Eliptical machines

loria30 Posts: 263 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone, I'm new around here and I need some advice as to how to stop dreading our Eliptical machine at home.

We purchased it about 2 years ago, and I haven't used it much. I would have prefered to get a treadmill, but with my husband's bad knees, this was better for him.

Anyway, I feel like I'm going to collapse after using it for about 5 minutes, and this is on no resistance and zero incline. I'm guessing it is just because I only use it every once in a while which is why it is so hard for me, but I can get on a treadmill after not being on one for weeks and hit a good pace and stay there for 30 minutes.

Any advice on how to make it more fun or appealing to me?


  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Just keep at it. That's how I feel at first too. Try to distract yourself by watching TV if you have one in the room or getting some good music going. I don't feel out of breath so much that my thighs are on fire.
  • I was the same at first - could only last 5 mins. But I've been increasing by 1 minute every other day and am now up to 25 minutes - it's taken a while but it's been a fairly painless process. I still don't love the machine but I find putting music on really helps..
  • KAK68
    KAK68 Posts: 51 Member
    I also watch tv- I actually have been watching series- currently watching 24 and Dexter- I stay on the machine for one eposide- I actually look forward to it just so I can watch my shows.
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    I totally agree!!! :laugh: I was like Bridget Jones when I got off of the elliptical the first time.

    I lasted about 5 minutes and said never again. Well, little by little I worked at it. Now I can go about 45 minutes and don't even think about it at all. I felt it the most in my thighs when I started out.

    You'll get there! It is a fun challenge! :happy:
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    I so could have written this post! But Im glad I have it in the house when I have some extra calories to burn and that keeps me on it!!!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Work yourself up to it. When I first started it KILLED me to do 20 minutes - I could hardly do it and I thought I would die before the 20 mins was up. Just add 2 minutes every few days until you get to the time you want. Then - I'd get some music that you enjoy - with a great beat. I have tons of fun moving my feet to the beat of the music - it keeps me motivated to move fast the whole time. I also like to read a good book (with my music playing in the background so I don't slow down) - something to distract me and make the time go by faster.
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    Like most exercise programs, they don't get fun until you become proficient. Listening to music or watching TV is a good way to pass the time while exercising indoors.

    First five minutes might be to much for you at this point in time. Start with two minutes, take a break walk around the house, then do two more minutes ... work your way up to doing this for twenty minutes every other day. Keep in mind as you increase the time on the machine do not add more than 10% of time or distance per week. By doing so you minimize the chance of hurting yourself and sabotaging your efforts.

    Better yet find something you enjoy doing and it won't feel like a workout.

    Good Luck
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    We bought one a little over 2 years ago and I love it! I ahve leg issues like your hubby so walking on the roads, readmills, paths in the woods always hurts. When I "ellipticise", I listen to music on my iPod as I watch a movie a really like. I mute the tv and ust watch it and get lost in it and the music.
    I ahve found that the more you use it the quicker you hit that stage where you feel you can go on forever, "the runners high" I've been told. For me, once i get past the 12-157minute range, I'm good. I always do a minimum of 30 minutes but usually wind up with the 45 minute workout. I always set it for the 45 minutes knowing I only "have to go for 30". I hate quitting so once I hit the 30 minute mark to me it is quitting to not finish it to zero. I also like to watch teh calories burned and try to figure out how many cals I am behind the time on the machine and then it switches to how many cals I am over the minutes on the machine. Yes, I love math!! LOL Keeps my mind going and busy. I alternate with running, fast walking, and really using the leg muscles for the uphills too and tyr to think about keeping my core tight and even doing some mild twists as I walk.
    Keep going with it andyou'll get there!!!! Don't give in to the burn!!
  • I can't do the eliptical at all my heart rate goes sky high. I do get on it at the gym just to even do a few minutes. I think so far my max was 3 minutes. I really don't want to stroke out so I get off! lol It's not bad but my heart rate does go to my max it should and I've been told not to stay at that for very long. But as others have said keep at it a few minutes at a time. It will become easier as you do this.
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