Funny: The Plus Side to Being Plus Sized?

Believe it or not, there ARE advantages to being fat. For one, we fat people are harder to kidnap. Seriously. I'm no wispy 90-pound victim so if you wanna snatch me off the street and put me in the trunk of your car, you'd better bring help. And probably a sandwich.

And two, the bigger we are, the more calories we burn during exercise. This is actually true. A 300-pound person burns an average of 247 calories in thirty minutes of walking, while a 150-pound person burns just over a hundred calories doing the exact same thing (according to my extensive, painstaking research, which consisted of googling "how many calories does walking burn?".)

I guess the moral of the story is that there's a silver lining to almost any cloud. Keep your sense of humor -- it's your sexiest asset and it doesn't weigh a thing! :laugh:


  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    Don't forget the ease of clothes shopping... you know, since there's only 5 things to choose from in most stores... :wink:
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Don't forget the ease of clothes shopping... you know, since there's only 5 things to choose from in most stores... :wink:

    Actually agree with this...I didn't mind clothes shopping when I wore plus sizes, honestly, I always found lots of nice clothes in plenty of styles. BUT...thrift/secondhand and clearance racks at stores like TJ Maxx were so easy when the plus section was maybe 3-6 feet of rack space. I could walk into a store and examine every plus size sale item in a few minutes. Now I have to visit a half dozen or more racks, in misses and juniors, and the sheer quantity of clothes to look at is overwhelming. Not that I truly mind...but it's definitely more time-consuming!!!
  • twinkles2121
    twinkles2121 Posts: 137 Member
    Believe it or not, there ARE advantages to being fat. For one, we fat people are harder to kidnap. Seriously. I'm no wispy 90-pound victim so if you wanna snatch me off the street and put me in the trunk of your car, you'd better bring help. And probably a sandwich.

    I seriously lol'd at this. :laugh:

    Sleeping on my side was so much more comfortable. (Boney knees. :frown: )
  • shawnakatiebohn
    True dat. My clothes-shopping heirarchy is:

    1) Does it come in my size?
    2) Can I afford it?
    3) Do I actually like it?

    My Co-habitational Spousal Equivalent is always nagging at me because I don't try clothes on before I buy them. I keep telling him that if I actually tried stuff on and looked in the mirror, I'd NEVER BUY ANYTHING, lol!
  • shawnakatiebohn
    Oh, and another advantage to being fat? While skinny people cry and gnash their teeth because they've gained ten pounds, I figure that for me ten pounds is just another coat of paint. No biggie.