Need Preworkout food!

I need some help with finding some good preworkout food. I'm finding I have no energy at all through my workouts. My weightlifting days are OK, not great, but it really kills me on my hour strength and cardio days. What do you all recommend?


  • monolith66
    monolith66 Posts: 168 Member
    Something high carb is what you need, take your pick.
  • charlieibeling
    charlieibeling Posts: 93 Member
    Lack of energy is due to an overall diet deficiency, not just preworkout. When do you train? Morning? Night? I find intraworkout nutrition to be the best for energy. Everyone is different in how they respond to different preworkout nutrients. Many days I do no carbs before a workout, but have them during the workout. If I did this my preworkout would be about 40g of protein and 15-20g of fat an hour and half preworkout. 6oz of chicken with avacado and almonds would be an example. I have used this one as well and liked it-40 minutes preworkout 1/4cup cream of rice, 1tbs of peanut butter and 30g of whey.
    I highly recommend bcaa's and glycofuse or karbolyn during a workout.
  • frayst
    frayst Posts: 62
    Peanut butter and jelly sandwich on multigrain bread with an apple about a half hour before working out does wonders for me.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    It is best to workout in the morning on an empty stomach.

    I know I would pass out off my bike from sheer exhaustion and face plant all over the road if I did this. :noway:
  • andrewptr1
    andrewptr1 Posts: 16 Member
    I workout after work in the afternoon around 4...morning workouts never really worked for me either way. Should I focus on certain carbs ie. Complex or something that will last longer (forgive me for my lack of nutritional knowledge) and time frame I'm seeing is either bout 30min prior or possibly a workout shake during? Not sure about during as all the jumping jacks/burpees could make it come up quick...
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    yes, choose whole grains because they are more nutritionally dense, high in fiber which is good for heart health and they keep you full longer--think a slower burn of the energy they provide :)

    I love Ezekiel bread, it's with sprouted grains, low glycemic index and I think it's delicious. You can find it at the store in the freezer because it gets moldy real fast, I store it in the fridge at home. I think most larger grocery stores have it nowadays. PB+J suggestion is great but make sure it's a natural/no added sugar jelly or jam. PB+Banana sandwich works good too.
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    It totally depends.

    Hard workout, very soon? Liquid calories. And hope they don't come up (has happened to me during a race).

    A few hours for a long, steady workout? Peanut butter jelly toast work for me.

    There was a rule of thumb - 100 calories per hour or fraction before workout up to 4. I can go over this if the workout is moderate. For example, a long steady ride? I can eat 800-1000 cal. 2 hours before without problem (and then burn 2-3K during 3-4 hours on the bike).

    Simple calories work best if you have no time. Puffed rice cereal has no fibre, is very light, and has about 100 cal / cup. Good for an emergency feed. Same with gels. Bars take longer to digest for me (but I feel full longer).
  • Sim123one
    Sim123one Posts: 36 Member
    I am a personal fan of two lightly salted rice cakes with a bit of peanut butter - does the job!
  • andrewptr1
    andrewptr1 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the replies! Think i will try out some 1/2 cup granola with yogurt and an apple today about 45min before. I do really like ezekial bread btw. I was able to find some sprouted grain/ ezekial bread at Trader Joes that was about 1$ less than the frozen kind and it also came in all types including Rye which i really liked.