Starting Power 90 today - wanna join?

I decided to start Power 90 today, after work. I tried Insanity and P90X a few times, but they were too hard for me. My brother recently completed the Power 90 program with great results - 17 pounds lost in three months. I began running shortly after the first of the year, and have since run three 5Ks and am very happy with my current running progress. Aside from weekend kayak trips, bicycling, and a lot of walking (dog walks, working in Boston, etc.), running is really my only exercise.

Anyway, wondering if anyone wants to be accountability partners for Power 90 beginning tonight. I can send you the Excel schedule I downloaded, but of course you'd need the DVDs or some other access to the workouts.

I'm located in Boston, and will be starting the first workout (Sculpt 1-2) around 7PM tonight.


  • kyrie413
    kyrie413 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the videos... have never actually USED them (hah) but could start with you today!!
    I'm in Texas :)
  • speedys
    speedys Posts: 13 Member
    I think I still have the videos, I could start tonight. I'm also in Texas. :)
  • jasonpoort
    jasonpoort Posts: 5 Member
    I've done Power90 in the past, and it worked really well. My wife and my two boys are starting it again because we've slacked off over the last couple years. I started with the Sweat 1-2 video last night. It was much harder than I remember from the first time I started, but I suppose that make sense since I haven't really worked out much lately. I am hoping to lose between 30-40 lbs (if I'm lucky) over the course of the 90 days. It's a lofty goal, but I think I can make it. The hardest thing for me will be eating right and sticking to the workouts. It's always hard to do this when you have so many other things going on in your life. It has to be a commitment that you make and stick to.

    I will try to track my progress here on MFP. If you're still doing the P90 videos, I'd be a week behind you, but maybe we could encourage each other to work out together.
  • bellisima6
    bellisima6 Posts: 76 Member
    I started last night, are you following the meal plan?
    I will be using MFP for tracking.
  • gatorgirly413
    gatorgirly413 Posts: 38 Member
    Guys, I am the worst! I decided that since I'm working longer hours for the next couple of weeks, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to try and commit to a new program. I'm out of the house about 13 hours a day now, so I'm going to stick with Jillian Michaels Body Revolution for strength, and running on cardio days. I'm hoping to start Power for 90 sometime this fall when my work schedule goes back to normal. Good luck to all!
  • Did anyone end up starting Power 90? I want to start it tomorrow for the first time and Im trying to determine the difficulty level. Went on a long holiday for a month and am extremely unfit