too much sugar!

I seem to be constantly going over my sugar, i dont eat candy. like today, I had a v8 fusion and half a pear by lunch, and now no matter what i eat i will go over my sugars!! should i be not so worried with that and just keep for my calorie goal? i work out daily doing 10 sets on just dance and I take a ten minute walk.. any advice??!!


  • snerk
    snerk Posts: 51
    You just have to consider the source of the sugar. I am constantly over my sugar intake, but its all from the fruits and veggies, and milk. If I was eating foods that didnt have natural sugars in it, and was way over, then i'd worry.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    fruit juices will send it over. But MFP doesn't differentiate between added and natural sugars (natural sugars are part of the carbs). They might all go in the same column but just keep an eye on the added sugar.
  • qtrhrsewoman
    I blogged about this same problem today.....LOL. I am always over on my sugars and it is mostly from natural sugars. I love fruit and it is so filling for me. I start my day with just an apple, banana, orange, etc.......and my sugars are pretty much wiped out for the day. I've read and researched some say good some say bad. I've decided to watch the added sugar and keep the natural sugars as low as I can. I've got a very slow metabolism that I am trying to regulate, so I hope once that is under control a bit more, that I won't worry so much about it. Good luck and I hope you find what will work for you.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I managed to get mine back under the daily quota by swapping orange or grapefruit juice at breakfast for a tomato or vegetable based juice.
  • jennylynn84
    You shouldn't worry about it TOO much from fruit unless your diabetic, then it can still be an issue.

    Just a note, since its being mentioned, fruit and fruit JUICE are not created equal. Fruit juices are all the sugar that is in fruit with none of the good fiber that comes with whole fruit. Now, that said, if you're looking at a Coke and a cup of juice, go with the juice. But if you're looking at a cup of juice or a piece of fruit - pick the fruit.
  • MsMonny
    MsMonny Posts: 183
    Skip the juice (there is nothing healthy about it - it is sugar and water with no fibre) and only have one to two pieces of fruit a day.
    Don't eat dried fruit either. Once again concentrated fruit sugar. Yes, fruit is good for you but in its natural wholesome form.

    I have been able to keep under my recommended 28g on most days (one day I had 1/2 mango and it blew it LOL) but since I am only 2 1/2 weeks into my NO SUGAR eating (thats refined sugar and added sugar including juices) I am still finding out whats a good choice and whats not.

    Check out other posts about sugar on here....many other people have many other suggestions as it is a HOT topic right now! :wink:

    good luck
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I go over everyday, and was planning to post the same thing. It is a ridiculously low limit. Drink juice rarely, I use stevia in my tea and maybe put a scant teaspoon of sugar in my coffee. I only eat plain yogurt. It is cuckoo!

    Today I had a bagel. This constitutes the only added sugar I have had all day. I was over the sugar limit at lunch when I had an orange. In fact eating any fruit pushes me over the limit.

    I've decided to concentrate on keeping my added sugar under 1.5 tablespoon per day and not worrying about milk or fruit sugars if I am in my calorie range.
  • KM1984
    KM1984 Posts: 7
    I know it seems like a lot and it freaked me out at first when I was eating fruits and veggies but was still going over my sugar, but then I realized it was just the natural sugars from the fruits and veggies. So I just try to mainly focus on staying under my calorie goal and watching my fat and sodium intake.