No Calorie Chocolate Syrup



  • THECaptainObvious
    THECaptainObvious Posts: 399 Member
    Blasphemy!! Tempting though since it's coming from Mr. Abs Hipcocked himself!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You know sometimes girl, you make me wonder about you.

    Wonder what? Yes I am Wonder Woman hense the leotard, cape, granny panties and wrist bands... What else could you possibly be wondering?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    WHAT are you giggling at??? LOL
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    {shrug} I guess I don't get it. I would rather spend the 50 cals and have Hershey's than save 50 calories to have a no calorie substitute. I guess the only thing I expect to be zero calorie is water.

    Totally agree.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    {shrug} I guess I don't get it. I would rather spend the 50 cals and have Hershey's than save 50 calories to have a no calorie substitute. I guess the only thing I expect to be zero calorie is water.

    Totally agree.

    Again, see my reply above. :wink:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Blasphemy!! Tempting though since it's coming from Mr. Abs Hipcocked himself!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    You know sometimes girl, you make me wonder about you.

    Wonder what? Yes I am Wonder Woman hense the leotard, cape, granny panties and wrist bands... What else could you possibly be wondering?

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    WHAT are you giggling at??? LOL

    Nothing. :laugh: :laugh:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    {shrug} I guess I don't get it. I would rather spend the 50 cals and have Hershey's than save 50 calories to have a no calorie substitute. I guess the only thing I expect to be zero calorie is water.

    Totally agree.

    Again, see my reply above. :wink:

    And one other aspect for doing this, is I do Intermittent Fasting (LeanGains protocol)
    So in the morning before I workout, I don't want any insulin in my system.....
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    Torani- - Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup, available at Walmart or on-line (Walmart is much more cost effective but selection is limited). Sugar free, ZERO CALORIES! I have been told it tastes great and it comes in a multitude of flavors... including cookie dough, french vanilla, chocolate macadamia nut, mint chocolate chip, s'mores... OMG... 36 different flavors.

    I am going to purchase a few flavors this weekend, must give it a try! And yes, every calorie counts when counting calories! :-)
  • Harriet91Beaumont
    Harriet91Beaumont Posts: 10 Member
    {shrug} I guess I don't get it. I would rather spend the 50 cals and have Hershey's than save 50 calories to have a no calorie substitute. I guess the only thing I expect to be zero calorie is water.

    an extra 50 here and there adds up

    No it wouldn't... if those 50 calories were included in your daily calorie intake and you didn't do it often, why would it make any difference whatsoever? I would rather spend the 50 calories on something that was maybe natural but high in sugar or fat as a treat than eat whatever hoccus poccus was in "zero calorie chocolate syrup" obviously it's just a bunch of chemicals.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    {shrug} I guess I don't get it. I would rather spend the 50 cals and have Hershey's than save 50 calories to have a no calorie substitute. I guess the only thing I expect to be zero calorie is water.

    an extra 50 here and there adds up

    No it wouldn't... if those 50 calories were included in your daily calorie intake and you didn't do it often, why would it make any difference whatsoever? I would rather spend the 50 calories on something that was maybe natural but high in sugar or fat as a treat than eat whatever hoccus poccus was in "zero calorie chocolate syrup" obviously it's just a bunch of chemicals.

    Everyone has their different reasons for doing it. :wink:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Torani- - Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup, available at Walmart or on-line (Walmart is much more cost effective but selection is limited). Sugar free, ZERO CALORIES! I have been told it tastes great and it comes in a multitude of flavors... including cookie dough, french vanilla, chocolate macadamia nut, mint chocolate chip, s'mores... OMG... 36 different flavors.

    I am going to purchase a few flavors this weekend, must give it a try! And yes, every calorie counts when counting calories! :-)

    Thanks, I will check them out
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    I tried their BBQ sauce and wasted that $4 bucks. It went in the trash after one taste. Well, I wasted more cause I tried the ranch and honey mustard and they went in trash with the BBQ sauce. Guess I like throwing away money. :frown:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I tried their BBQ sauce and wasted that $4 bucks. It went in the trash after one taste. Well, I wasted more cause I tried the ranch and honey mustard and they went in trash with the BBQ sauce. Guess I like throwing away money. :frown:

    Sorry dude, but good to know.