Personal Trainer?

Hi ive been trying to lose fat since the start of the year AGAIN and have managed 52 pounds so far.

ive used a PT once each week since the end of Feb and I enjoy it (well once ive finished the sesh anyway ha ha).

I wondered if anyone else on here uses/used one and how they have found it and what do they get from the trainer apart from their time for an hour or so?


  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    I had my first session with a PT last night. I really enjoyed it!! He pushed me way longer and harder than I would usually do. I am certainly feeling the effect of DOMS today!

    But he showed me how to safely do weighted squats and lunges with good form. I felt much more confident with him in the free weights section of my gym where there was no other women.

    He also keeps in touch via email and text and helps me plan a nutrition plan and send me a massive amount of healthy recipes based on my lifestyle (usually family friendly, low cost meals plus sweet things).

    I think I can only afford this first package that I have booked. But I would love to carry on if I can afford it.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I hired a trainer because I wanted to learn olympic lifts. I didn't need anyone to motivate me or make up a routine - I was there to learn. It was honestly the best money I ever spent because I can feel when my form is off or something is wrong now. I went three times a week for half an hour for 3 months. I still workout with my trainer, but as a friend, he was awesome.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    A few years back I had one three times a week (he was my friend's husband so I paid for two and he gave me one for free). It was really great. I found he pushed me harder and I was able to do more. He was encouraging and I also learned how to use the equipment and lift free weights correctly, which is knowledge that stays with you.
  • laureneliset
    laureneliset Posts: 50 Member
    My trainer has shown me exercises I'd never have done myself, making full use of the equipment in the free weights section, and getting me to lift heavy now that I understand the correct form. We work both on regular things (deadlifts, squats etc.) to improve my form and the weight I can lift, and every session he tends to throw in something new that I hadn't done before, either using body weight or a new piece of equipment. He also pushes me to reach my maximum.

    Therefore, for the times when I don't train with him in the gym, I now have a wide range of things to do at the gym so I don't get bored and I don't feel self conscious about whether or not I'm doing it right, plus I know if I can push myself a little bit harder.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I LOVE my training sessions. I've had twice weekly one hour sessions since January and I love them. I've been working out long enough to be able to work out on my own, BUT, my trainer changes up my routines all the time. He consistantly uses unconventional movements with the equipment that I would never think to use. I love not knowing what I will be doing that day. He also, of course, pushes me much harder than I think I would on my own. Some people are great at working out on their own. But for me, in the gym, I prefer my trainer and group bootcamps. The only think I do on my own is my running.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    I had my first one last week and loved it! Mine showed me correct form, challenged me, showed me how to do total body workouts and not just focus on one area, and most of all, supported and encouraged me. I was incredibly sore the next day but it felt great! I have my next session tonight.
  • SunshineKimL
    SunshineKimL Posts: 18 Member
    I have been with a trainer since I started on my journey in February. I attribute most of my success so far to the fact that I have a trainer. I am pretty confident that I would have given up already if I didn't have a trainer for the simple fact that I didn't know anything about working out. I have 2 sessions a weeks and she gives me homework for the others days. She teaches me the proper form and mixes thing up. We keep track of nutrition as well as measurements and body fat %. For me it helps having someone there to give me that little extra push if I need it. It's the best decision I ever made other than deciding that I was done being fat and unhealthy.
  • docc30
    docc30 Posts: 33 Member
    I started with a trainer three weeks ago. He's given me a bunch of core and activation exercises and we're working on proper form for lifting. What he's given me that I would have never known to work toward is balance and core strength. Now that we're working on lifting, he's only using a bandbell until I get to where my form is good enough to switch to the olympic bar. I had never heard of such a thing before, but with the bandbell (bamboo bar) and a bunch of kettle bells hanging off it, you know really quick how good your form is.