1 pound per week = 52 lbs in one year



  • jbing07
    jbing07 Posts: 46 Member
    Completely agree. Has to be a lifestyle change, not something that will react like a crash diet then you just gain it all back again.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Great perspective! Consider yourself bumped.
  • tz92
    tz92 Posts: 14
    Great perspective on things! I used to obsess over losing 2lbs a week MINIMUM. I thought that would be better, because I have close to 100lbs to lose, and if I lost 2lbs a week, in just under a year, I'd be at my goal body! Now I realize, a year from now, I'd still be excited if I was 52lbs down! Or any other weight amount down. I just want, a year from now, to look back and say that I gave it my all, and that I'm seeing progress and feeling better about myself.

    I also thought I'd like to throw out there, the Earl Nightingale quote that I have hanging on my wall to keep me in check when things feel daunting: "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    1 lb per week can sometimes even be too much! Especially as people lose more and more weight, or have smaller goals to begin with.
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    This, yes doing this would make me one happy girl!
  • kadsmaller
    kadsmaller Posts: 85 Member
    I don't recommend weight loss over 2 lbs per week unless you are under a doctor's care. But, For those who have lots of weight to lose, look at this interesting FACT. If you can lose JUST ONE pound per week, you will lose over 50 lbs. in one year! Let's break it down. One lb. per week is just 500 calories per day (which means that you still can have at least 1,500 calories per day). And every mile walked is 100 calories burned. Can't do a whole mile at once? How about a quarter mile, 4 times a day (morning, lunchtime, after work, after dinner). A quarter mile can be done in JUST 5 minutes. And as you lose weight, you gain strength and you can go further. Then you can climb stairs for even more intense calories burning!

    Thank you for breaking it down like this. It feels manageable and is.
  • kadsmaller
    kadsmaller Posts: 85 Member
    It was the daunting fact that I had over 100 pounds to lose that kept me away. One day while feeling bad for myself I too came to the conclusion that if I lost just one pound a week by the same time next year I would be 52 pounds lighter and certainly happier. So with that attitude I logged in and haven't looked back. It's been almost 6 months from that day and I just hit 52 pounds!!! I'm so glad this clicked for me :)

    Super encouraging!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I lost 50 lbs my first year here. And while tracking can be tedious some days, it was worth it.
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    Also... the time will pass anyway. A month, year, two years, it will pass.... so we may as well be doing something with the time rather than just wondering where it all went.
  • SheBeButLittleSheisFierce
    Also... the time will pass anyway. A month, year, two years, it will pass.... so we may as well be doing something with the time rather than just wondering where it all went.
    So true!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Whatever gets you there, but you're sure spouting off numbers as if they apply to everyone. 1500 calories may work for an average woman that only walks a mile a day for exercise, but for a very active woman or any man, 1500 calories wouldn't be enough for them and they'd drop more than a pound a week (and be hungry). Also, walking a mile doesn't burn 100 calories for everyone - it depends on how fast the person is walking, the height/weight/gender of the person, and how long they're engaging in the activity. These are all variable, so be careful listing numbers as if they're one-size-fits-all. They're not.
  • jakicooke
    jakicooke Posts: 149 Member
    This has just sooo clicked in with me. I was feeling really down that I had "only" hit 52lb loss since January and that I wasn't doing well enough but you are so right - ITS OFF which is more than it was before I started.

    love the quote - don't give up on a dream because of the time it will take to achieve it ! thanks for this one.

    im going to post it everywhere to try and keep my motivation going
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    I've been losing at a rate of a little less than 1 lb per week. Started April 2013 and down 52 lbs now. There have been times I've been aggravated that I haven't done something to "lose weight quickly," but then I remind myself that it's not a race to the finish line and there's no deadline to get it done by. The important thing is that I'm doing something that I can maintain.
  • becca14u2nv
    becca14u2nv Posts: 55 Member
    Bump * * * Very realistic way of looking at an attainable goal in a healthy manner. I like.
  • greatsmokey623
    OK, can I add my high fives pats on the back for this post. I just sat here and started to think about what I was doing a year ago. Probably sitting right here at my desk and whining about how fat I was and how I could not lose weight, especially after I had just wolfed down a lage honeybun and was planning what I would eat for lunch ( and not a good-for-me lunch but a what-will-make-me feel-good lunch). Had I started on this road then, I would have totally lost all I need to lose and be on maintenance. My doctor actually told me about the one lb a week deal years ago but I thought he was crazy. I had been suckered into the 20 lbs in a month blather and 1 lb a week sounded totally useless. Of course, had I listened to him then I would have been.......oh well, let's hear it for 1 lb a week!!:happy:
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    OK, can I add my high fives pats on the back for this post. I just sat here and started to think about what I was doing a year ago. Probably sitting right here at my desk and whining about how fat I was and how I could not lose weight, especially after I had just wolfed down a lage honeybun and was planning what I would eat for lunch ( and not a good-for-me lunch but a what-will-make-me feel-good lunch). Had I started on this road then, I would have totally lost all I need to lose and be on maintenance. My doctor actually told me about the one lb a week deal years ago but I thought he was crazy. I had been suckered into the 20 lbs in a month blather and 1 lb a week sounded totally useless. Of course, had I listened to him then I would have been.......oh well, let's hear it for 1 lb a week!!:happy:

    I think this is also a really good way of looking at this. For people who are in such a hurry, think back to where you were a year ago at this time. Did you want to lose weight then? If you had started then, but done so at a manageable pace, you might be done by now. Instead, how many times did that person start and fail because they were too aggressive with their goals during that same year period? Now look forward.... if a year from now, you could be 50 lbs lighter (or 25 or whatever your goal is), and along the way you will have learned healthy new habits and had short term successes that help keep you motivated (dropping a pants size or getting compliments after you've lost the first 10 or 20 lbs)... doesn't that sound great?
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    "Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway."

    Loved that quote!

    True...about a year ago I started a weight loss challenge with some friends. We didn't finish it. I kept going. In my mind, if I did something, it was better than nothing and maybe in a year I would have lost weight and be better off. Now there is a 40-50 lb difference between us when there was originally a 10-20 lb difference.
  • plipsurt
    plipsurt Posts: 185 Member
    Whatever gets you there, but you're sure spouting off numbers as if they apply to everyone. 1500 calories may work for an average woman that only walks a mile a day for exercise, but for a very active woman or any man, 1500 calories wouldn't be enough for them and they'd drop more than a pound a week (and be hungry). Also, walking a mile doesn't burn 100 calories for everyone - it depends on how fast the person is walking, the height/weight/gender of the person, and how long they're engaging in the activity. These are all variable, so be careful listing numbers as if they're one-size-fits-all. They're not.

    This is also very important. While I hate to rain on anybody's parade, I walk 5 miles per day minimum, run 3 times per week and weigh/log everything I eat and drink. My calorie consumption is usually between 1500 and 1800 per day. I have been steadily gaining weight for the past 6 months.....
  • emmooney235
    emmooney235 Posts: 85 Member
    What a great way to look at the timeline I've set for myself! It made me realize that I could be at my goal weight by April which gives me "oops" room before a family vacation late June 2015.
  • pippadeedippity
    pippadeedippity Posts: 16 Member
    Love this! Thanks for posting!:wink: