Healthy BBQ Options?

What can I throw on the BBQ that isn't to rich in calories other than veggies. I would like to enjoy myself a littie :) Thanks x


  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Not sure what you're looking for here. Chicken is good grilled. Legs and thighs tend to be less likely to dry out and get tough.
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    Other than meat too? For meat I love anything on the BBQ just about.

    I like to grill pineapple or peaches. Serve them with a scoop of low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt. Yummy goodness. To keep them from sticking I give a quick spray of non-stick cooking spray. Or ever better use the Man Grate because it is the best grilling accessory ever.
  • bamagrits15
    bamagrits15 Posts: 131 Member
    For meat, shrimp with a little lemon pepper is perfect. Also, I have made kabobs layering shrimp, pineapple, and chicken. I brush a light glaze of Lawry's Hawaiian marinade.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    If by 'BBQ, you mean grill, then Strip steak (sirloin), chicken, fish, pork loin, pineapple, poblanos, CORN (yum yum yum)

    If BBQ means BBQ there are only three choices: pork loin, brisket, whole chickens (or maybe cornish hens)
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    smart dogs (i think they're 50 calories a piece) or tofu pups, although be sure to spray with a tiny bit of oil for those. morningstar farms or gardein vegetarian meats - and the gardein burgers taste great and cook up wonderfully, too! some fish grills well and are low in calories and fat.
  • PaulaKac
    PaulaKac Posts: 79 Member
    Coat your chicken breasts in a olive oil. It helps to seal in the juices
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    I prefer grilled wings over fried. Grill on low-med flipping pretty constantly as the skin / dripping flares up the flames.

    If you toss the wings in a bowl or bucket when you are done with 2 tables spoons of bbq sauce and spin them, it coats them evenly and maximizes the bbq sauce keeping it way lower cal than just slopping bbq sauce everywhere.

    Someone also said it before. Grilled pineapple is win. Glaze it with bbq for the last minute of the cooking.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Fish. Any fish.

    In my humble opinion fish is the only food that comes out better on the BBQ than in a regular over or grill.
  • rainydays5
    rainydays5 Posts: 217 Member
    ANYTHING!! I love grilling! It is so easy and less dishes too. Yesterday, for lunch I had grilled eggplant. It came out of my garden and so delicious! Grilled pineapple is delicious too.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    poultry, meat and fish are pretty healthy....
  • MisterB42
    MisterB42 Posts: 8 Member
    I know its not my post but i have to say thank you as well, as I am off to BBQ this weekend. Great tips :happy:

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  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Careful with veggie "meats" they are LOADED with sodium. And they tend to burn (and/or stick) quite easily.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Are you grilling or barbecuing?

    The answer to that determines a lot of things.