Stay at home mom needs energy!!!

Want2BeFit Posts: 1
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support second child is now almost 2, it's way past time for me to do something about this flab hanging around! I stay at home with my kids. Some may think this is an advantage but it clearly is NOT! When my kids snack, of course I want to snack and by the time the kids are in bed I am exhausted. It's time to make myself happy though, I will begin counting my calories and exercising every day. I've got the Zumba dvd's and I love them so it's just getting the energy to do it! Eventually I would love to join a gym, but right now it's just not in our budget. Any other stay at home Mama's out there that can relate?


  • I can relate completely! Personally I wouldn't join a gym because #1 not in the budget and #2 I know I'd never go anyway. I have found that walking is really great exercise. If you have a stroller, that the kiddos with you. They would probably love it. I know my 2 little ones do.

    I also just got a bike trailer for my bicycle and that is one of their favorite things to do now; go for a bike ride with Mama. Before I got remarried (2004) and had my last 2 babies, I lost 50 (since gained it all back) and never set foot in a gym. Walking was all I did :o) Now I am back to walking, bike riding and joined MFP for the first time. This website is so great.
  • I can relate. I am a mother of 4 children! I have a almost 2, 9 , 13, 15. I also watch my 3 yr old niece and my 1 yr old nephew during the week. I am so busy with all of the kids that I feel like I never have time. I would also not be able to make it to the gym so I think that I am going to buy P90X and at nap time I am going to work out! That is my goal! I am kind of excited!
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    I was in the same situation. I would work out, and thought that was suppose to give me the energy I needed, but I was exhausted by 7 pm. Now I've started using a meal replacement called Shakeology, and it has helped me tons. It seems pricey, but when I figured it out to being $4 a meal, I figured I waste more money than that in a month on food that I don't eat.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    i am, i have a 5 year old son and an 18 month old daughter. i know how tiring it can be to try and juggle between looking after the kids and finding time to exercise, luckily my son in is school so i tend to get most of mine in thru the day.
    when i do my sit ups and crunches my little one just likes to watch and sometimes she trys to copy as well.
    i put zumba on my laptop and play it off there and put cbeebies (not sure where you are from you might not get this channel) on the telly for the little one and she will sit and watch that til i am done. sometimes i do have to stop early tho.
    however as for the snacks i know it can be hard when my kids are snacking on chocolates and crisps i have bought a lower calorie substitute i have velvet crunch thai sweet chilli crisps if i want something crunchy at only 81 calories
    if i want something sweeter i will have a chocolate chip tracker bar they are just under 130 calories i cant remember the exact amount. or i will have a muller light yogurt most of them are under 100 calories.

    feel free to add me i am always here for a bit of support or motivation when needed.
  • I can definately relate. Having to report everything I eat on here makes me take a look at what i'm eating and how much. For example this morning I really wanted cold leftover pizza till I looked at how much calories it had so opted for a bowl of special k. Every morning I also take a vitamin B12 tablet. I have so much more energy to do things during the day its crazy and I even sleep better at night. Before I'd be tired all day plus sleep restlessly all night now I get more accomplished during the day and sleep more sound at night.
  • I use spark by advocare it give me great energy all day. It is kins pricy but it gives me the up i need to get through the day and still want to workout
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,809 Member
    I relate 100%. I have two kids, ages 5 1/2 and almost 3. What has helped me is that both my kids are now in pre-school two days a week. I do not belong to a gym, but a gym might work for you. Many over child care as part of membership. I do not have a gym membership because with two kids in pre-school we cannot afford it, so this is what I do. Mondays and Fridays I have both kids in school so that is when I run. I run outside on sidewalks and on paths. Tuesday and Thursdays I have at both kids at home for a large part of the day, so on those days I do a workout DVD while my youngest naps. On Wednesdays, my oldest is in school but my youngest is home with me. Weather permitting I pack him up in jogging stroller (which I bought on craigslist for $40) and we go for a walk/run. Of course on the weekends my husband is available to watch the kids so I usually go for runs on Sat and Sun.

    I started doing this at the end of August along with watching what I eat and I have lost 26lbs thus far.It is not always easy, but it can be done. I have so much more energy now that I exercise regularly, it is amazing!!!
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