing to be “phony” and “superficial” for a while to help her emerge from her hiding place and perhaps help others to emerge.

    Starting with all this negativity, anger and stereo typing is no way to start a new healthier more positive version of yourself. Many people use food for comfort. Become comfortable with your self and food will no longer be an issue
  • To finally fit and look good in my old cloths
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    ... Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it's impossible to turn back. --Henry Rollins
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm too stingy to buy new clothes. Therefore, I needed to lose weight to remain in the clothes I already had.

    Yeah, I failed at that one - lost 2 sizes so had to buy new clothes anyway! :laugh:

    But in seriousness, when I could barely walk up my stairs without breathing hard, it was time to change. In a single week a couple of years ago, I almost lost my husband to a rare blood infection, my Dad was diagnosed with cancer and I had to handle the end-of-year Christmas stuff at the kid's school and move house by myself. If the **** hit the fan, there would be no-one else available except me. So I needed to be the best I could be.
  • EmmaOnTrack
    EmmaOnTrack Posts: 425 Member
    I'm motivated by the prospect of wearing a bikini in public for the first time in my adult life, by being a good role model to my 13yr old daughter (who is on the "plumpcious" side but still growing into herself) and by ensuring my new husband continues to find me utterly irresistible.

    Feeling healthier, being fitter and (hopefully) living longer are just happy byproducts of my new found vanity.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    My motivation is to have more self confidence.
    Also girls is a big motivator.
  • Walter__
    Walter__ Posts: 518 Member
    Nothing at this point. Just pure habit.

    I find myself being unable to go back to eating like crap all the time. And if I try to stop working out then I get anxious and end up back in the gym again in a few days.

    That's a good thing I guess.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I am definitely doing this for me BUT I do see your point. Any self esteem I was born with pretty much was destroyed while I was young. Its taken me almost 40 years to feel a little bit good about myself. I still have a long way to go but with mfp I just may get there.
  • SallyJones1985
    SallyJones1985 Posts: 55 Member
    I want to do this for my children, my partner, but mainly myself. I'm sick of getting comments when I go out, sick of my family telling me that I could be beautiful if I wasn't obese, sick of worrying that my partner will have another affair, but mainly I'm sick of just feeling not good enough all because I'm fat. I'm hoping that by losing the blubber I'll gain some self respect and boost my non-existent confidence
  • superjules17
    superjules17 Posts: 8 Member
    Me. Because I know I can look better and feel better than I do, and I have a whole lot of clothes in my wardrobe that prove I can be at least 2 sizes smaller than I am now. And because however much I may not like it I know other people judge me by my size.
  • sstermole
    sstermole Posts: 37 Member
    My main motivation is my kids! I have 2 young kids, and I want to be around for them for a long time. And I don't just mean that I'm worried about dying young, but I also want to be around for them in the sense that I want to be able to run and play with them without getting tired and needing to sit I want to be around for them to be an example of what they should do and not lead them down the path that I was on (sitting around, eating junk, etc). I don't want them to ever struggle the way I have with my weight.

    So they are my biggest motivators. On top of that, though, I would love to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin outside of the house - instead of feeling like a big blob that everyone stares at. I want to be comfortable going to the pool or the beach and not want to hide under baggy coverups. I want to be able to go into ANY clothing store and find something cute to wear!
  • Motivation can come in different forms - I have a few different types.

    Most of it is positive - I have set clear goals and focus on the benefits of changing.

    But something did happen - I was given a very cheeky birthday card which annoyed me quite a bit. The person who gave it to me is hardly slender herself either! It sounds a bit childish but I can't wait to "rub her nose in it" when my next birthday comes around.

    When I don't feel like running or going to the gym I look at the card again!

    As long as it drives you on and does not give you feelings of sadness or despondency - why not use it as part of your motivational arsenal!
  • motal003
    motal003 Posts: 28
    Amen to everything u said.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    My motivation was myself. I was honestly so unhappy with myself/my body. I started avoiding certain events b/c I didn't want people to see me in a swimsuit or some other outfit I was uncomfortable in (aka EVERYTHING). I just wanted to feel happy and confident in my own skin.