Super obese, why isn't the weight falling off me?



  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    OP I started about 40 lbs over your starting weight. It took some time for my body to catch up at first. My body was in shock from the calorie deficit (at least thats what my dr told me) about a month after I started changing my eating habits the weight started to fall off. Your body may just take some time to catch up (i know mine did) but once it does you will be okay. Just be honest with yourself weigh and measure all your food, Do not guess. I also could barely walk when I first started. I started by walking 5 minutes a day and increased it each day I could. It took me about a year but over that year I worked my way up to walking an hour a day and ata 3mph pace. This can be done I promise you. You just have to be honest with yourself, log everything what you put into your body, and dedicate yourself. Know things are not always going to happen how you want them to but as long as you keep doing the right things your body will catch up. it took me 27 years to work up to 465 lbs. It has took me 3 years to lose 209 of that :) While 3 years seems like a long time for the big picture its not :) I will send you a friend request :)
  • rebeccaisafish
    rebeccaisafish Posts: 87 Member
    Have you spoken to your doctor about treating your athritits? Without a doubt the first thing they will tell you is to lose weight, but if you have spoken to an expert in the area you may find physiotherapy helpful, but also they will tell you that being active will help your pain a lot!

    I have athritis in both my knees (and suspect it's in my hips now too but it hasn't been confirmed) and I also can't sleep because of the pain. However keeping active makes a world of difference. The day after you exercise you might feel the opposite, but a few days in a row of just simply walking and suddenly my knees feel almost normal again!
  • jnelson1028
    jnelson1028 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I didn't go through all the posts, but I found this workout on google that could help you considering you can't walk much... and they have many more to go from. Working out while sitting is an option.

    I wish you luck.
  • I don't think I'm super obese, but I really wanna know why my weight isn't falling off. I've been exercising and trying to diet this whole month I just don't get it. I don't look at the scale everyday but I look often and it stays in the same place all the time which angers me. I started off with 223 then I went to 220 then to 217-216 something like that and I feel like I should be smaller than what I am right now. I know it takes time especially since I'm struggling with dieting but I still feel that I should be smaller. So at this whole month I feel like I've been exercising and trying to diet right but what I'm doing is not working. And that makes me feel like I'm failing.
  • Jess__I__Can
    Jess__I__Can Posts: 307 Member
    OP deactivated their account.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I don't think I'm super obese, but I really wanna know why my weight isn't falling off. I've been exercising and trying to diet this whole month I just don't get it. I don't look at the scale everyday but I look often and it stays in the same place all the time which angers me. I started off with 223 then I went to 220 then to 217-216 something like that and I feel like I should be smaller than what I am right now. I know it takes time especially since I'm struggling with dieting but I still feel that I should be smaller. So at this whole month I feel like I've been exercising and trying to diet right but what I'm doing is not working. And that makes me feel like I'm failing.
    You've lost weight while admittedly struggling to get your diet in order.

    That's not failing, that's dialing it all in.