Has weight loss turned into a hobby for you?

I just wonder if other people think about this, I read articles on weight loss, know what I'm eating or not eating, and generally understand various concepts. When people complain about not losing weight, sometimes I keep my mouth shut, other times I say something simple. I have successfully lost weight (2 years now) and I think I'm halfway there to it being permanent.

I think that it's turned into a hobby. Usually with a hobby you've got something to show for it (some music, maybe a piece of woodwork etc). In my case it's a flat stomach Do any others think this way?


  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Yeah sort of, but that annoys me. I wish I was directing my energy into something more meaningful sometimes but I am totally obsessed with weight loss.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Yes and I needed it to otherwise I will return to not noticing what I'm doing to my body and pretending it doesn't bother me
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks, that's what I think too. Sometimes I think maybe there would be something better to put my time and energy (and money) into, with more enjoyable results. Some people seem perfectly happy with being overweight (I was never obese).
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    I guess you could call it a hobby... one which irritates many people around me, but hey, it's for me.

    I never thought of it this way.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    not really, it's more of second nature at this point. Like Tobemotivated said it can piss off people around me but if they can't deal with it I don't need them around me to begin with. (TBH the people it annoys I don't like anyways).

    I think that even if you consider it a hobby thats good because you're taking care of yourself as long as it doesn't cross the line into eating disorder.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    Yeah sort of, but that annoys me. I wish I was directing my energy into something more meaningful sometimes but I am totally obsessed with weight loss.

    Such as what? A bunch of miniatures that will look nice on a shelf, or cut-out books, or high score in a video game only a handfull of people will remember? Knitting the 100th pair of socks for presents, or carving out a pretty picture that will join all the rest? Playing music for yourself, or for your close ones as a past time?

    All of them are nice, ofcourse. Do some of them myself. Weight loss, though, can mean a healthier life and possibly give you more time for other hobbies once the loss is sustainable ;)

    So yes, its kinda a hobby.. though I sortof wish it wasnt since I tend to juggle many hobbies and have phases of liking this or that :P I do consider my time spent on weight loss and exercise worth while. Just as, and sometimes more so, than other hobbies.
  • :smile: welldone lumberjacck,l to started in june 9 lbs gone already,l bet when you look at your midriff you feel you have like in a hobby achieved something,like you l never comment or preach to people,just quietly on my way.l read the labels now whilst shopping,which means several hours added to shopping time,but it has made very aware of the dangers out there and why obesity is such a problem here,this l suspect like you is not just a hobby,but a life changer.
  • LiveLoveLift67
    LiveLoveLift67 Posts: 895 Member
    For me it is more than a hobby. A hobby is something you do when you have the time to enjoy it. Once i realized what my body was capable of and how much better it looks and functions it became a way of life. I make time for this every day. I dont want to be what i used to be. It started out as weight loss but The more i do it because i love it, the less i give a damn what the scale says.

    Its not just about weight loss....its so much more than that to me.
  • Most definitely. I'm currently deployed. I work, and workout...end of story.
    Working out is the one thing I look forward to everyday because regardless
    of how much I don't want to or how lazy I feel, nothing feels better than the post
    workout feeling!
  • EvelineUK
    EvelineUK Posts: 97
    The danger is that this is a hobby that can soon turn into an obsession. If you find that you spent all your time reading up on and watching videos on weight loss and are looking for tips and tricks, it might be time to ease up a little and find another interest as well.
  • wissabear
    wissabear Posts: 62 Member
    I've thought of it as a hobby, containing other hobbies. I like dancing and sports, and now I'm adding eating better to the mix. It does take time like a hobby does. I do a lot more food planning and cooking than when I don't think about it like a hobby. and I'm enjoying the results!
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Yeah sort of, but that annoys me. I wish I was directing my energy into something more meaningful sometimes but I am totally obsessed with weight loss.

    Such as what? A bunch of miniatures that will look nice on a shelf, or cut-out books, or high score in a video game only a handfull of people will remember? Knitting the 100th pair of socks for presents, or carving out a pretty picture that will join all the rest? Playing music for yourself, or for your close ones as a past time?

    All of them are nice, ofcourse. Do some of them myself. Weight loss, though, can mean a healthier life and possibly give you more time for other hobbies once the loss is sustainable ;)

    So yes, its kinda a hobby.. though I sortof wish it wasnt since I tend to juggle many hobbies and have phases of liking this or that :P I do consider my time spent on weight loss and exercise worth while. Just as, and sometimes more so, than other hobbies.
    Well something I enjoy maybe. I mean I enjoy the feeling of "yes! I lost weight" but at best that's a feeling I get for 5 min a day after I get on the scale.

    I don't enjoy reading obsessively about weight loss, I don't enjoy accidentally lecturing my family when they eat "too much", I don't enjoy spending ages choosing my food or looking at labels when I am shopping, its all pretty dull.

    I'd like to have hobbies that achieve something, I mean something more lasting, like my body will rot away in the end. If I am thin it's not going to make other people happy or whatever. I'd like to do good for others, or make something, like you mentioned, music, art, knitting, whatever - that they can take pleasure from. Even if there are health issues, no-one else's quality of life is really effected by your weight unless you are super huge or very sick indeed. I am doing it (right this time) for my future kids, but to be fair I was obsessed with weight loss and very yo-yo-y before I ever planned to have kids.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I think of this more as a lifestyle choice rather than a hobby.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    Yeah sort of, but that annoys me. I wish I was directing my energy into something more meaningful sometimes but I am totally obsessed with weight loss.

    Such as what? A bunch of miniatures that will look nice on a shelf, or cut-out books, or high score in a video game only a handfull of people will remember? Knitting the 100th pair of socks for presents, or carving out a pretty picture that will join all the rest? Playing music for yourself, or for your close ones as a past time?

    All of them are nice, ofcourse. Do some of them myself. Weight loss, though, can mean a healthier life and possibly give you more time for other hobbies once the loss is sustainable ;)

    So yes, its kinda a hobby.. though I sortof wish it wasnt since I tend to juggle many hobbies and have phases of liking this or that :P I do consider my time spent on weight loss and exercise worth while. Just as, and sometimes more so, than other hobbies.
    Well something I enjoy maybe. I mean I enjoy the feeling of "yes! I lost weight" but at best that's a feeling I get for 5 min a day after I get on the scale.

    I don't enjoy reading obsessively about weight loss, I don't enjoy accidentally lecturing my family when they eat "too much", I don't enjoy spending ages choosing my food or looking at labels when I am shopping, its all pretty dull.

    I'd like to have hobbies that achieve something, I mean something more lasting, like my body will rot away in the end. If I am thin it's not going to make other people happy or whatever. I'd like to do good for others, or make something, like you mentioned, music, art, knitting, whatever - that they can take pleasure from. Even if there are health issues, no-one else's quality of life is really effected by your weight unless you are super huge or very sick indeed. I am doing it (right this time) for my future kids, but to be fair I was obsessed with weight loss and very yo-yo-y before I ever planned to have kids.

    Well if you dont enjoy it for more than the seconds it takes to step on a scale, then I understand why you dont see the meaning in it. Perhaps with time it will change, who knows.

    Having weightloss as a focus does not need to mean you dont have other hobbies. You can, for example, every time you get a craving for junk food/candy/emotional eating take out the knitting pins/paint set, or when you sit on an exercise bike you can read up on other hobbies. Singing while running is a tad more difficult.. but I am sure you get where I am going with this :) to start a hobby you dont need much, so pick one you think you will enjoy. Sounds like you might enjoy volunteer work as well.