I need some buddies! :)



  • inthekitch
    inthekitch Posts: 26
    Hey, all. I'm a 23 (almost 24) year old from New Hampshire. I've used this site in the past and have lost weight. Unfortunately, after every time I hit about 15 lb.s down I stop...? So here I am. Trying to try. Permanently. It's been six months since my last go at it.

    I would love to have some positive friends. I'm working out and eating right to battle my depression and my propensity for binge eating. (Fear not, I have never purged). Losing weight while I try to fix my brain is just a huge plus. (Or minus, technically) :p

    Please, no one with eating disorders or thigh gap obsessions. I'm looking for happy friends! :)

    Positive friends is always a plus!

    I wish you good luck on your journey! :)
  • NewGirlThatsMe
    NewGirlThatsMe Posts: 124 Member
    I have had some issues with binge eating and depression in the past but I was able to conquer those demons.....it is possible. Now, it's time for me to take the healthy approach to losing weight; no quick fixes, miracle diets, starvation, excessive working out. Those never last, NEVER.

    I am silly and like to have fun while on this journey to a new and healthier me.....would love some more friends to help me (and you!) along the way.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • amelia651
    amelia651 Posts: 17 Member
    Weight loss and happy friends sound right up my ally... feel free to add me :)
  • HappyButton
    HI! I love your sense of humor with this! I would love to buddy up! I am just getting started also and don't have anyone to be on this journey with. Please come see my profile and see if you think we will be a good match! Good luck to you and I'll be around if your having a tough day!
  • vballknance
    I would love friends also! I lost about 15 pounds my first go with this. It wasn't my original goal, but I found that I was happy at that weight. I maintained the loss for a while, but then I had a foot injury. I stopped exercising (and kind of stopped caring about the healthy eating thing too - woops) and gained weight ridiculously fast. I'm back at it again. Feel free to add me :) Take care!
  • Isabel_129
    I'm happy to be friends with anyone who wants a healthy relationship with food so feel free to add me! :bigsmile:
  • MitchmDee
    MitchmDee Posts: 93 Member
    Add me if you'd like :)

    29, trying to drop 60+ lbs. I think I've been in a prolonged bulking stage ;)
  • leahrummo
    leahrummo Posts: 9
    Looking for new friends for support! Feel free to add! :)
  • rashidat_e_
    rashidat_e_ Posts: 53 Member
    New here ...

    Would also love some positive friends to keep me motivated
    - 23yrs old
    - Mother of two
    - Full time college student
    - Work overnight 4x/ week

    Fell free to add!
  • babyphat2012
    babyphat2012 Posts: 36 Member
    I love new friends....ADD ME!!
  • lovestolift67
    Nothing wrong with expanding your network. I will be happy to give support, and advice. Reason why I got into the fitness industry, and at my age (okay not THAT old) people do not realize that our age group still works out, eats right, etc (Okay not all) Add me and let's get you back on track. :-)
  • ragdoll_1985
    Hi, I'm also new-ish, I used MFP on my own a couple of years ago and lost 20lbs, I've put it back on and more, so I'm hoping to lose it again. I need a lot of motivation myself but I'm quite good at cheering others on, so feel free to add me.
  • esanford2
    esanford2 Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    Hi! I've also been on here a while, on and off, stopping after I lose like 5lbs and putting it back on. Now I need to lose it again, and more! Add me x
  • SWalesPhoto2
    SWalesPhoto2 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in NH too! Just getting back on the wagon as of yesterday and already feeling so good even after just one good day. Here's to a long string of great days. :)

    Anyone Feel free to add me too.

    have a great day!
  • jimbopolo
    jimbopolo Posts: 40 Member
    Just starting out as well, feel free to add someone across the pond :)