Non Dairy for a week-need protein ideas

I am into day three of my (at least) a week of no dairy. Im hoping this might be the key to some hormonal and physical issues Ive been experiencing.

Anyway, I dont eat ALOT of dairy...but while I can cut out my yogurt and cheese and even real protein powder and bars contain whey! this cuts my protein intake down ALOT for the day...Ive thought about adding some eggs in the morning..but Im looking for other high protein, that are not dairy based, suggestions..

I am not going to almond milk or anything like that..


  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Bean beans beans beans. Black bean soup. Bean and veggie fajitas. Mashed bean dip and crackers.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    lots of lean meat and fish/shellfish
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    There are vegan protein powders and almond milk with extra protein to help with shakes. Otherwise, add in more meat, beans, quinoa, edamame, legumes, oatmeal, etc. There are also vegan protein bars.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Also, let me just say, changing your diet for one week will not change or fix hormonal issues. Hormones can take months to get back on track, just ask any woman who has gone on or off the pill.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    its a hard concept to type out..but after Ive had tests after tests after tests and bloodwork ran..and STILL no answers..when some days I feel like singing and dancing..and othersI am so anxious and moody I can hardly function..Im willing to see if ANYTHING makes me feel better..because I cant live like this anymore and I wont subject my husband and kiddo to these intense swings anymore either...I appareciate the input..know it might take longer..but if my physical issues get better, hoping the "hormonal" ones follow.
    my tummy issues have subsided abit just after afew days dairy free...granted today is not a good hormonal day...hate it hate it

    No beans..they dont agree with me. Ill try the quinoa in the AM..Ive got a package in my cupboard.
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    In the morning, try oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in. that's about 10g of protein.
    For cereal options, Special K and Bran flakes have about 4g + soy or almond milk (I think soy have more protein but I personnaly don't like the taste) + fruits + 2 tbps of sliced almond, that's another option at about 10g.
    Personnaly In the morning I don't need more. If you do, I would suggest eggs or even meat like Ham or bacon if you don't mind the cals.

    For snacks, if you don't like beans, do you like Hummus? Hard boiled eggs would be good, edamame is also a very good option and it doesn't taste like most of the other beans out there. Nuts are fatty but high in proteins. Nut butter in general is a great option. Try slice fruits (pear, apple, banana) dipped in almond or peanut butter, that's one of my favortire snack.
  • margaretg46
    Hi, I am lactose intollerant so am completely dairy free. I use a product called lactofree, which does non dairy milk and cheese. I also use soya marg. Hope that helps
  • candyinmyheels
    candyinmyheels Posts: 34 Member
    nuts- i go for raw walnuts and cashews, but really whatever you like and will eat will add some protein.
    chickpeas, lentils.
    soymilk has a decent amount of protein. my go-to breakfast is a smoothie with unsweetened soy milk, fruit (frozen or fresh), and a few ice cubes. you could try adding soy yogurt or coconut milk yogurt (but i am not crazy about them).
    homemade muesli is nice too...i do a variation of this recipe, omiting dairy (it works great with soy milk):
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I do like humuus...

    I was REALLY trying to stay away from soy/coconut/almond milk..

    I snacked on raw almonds yesterday (instead of my yogurt) and strawberries.
    Im not sure the PB Ive been having in the AM in worth the cals to protein I omitted it this morning and plan to eat a hard boiled egg with my bananna/strawberries/kashi mix. I even thought about mixing oats, almonds and PB together and nuke it just to soften the PB..I guess kinda like granola/muesli? heck, could even add some honey or maple syrup...
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    so far only bars Ive found without whey is the cliff bars.

    I guess its alittle extreme even taking out whey..but I truly want to omit it. I will say, I dont feel so tired, I only had one meltdown..and it was tiny..monday AM (nothing compared to the deep sinking meltdowns I usually get) and my stomach is not rolling and twisting lke it normally does..nor am I bloating mid afternoon like I was!
  • moglovesshoez
    moglovesshoez Posts: 83 Member
    Options sell paleo protein powder made of beef and egg proteins.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    its a hard concept to type out..but after Ive had tests after tests after tests and bloodwork ran..and STILL no answers..when some days I feel like singing and dancing..and othersI am so anxious and moody I can hardly function..Im willing to see if ANYTHING makes me feel better..because I cant live like this anymore and I wont subject my husband and kiddo to these intense swings anymore either...I appareciate the input..know it might take longer..but if my physical issues get better, hoping the "hormonal" ones follow.
    my tummy issues have subsided abit just after afew days dairy free...granted today is not a good hormonal day...hate it hate it

    No beans..they dont agree with me. Ill try the quinoa in the AM..Ive got a package in my cupboard.

    i would say give it a month at least to see if it helps.

    but high and low mood points to something more mental health related?
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I read some articles that say the moods and such can sometimes be related to a physical issue going on inside the body.
    I dont know what exactly it is..I had a slew of blood tests run..felt sure it was hormonal..but everything was normal.

    Im not ruling out "mental"..but I want that to be my last course..Im not keen on how over perscribed I feel some drugs are..and their potential side effects
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I read some articles that say the moods and such can sometimes be related to a physical issue going on inside the body.
    I dont know what exactly it is..I had a slew of blood tests run..felt sure it was hormonal..but everything was normal.

    Im not ruling out "mental"..but I want that to be my last course..Im not keen on how over perscribed I feel some drugs are..and their potential side effects

    you dont have to deal with mental issues just with prescribing though?
  • CSO200
    CSO200 Posts: 19 Member
    Good plan to start with diet. Most drugs for mood disorders cause weight gain...and that in turn causes bad moods!! I am also trying to avoid dairy - on the advice of my naturopathic doctor, but I do use almond milk. I find it difficult to not eat yogurt. I eat eggs with veggies in them (spinach, kale, onions, peppers, etc), oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries or bananas - sometimes with peanut or almond butter in it. Fish is generally low calorie for the protein - frozen shrimp in particular.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I read some articles that say the moods and such can sometimes be related to a physical issue going on inside the body.
    I dont know what exactly it is..I had a slew of blood tests run..felt sure it was hormonal..but everything was normal.

    Im not ruling out "mental"..but I want that to be my last course..Im not keen on how over perscribed I feel some drugs are..and their potential side effects

    you dont have to deal with mental issues just with prescribing though?

    Sorry..not following..just am worried about the side effects I know can happen with mood levelers..Im hoping diet changes might help.
  • rebeccaplatt21
    following. interested in answers
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Good plan to start with diet. Most drugs for mood disorders cause weight gain...and that in turn causes bad moods!! I am also trying to avoid dairy - on the advice of my naturopathic doctor, but I do use almond milk. I find it difficult to not eat yogurt. I eat eggs with veggies in them (spinach, kale, onions, peppers, etc), oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries or bananas - sometimes with peanut or almond butter in it. Fish is generally low calorie for the protein - frozen shrimp in particular.

    I do love my greek yogurt..that has been hard to cut out...but Ive done it so far! Thankfully, we are big meat eaters..and we do eat alot of fact, doing cod loins tonight! Ive never been a big oatmeal person..did some overnight oatmeal for abit..but need yogurt for that!
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    Meat, beans, cheese, eggs, avocado.
  • thecrushinator
    thecrushinator Posts: 76 Member
    Personally I could live off broccoli eggs and steak, also the brand RAW PROTIEN fit has a pretty decent vegan shake mix (it tastes like coffee).