How do you entertain yourself at the gym?



  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    It infuriates me to see people reading at the gym. I know I really shouldn't care what other people are doing but if you are able to read a book you aren't working out hard enough.

    If you're more concerned about what someone else is doing at the gym, you're not working out hard enough.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I listen to music and watch TV while reading the subtitles.
    It tends to keep my mind pretty busy so the time goes by quickly and I don't realize how tired I am!
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I like to just sit in the squat rack and people watch. I'll do a set of curls every 10 minutes or so.
    some men just want to watch the world burn
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    When I lift, I have time to record my sets and stare and pant while watching the timer count down until my next set. If I get on the elliptical after lifting, it's usually 10 minutes, and I watch the lifters.
  • cyborg_mantisshrimp
    Sometimes I Bring My Lunch With Me And Eat It While I Am Using The Smith Machine

    Mmm Seafood Is My Favorite Gym Lunch
  • ChrissyC1985
    ChrissyC1985 Posts: 406 Member
    I listen to music, watch what's on the tv screens and people watch.
  • danthedeacsfan1
    danthedeacsfan1 Posts: 16 Member
    I listen to my Skrillex station on Slacker, that I created. Yes, it's very fast paced & fun to get my cardio time in on the ARC Trainer at Planet Fitness. I also listen while I am lifting. Of course I am checking ladies out as well, while I am sweating my *kitten* off & watching the news via subtitles. I have no hate for those that read & work out. Most of those that are reading, are a helluva lot skinnier than myself. Anyone that thinks they have the right to judge what others do, while working out are quite pathetic in my book. Pun intended.
  • FireOpalCO
    FireOpalCO Posts: 641 Member
    I wonder if the people with the "you must not be working out hard enough" attitude are working out in a sensory deprivation chamber. Because if you are in a gym there are TVs going and plenty of background noise (including bad music, that treadmill that needs serviced, etc). Sometimes the entertainment is about drowning out the other stuff.

    I have a Kindle Fire and Amazon Prime, so I download episodes of TV shows in advance and watch them while on the treadmill. I've also got a play list of music and The Nerdist podcasts.
  • sklarbodds
    sklarbodds Posts: 608 Member
    On the treadmill I usually watch Netflix (watched all of Battlestar Galactica that way) and technical videos.

    Otherwise, just music.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Listening to game of thrones audiobooks keeps me going longer. Get so caught up I find myself going longer.

    PS. As someone thats going blind has basically saved my life because I love to read, and while my vision has gotten so that I have a hard time reading an actual book, I have been able to keep my love for books alive through audio.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    but when I have 30-60 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical, it gets monotonous.

    A great reason to lace up your runners and run outside. I'm convinced that the monotony of treadmills puts more people off exercise than the sight of me in running tights does......
  • Jdigs88
    Jdigs88 Posts: 71 Member
    I wonder if the people with the "you must not be working out hard enough" attitude are working out in a sensory deprivation chamber. Because if you are in a gym there are TVs going and plenty of background noise (including bad music, that treadmill that needs serviced, etc). Sometimes the entertainment is about drowning out the other stuff.

    I have a Kindle Fire and Amazon Prime, so I download episodes of TV shows in advance and watch them while on the treadmill. I've also got a play list of music and The Nerdist podcasts.

    I think I'm a bit of a Prime noob, but how do you make it so you can access Prime instant streaming without needing wifi? Or is that possible? I have an account, but no wifi/internet access at my gym, so would need to have them downloaded in advance. I just didn't want to pay to do that. If it's included in the subscription, though, that'd be amazing.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    just listen to music while I lift, I get in and out as quickly as possible
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I use music for the rhythm and for blocking out the distractions around me so I will focus on what I am doing. I also use the music tempo to slow it down when I am stretching and during cool down. It really helps. When I do cardio I use music to get me up to whatever the speed is for the day if its fast or slow using music at the right tempo really helps.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I like to just sit in the squat rack and people watch. I'll do a set of curls every 10 minutes or so.

    I knew I recognized you from the gym last night hogging the squat rack!! :laugh:
  • kborden36
    kborden36 Posts: 12 Member
    I wonder if the people with the "you must not be working out hard enough" attitude are working out in a sensory deprivation chamber. Because if you are in a gym there are TVs going and plenty of background noise (including bad music, that treadmill that needs serviced, etc). Sometimes the entertainment is about drowning out the other stuff.

    I have a Kindle Fire and Amazon Prime, so I download episodes of TV shows in advance and watch them while on the treadmill. I've also got a play list of music and The Nerdist podcasts.

    I think I'm a bit of a Prime noob, but how do you make it so you can access Prime instant streaming without needing wifi? Or is that possible? I have an account, but no wifi/internet access at my gym, so would need to have them downloaded in advance. I just didn't want to pay to do that. If it's included in the subscription, though, that'd be amazing.

    There are certain shows that allow you to download and watch offline - at least I can on my Kindle HDX, not near as many as you can stream but it is already part of your Prime membership. I just started watching "Fringe" from the beginning this way while I'm at the gym. :smile:
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    It depends.

    Outside workouts: nothing. The events I'm training for aren't good environments for Ipods and the like (obstacle course races, mud runs, and endurance events), so I don't do anything I wouldn't be able to do at one of those events.

    Weight lifting: nothing again. I like to focus on my reps, which for me is hard when I have music. I often find myself jamming/humming/singing along and forgetting what rep I was on.

    Light cardio (treadmill, stationary bike): I either read on my kindle or listen to music. It all depends on if I'm in the middle of a book at the moment or just want a mental break from everything.
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I usually work out at home but I recently joined a gym (a really busy one). I have to admit, I'm thoroughly enjoying people watching between sets.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,720 Member
    Between sets of weights I will be catching up with my FL on MFP. For cardio on the elliptical trainer I watch TV on my Nexus or iPhone. Just finished Nashville season II. Watch a lot of cooking programs. Does feel ironic to watch Masterchef on the elliptical. I have a subscription to the Economist so sometimes listen to the audio version.
  • smithj787
    smithj787 Posts: 14 Member
    I work out at my apartment complex's workout room. I've been working out in the mornings all summer, and sometimes the other people in there are distracting. There's one guy who comes in, does two reps at a time on various machines set to a heavy weight, and grunts super loud while he does it. Today, he brought a friend who decided to do the exact same thing. Even my music AND the treadmill sounds couldn't drown them out.

    I think it's just the way my mind has been trained (musician), but it's hard for me to tune out sounds. Maybe when I switch to afternoons/evenings next week (gotta go back to work, school year starting up again), it'll be easier for me to use my music to block them out.