After 5 weeks you'll weigh this??

Just curious..when I complete my entries for the day and it says "if everyday was like today I'd weigh" well I have been on since Nov and my "if everyday was like today" has always been below 220 lbs.....why is it that I am still ~225 lb. I am very careful and everything - is this false hope??


  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    It's if every day was EXACTLY like today. same exact food, same exact water, same exact exercise, etc. It's basically just a formula based on how much you've burned versus eaten. And it will not be accurate for everyone, some people build muscle faster than they burn fat, some have a slower metabolism, some just have a harder time losing weight. It's supposed to be a general idea. It's nice to see (for me when it goes down to 222 in 5 weeks I jump for joy!) but I know it's nothing to put my faith into.

    PS I love your profile pic thing. AWESOME!
  • jessimacar
    If you lived everyday exactly the same, burned the exact same cals and ate the exact same foods, it still likely wouldn't be 100% right. There are other things that contribute to weight loss, and they may be playing into it. Have you had any bad days? Are you stressed? Take it as encouragement. It is possible to reach that number after 5 weeks, but don't expect it. :)
  • Skinnyme87
    I'm in the same boat too! It keeps saying if I eat like this everyday i should be blah pounds in 5wks..well I'm stuck. Maybe we have to re-evaluate our diets again? I don't know for sure, but I have been on here for months and it hasn't been accurate yet..I'm looking forward to other input about this.
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    Ive always looked at that and giggled - it would be so good to be able to do exactly the same thing for 5 weeks and see if I do infact weigh what they predict - would be good wouldnt it !
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    Not false hope, just showing you that if every single day was like that you would be 'here'. But basically you would have to eat the same nutritional values each day for 5 weeks and burn the same calories every day for those 5 weeks.
  • mogenfire
    mogenfire Posts: 81 Member
  • paperkiss
    IMHO, what MFP provides is an estimation of how much weight we could lose, not the actual weight loss. I don't think there's any way it can track very accurately because everyone has different (actual) metabolic rate.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Maybe you don't eat enough? Many days you are waaay under your calorie goal. Do you know what your BMR is? you should be getting in at least that "net" amount in daily. There was one day where your net was like 100cals because of exercise. Try making some healthier eating choices when you can, and maybe a couple small snacks mid morning and afternoon?
  • anjharsh
    anjharsh Posts: 7 Member
    i look at that too when finishing my totals for the day, i too am struggling i am eating healthy staying within my calories, i exercise at least 1hr 5 days a week and the scale doesnt give me justice! but i am not letting it discourage me, i took my measurements a week ago and plan on retaking them in about a month. just dont let that discourage you, stay focused and motivated!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Let me bore the crap out of you. I have logged my 5 week predictor for over 40 days. Then I did a 7 day average and advanced the 5 week predictor by 35 days to see how accurate it was compared to my current weight. It seems to be about 5 lbs. off. For instance my weight today is 308.6 and my 7 day average for my 5 week predictor (5 weeks ago) is 303.3. They do however trend in the right direction. Further many of our daily logs are best guesses. We tend to use the S.W.A.G. system. On a daily basis I have been under the 5 week predictor but on average not so.

    Think of the 5 week predictor as an index or guide.

    Best wishes to you!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    It is also dependent on the fact that you are eating EXACTLY what you log, no more and no less. I bought a food scale for the first time today and realized I had been quite a bit off in estimating what 2 oz. of deli meat is.
  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    The people that said it's just a calculation of that daily intake are probably right.. and yea it's probably off by a few founds, but it's a general number to get you motivated- measure yourself instead of watching the scale constantly, you're doing good!
  • hallix
    hallix Posts: 4
    where does it say this if every day was like today? has never said that for me? i want it ! x
  • Dom82
    Dom82 Posts: 235
    I made a note of it one day and then went 5 weeks ahead and left myself a note in my food diary.. it was about 2 pounds off from what was predicted hehe

    But yes it would be nice if it was 100% accurate :)
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