5:2/IF HELP please!!!

So, I started 5:2 again after failing miserably at it last year. I'm pretty sure I failed cos i ate too much on non-fasting days. I decided I would try fasting from 4pm-4pm i.e. 500cals for dinner, breakfast and lunch combined. I also decided I'd set MFP diary to 1600 for non-fasting days. I have pretty much stuck to 1600 per day, BUT ALSO ON STAGGERED FASTING DAYS! I have been having 'normal' breakfasts and lunches knowing I'll fast that evening, then the next day having 'normal' dinners having had v little for breakfast/lunch. I think this is wrong, yes?

I fear I have been overindulging on non-fasting meals! I know the true 5:2 is 500 x 2 days and 2000 x 5 days = 11000 per week. By averaging 1600 x 7 days = 11200 per week, which I suppose is still a deficit but means very slow weight loss overall.

I am very sedentary at the moment, so should I be aiming for less calories in over the full week? I really struggled with whole day fasting, so 24hr fasting is much more suited to my routine, but I think I should be eating much less overall on fast days to make this worthwhile. By logging ahead for the week, that means some days are around 1000 cals total, usually the 2 days the fast straddles.
I'm going to be more careful this week to see how easy/difficult it is to be more disciplined.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I didn't realise how much maths is involved in this diet!!


  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    I legit tried to read this but then gave up.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
  • binniesmart

    OK, you have totally killed my thread. Loads of people ask the same questions about paleo/IIFYM or whatever 'diet' is in fashion at the moment. I was actually looking for some 5:2 advice. This forum is so frustrating sometimes....
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Honestly Binnie, as a fellow IFer I think you might want to look into other tools for your weight loss. You're making this far more complicated than it needs to be and the following statements really jump out at me:

    "I started 5:2 again after failing miserably at it last year."
    " I really struggled with whole day fasting."

    You "failed miserably" at trying this last year and admit that you're struggling with the "whole day fasting" aspect. Then why are you trying to do 5:2 at all? People who take really well to it are the ones who'd prefer to restrict greatly for just two days a week for the traded freedom to eat at maintenance the remaining five days of the week. They find freedom and flexibility in that approach. Just based off you OP you sound a bit like you're trying to force yourself to adapt to a meal-timing program that doesn't necessarily suit you.
  • dramagirl1
    dramagirl1 Posts: 27
    Honestly Binnie, as a fellow IFer I think you might want to look into other tools for your weight loss. You're making this far more complicated than it needs to be and the following statements really jump out at me:

    "I started 5:2 again after failing miserably at it last year."
    " I really struggled with whole day fasting."

    You "failed miserably" at trying this last year and admit that you're struggling with the "whole day fasting" aspect. Then why are you trying to do 5:2 at all? People who take really well to it are the ones who'd prefer to restrict greatly for just two days a week for the traded freedom to eat at maintenance the remaining five days of the week. They find freedom and flexibility in that approach. Just based off you OP you sound a bit like you're trying to force yourself to adapt to a meal-timing program that doesn't necessarily suit you.

  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    You sound like you're really struggling with IF - maybe its not for you?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I have to admit that if you're really struggling with it, it's probably not the plan for you.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I started the 5-2 fasting last September. I loved it!!! I went from 240 down to 200 by the New Year. That is when I found MFP and started counting calories everyday. Now I'm down to 176, which is my goal weight.

    I fasted on Mondays and Thursday, because that is what worked best with my work schedule. I ate stir-fry veggies for every meal. I would cook them in the microwave with only a dash of salt. A little meat added to it will give you enough protein and fat. I cut out bread and stopped using milk in my coffee. I would have fish for supper on one of the fast days and chicken breast or turkey on the other.

    I found that I ate less than before on the non-fast days. I still ate a lot of stir-fry veggies, even on those days. 2 cups is less than 100 calories, and they will fill your plate and your stomach. And drink lots of water. I would have 10-12 glasses a day.

    I never did the IF, just the 5-2. If you want to see some of my meals, I post a picture of supper every night at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1334831-what-s-for-supper?page=7#posts-20839885. All of the ones on here were after I had gave up the 5-2, but I did a thread on another site for a long time before I joined MFP. If you want to look at any of the old meals, they are at http://www.tractorbynet.com/forums/rural-living/288289-whats-supper.html

    The reason I gave up the 5-2 was that I was working out too much for 600 calories. When I first started a slow walk was all I could manage. The more weight I lost, the more I was able to do. Most days I put in at least 2 miles @ 4 1/2 mph now. Also do strength training, swimming and a few other exercises.

    Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

  • binniesmart
    Thanks all. The reason I'm trying 5:2 again is mainly due to the science behind it all, especially the possible reduction in blood sugar issues and type 2 diabetes, which is rife in my family.

    I wouldn't really say I'm struggling with the fast days now, that was mainly past tense when I did it before. The fasting is not the issue here. It's more to do with if I can reduce the amount I eat on non-fasting days and if anyone has had improved success with doing this.

    Also, by fasting from 4pm-4pm, it not really compatible with MFP logging and makes the maths tricky. That's all I was worried about really, that MFP was influencing me to eat more by accident due to giving me a daily calorie goal, rather than 4pm-4pm calorie goal...
  • IrishGirlVA
    If you are interested, there is a community forum specifically for 5:2 fasting. Come join us!

  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Thanks all. The reason I'm trying 5:2 again is mainly due to the science behind it all, especially the possible reduction in blood sugar issues and type 2 diabetes, which is rife in my family.

    I wouldn't really say I'm struggling with the fast days now, that was mainly past tense when I did it before. The fasting is not the issue here. It's more to do with if I can reduce the amount I eat on non-fasting days and if anyone has had improved success with doing this.

    Also, by fasting from 4pm-4pm, it not really compatible with MFP logging and makes the maths tricky. That's all I was worried about really, that MFP was influencing me to eat more by accident due to giving me a daily calorie goal, rather than 4pm-4pm calorie goal...

    I just put all my calories on fasting days in for dinner and leave it at that. So for me, that means I'm usually doing a 20-24 hr fast before I eat dinner for the night (as the last time I ate was the previous night's dinner).

    I also found eating on both fast and non-fast days more manageable the more I did 5:2 (or 4:3 on occasion). At first, I was much hungrier on the day after my fast, especially for sugary carbs. But after a few weeks, that dissipated. Now, I find myself generally eating less on my non-fast days as well. I'm simply not as hungry anymore (or more comfortable with hunger or better at deciphering true hunger from other eating cues).

    I also started fasting for the increase insulin sensitivity benefits. I too am insulin resistant, so this was a big advantage for me. I haven't tested again since starting the fasting, but I'm guessing that my A1C value has gone down and I may be near normal levels again. Because of the IR, I also restrict my carbs. I try to keep them under 100 g per day and get them mostly from vegetables and some fruit. I don't eat bread, pasta or potatoes anymore as a general rule -- only on a very rare occasion (but I do still eat sweet potatoes when I'm carving starch). Same goes for pastries, cake, etc. -- only if there is a special occasion. For sweets I tend to do fruit, dark chocolate or fattier stuff (cheesecake, panna cotta, etc.) and fit that into my carb numbers for the day. I've found this also really help with the IR and weight loss.
  • binniesmart
    Thanks all. The reason I'm trying 5:2 again is mainly due to the science behind it all, especially the possible reduction in blood sugar issues and type 2 diabetes, which is rife in my family.

    I wouldn't really say I'm struggling with the fast days now, that was mainly past tense when I did it before. The fasting is not the issue here. It's more to do with if I can reduce the amount I eat on non-fasting days and if anyone has had improved success with doing this.

    Also, by fasting from 4pm-4pm, it not really compatible with MFP logging and makes the maths tricky. That's all I was worried about really, that MFP was influencing me to eat more by accident due to giving me a daily calorie goal, rather than 4pm-4pm calorie goal...

    I just put all my calories on fasting days in for dinner and leave it at that. So for me, that means I'm usually doing a 20-24 hr fast before I eat dinner for the night.

    I also found eating on both fast and non-fast days more manageable the more I did 5:2 (or 4:3 on occasion). At first, I was much hungrier on the day after my fast, especially for sugary carbs. But after a few weeks, that dissipated. Now, I find myself generally eating less on my non-fast days as well. I'm simply not as hungry anymore (or more comfortable with hunger or better at deciphering true hunger from other eating cues).

    Thanks lindsey1979. I really think I never gave it a good chance last year as I only really did it for a month. Already, this time round I'm feeling much fuller after eating normal meals and less cravings for bad stuff, or I can stop at just a small treat without blowing my calories. I'm going to try a 500 cal day tomorrow so no eating til dinner and see how I go. Got a busy day at work so that should help! there are days gone by where I would do this anyways and not think of it as 5:2. Mind over matter! :-)
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Thanks all. The reason I'm trying 5:2 again is mainly due to the science behind it all, especially the possible reduction in blood sugar issues and type 2 diabetes, which is rife in my family.

    I wouldn't really say I'm struggling with the fast days now, that was mainly past tense when I did it before. The fasting is not the issue here. It's more to do with if I can reduce the amount I eat on non-fasting days and if anyone has had improved success with doing this.

    Also, by fasting from 4pm-4pm, it not really compatible with MFP logging and makes the maths tricky. That's all I was worried about really, that MFP was influencing me to eat more by accident due to giving me a daily calorie goal, rather than 4pm-4pm calorie goal...

    I just put all my calories on fasting days in for dinner and leave it at that. So for me, that means I'm usually doing a 20-24 hr fast before I eat dinner for the night.

    I also found eating on both fast and non-fast days more manageable the more I did 5:2 (or 4:3 on occasion). At first, I was much hungrier on the day after my fast, especially for sugary carbs. But after a few weeks, that dissipated. Now, I find myself generally eating less on my non-fast days as well. I'm simply not as hungry anymore (or more comfortable with hunger or better at deciphering true hunger from other eating cues).

    Thanks lindsey1979. I really think I never gave it a good chance last year as I only really did it for a month. Already, this time round I'm feeling much fuller after eating normal meals and less cravings for bad stuff, or I can stop at just a small treat without blowing my calories. I'm going to try a 500 cal day tomorrow so no eating til dinner and see how I go. Got a busy day at work so that should help! there are days gone by where I would do this anyways and not think of it as 5:2. Mind over matter! :-)

    You're welcome.

    Also if you've lost weight in the meantime, that can also contribute to lower IR numbers in A1C. I'm hopeful that my IR will be completely reversed when I get down to my goal weight range. I developed IR as a secondary effect from a long untreated thyroid condition. Now that I'm on appropriate thyroid treatment and losing weight like a "normal" person, the A1C numbers have been going down too.