feeling flat and feeling fat

Hi im feeling so down I just had to post. ive been logging and losing since 6th Jan and up to now have lost 52 pounds but I don't see myself as any different. I still have a way to go - if I look at ideal weight for my height charts just to get into the "normal" range ive got another 30+ pounds to lose. all of a sudden I feel really down about it and wonder if I will ever achieve what I want to or at 45 is it not possible


  • Remaking_Me
    Remaking_Me Posts: 62 Member
    52 pounds?
    Here. Let me give you a standing ovation.

    Even if you cant see it, check out what is TRUE about your body because of this weight loss!


    I am feeling down because Ive only lost 7.5 pounds, and 10 inches in 4 months.
    You are doing AMAZING.
    Start seeing yourself differently, and if you cant tell, ask someone who knows you to reinforce
    your losses with what THEY see as different!

  • kinupmud
    kinupmud Posts: 24 Member
    I know that feeling all too well! Here's what a friend told me and I will pass it on to you. Ignore the charts. When you start feeling comfortable then you are there. 52 POUNDS IS AMAZING!!! You are doing an awesome job!!!! Here's a secret.. psstt.. Noone is normal. Yep nobody! So don't let a piece of paper (or computer screen) tell you that you are not :)
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    52 pounds is awesome! Way to go! I have been on my fitness journey for 2 years. My husband and I have lost a combined 187 pounds. You can totally do this! I would love to encourage you in your journey. Add me, if you like.
  • curlygirl513
    curlygirl513 Posts: 199 Member
    Oh you have the blues. Wallow for a time, and then get real. You have done so much already. I'm so impressed with what you have achieved. For now, your view is askew. It won't always be. You really, truly have done so well.

    I wish it were me!
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    What are you talking about? 52 pounds is an amazing success! And even at your age yes it is possible! It's not an easy journey, but who the heck said it would be easy? Just don't give up!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Hi im feeling so down I just had to post. ive been logging and losing since 6th Jan and up to now have lost 52 pounds but I don't see myself as any different. I still have a way to go - if I look at ideal weight for my height charts just to get into the "normal" range ive got another 30+ pounds to lose. all of a sudden I feel really down about it and wonder if I will ever achieve what I want to or at 45 is it not possible
    So you're over half way. What can you do that you couldn't do 50 pounds ago? Fit into different clothes? walk somewhere quicker and without being out of breath? Take a step back think of all the small things that have made a difference. Think how far you've come and that you are well over half way.

    Celebrate what you've achieved. Don't stress over the charts just keep doing what you're doing as you know you can

    Congratulations on your achievement
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    Don't give up! You are more than half-way there! Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. Just think in terms of "baby steps"...Thinking about a large number to lose is overwhelming....so maybe think in 5-pound increments, or weekly goals of maybe 1-2 lbs per week. As long as the scale is going down (even slowly) you are winning! I think you've done great so far! Keep it going! Keep up your healthy habits and try to enjoy the feeling that you are treating yourself well!:flowerforyou:
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    I get the same feeling sometimes. I'd suggest taking progress pictures starting now, if you haven't already. It really gives you new perspective during those times when you feel like you haven't made any progress.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    The reality is that the really drastic body appearance changes don't really start to come out until you're close to your goal weight. When you have a large amount of weight to lose, even if you lose a significant chunk of it, you'll find yourself looking in the mirror and thinking to yourself that instead of seeing "WAY TOO FAT," now you see "really fat." At the end of the day, you haven't seen those toned arms or legs, there's still flab around your belly and butt, and you're frustrated. Is there no end to this BS?

    Well, the great news is: Yes, there is. As you get closer and closer to your goal weight you'll start to see what seems like much more dramatic body changes. You'll see yourself go from "really fat" to "a little overweight" to "OMG! Is that really me?"

    BUT....You've got to see it through to the end. If you stop now because you got too discouraged, you'll wind up stuck in somewhere in the "fat" range. You'll be frustrated at your weight loss attempt, and you'll wind up gaining it all back. After all, what's the point of diet and exercise if you're just going to wind up a different level of fat anyway? What difference does it make when there's a gallon of ice cream wth your name on it right in front of you? Right?

    Stick with it. And your feelings will change about how you look. I guarantee it.
  • SaveMe2013
    SaveMe2013 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi im feeling so down I just had to post. ive been logging and losing since 6th Jan and up to now have lost 52 pounds but I don't see myself as any different. I still have a way to go - if I look at ideal weight for my height charts just to get into the "normal" range ive got another 30+ pounds to lose. all of a sudden I feel really down about it and wonder if I will ever achieve what I want to or at 45 is it not possible

    I know just how you feel! I have been feeling the same way! I did so well for awhile but now I am just stuck! Problem now is because I have been stuck for so long, I have lost all motivation and I am on the verge of a major binge!
    I have lost 61lbs since January. I still have another 45 to go! BTW, I am cheering for you, I am 49, I pray it is possible. I really wish I did something about this before now, but I have to stop living in the past and move on!
    Four days ago I was so excited that I lost 2 lbs after a month. Then today I weighed myself and I gained a pound!
    Good Luck! I hope we both can get moving forward over this hump again soon!
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    Compare a picture of you right now to one before you lost the weight and you should see what an awesome job you have done so far!!! Its hard to notice a few pounds here and there but 52 lbs is a big accomplishment, kuddos to you :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    From Alwyn Cosgrove’s blog. A really good analogy for the rate of progress and being patient.

    Let’s assume you go out and buy two rolls of paper towels, each with 112 paper towels on it. You put one aside, and keep it for future reference (your “before” picture). The other one represents you (I’ll call your paper towel “Ed”).The core represents the lean Ed. The towels represent the fat that is covering the lean Ed.

    For sake of argument, let’s say that Ed wants to lose 28 pounds of fat, so (112/28) each sheet represents a quarter-pound of fat lost.

    Let’s also assume that Ed loses his fat equally during each day of the program.

    Each day during the first week, you tear a sheet off of Ed, representing the fat he has lost for the day. Next, you put Ed next to the full roll (“Big Ed”) for comparison.

    No noticeable difference! Even at the end of the week!

    “This can’t be working for me! This program sucks! ” But, you continue to follow your fat loss program. At the end of weeks two and three, you continue to compare Ed to Big Ed, and still notice very little difference.

    But Ed is determined! He continues to work hard!

    Three more weeks go by, the sheets peeling off day after day, before Ed gets up the courage to stand next to Big Ed again.

    Now there’s a big difference!

    By the end of the program (112 days), Ed is down to his lean dream, or somewhere near it. Big Ed is still – well, big.

    The lesson to be learned is that fat, like paper towels, comes off in sheets. When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around, that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area – just like that outside towel sheet. The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.

    While the outside sheet may only cover one layer of the roll, the inside sheet may go around 4 times. That last sheet looks like it gives you four times the results of the first sheet, but in reality, the results are the same – your perception is just different! And you’ll never see the inside, if you aren’t patient while the outside is coming off!
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    WOW!!! I cant believe all the messages of support from you guys....

    I was feeling sooo low and I just posted thinking that no one would bother or even understand and to get this back is just truly fantastic!!!

    I actually made it to the gym on Friday night but got alittle tearful when getting changed to do a class I normally really enjoy and was in 2 minds on actually doing it but I just gritted my teeth and got on with it. Sat morning I was still feeling low and withdrawn it was early and totally pouring with rain so I went for a run expecting to just do 3 miles but it felt so good just being on my own with my music and my thoughts that I turned up back home 5 miles later.

    I managed to read some of your replies over sunday but could only get to post today and you know what I feel so humble that people that don't even know me have taken the time to respond and actually seem to care that its given me a kick up my slightly less large behind to get over this downer that I feel and so what if ive still got a lot of weight to lose ive just got to keep on trying.

    its the fact that I cant see it in myself - I KNOW the scale says ive lost - but I just cant see it in me but ive just got to suck it up and keep trying to get to where I want to be.

    I thank you soo very much
  • SMKean90
    SMKean90 Posts: 55
    What you have done is really amazing and you should feel really proud!

    If it helps, I dont notice any difference in my self (I was 2 1/2 stone heavier this time last year) and even from about the first 1/2 stone loss i started taking photos, now when i feel low, i look about at the photos (one every 3 months in my case) and although i feel a bit ill at the sight of me back last year in the first photo taken i can notice a difference and i know that my last mile is harder, as it does slow down towards the end, however it will be worth it, and it is do-able!