Weight Loss On The Implanon?



  • jamemia
    jamemia Posts: 11 Member

    Did my doctor tell me what was the implant? Do you mean the weight gain?
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I can't help noticing that several people who were very against the implanon have only posted once, here. seems odd to me!

    I have had it for 11 years, I love this little rod. I have been fat, thin and now fit. It is a good fit for me and my body. it regulated my mood too (I had horrific PMT) I will never take it out NEVER! (well I'll change it).
    I guess with anything in life you have to find what works for you. I am lucky that I don't have to take a pill everyday, have an injection every 3 months etc. no pain, no periods and best of all? No babies!
  • redambition
    redambition Posts: 39 Member
    I can't help noticing that several people who were very against the implanon have only posted once, here. seems odd to me!

    I have had it for 11 years, I love this little rod. I have been fat, thin and now fit. It is a good fit for me and my body. it regulated my mood too (I had horrific PMT) I will never take it out NEVER! (well I'll change it).
    I guess with anything in life you have to find what works for you. I am lucky that I don't have to take a pill everyday, have an injection every 3 months etc. no pain, no periods and best of all? No babies!

    I've also been through several of them. I've been thin, fat and fit too... All while on this medication.

    I did, at one point, try to blame my weight gain on it. My doctor basically said that no, it can't magically make you gain heaps of weight if your diet is good and you're active - maybe a couple of kilos, but that's it.

    I've also had absolutely no issue losing weight and getting fit while on this.
  • teapartytiana
    Can we please all understand that the implanon effects different people in different ways! I was hoping for some good advice for getting in control of my weight while on the implanon - but so far it's *****ing for no reason...or people saying that they have lost or gained weight, please keep the lines open for ADVICE on the matter.

    Ta :)
  • FiresongUK
    I gained about 2 stone since getting my implanon in 3 years ago. It's due out next Thursday :o
    My sister also gained 2 stone in six months after having hers put in. She had hers out yesterday.
    We're going to see whether our weight loss improves after having them taken out over the course of a month or so.

    Just as a side note. I also gained 2 stone whilst on the pill/depo injection. Also, I HAVE been eating and drinking ridiculous amounts since starting uni (coincedentally 3 years ago). I'm talking about a meal for 8 between two people, or two bottles of wine in a night. So, there's that.

    Also from all the contraceptives I've experienced (microgynon and depo), implanon has had FAR less side effects for me. I barely notice it, don't have to remember daily/every 3 months, no periods since I've had it in, no acne/mood swings.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I have an Implanon in (my third) and in my experience eating and sitting on my bum all day caused the weight gain, not a plastic rod in my arm!! I have no problem losing weight whilst having Implanon, but if I go back to eating like a pig, damn right I will gain weight...............
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    Can we please all understand that the implanon effects different people in different ways! I was hoping for some good advice for getting in control of my weight while on the implanon - but so far it's *****ing for no reason...or people saying that they have lost or gained weight, please keep the lines open for ADVICE on the matter.

    Ta :)

    I would say that advice would be the same as anyone trying to lose weight. If you want medical advice I suggest you speak to a doctor.
    I am not really sure what you were looking for.
  • victoriajayne14
    Hiya everyone, to anyone who's on the implanon contraceptive implant, I need sone help. This sounds stupid I know but ive only been on this for two weeks nearly 3..ive been told its very hard to lose weight and weight gain is massive! Ive got a bit of a belly as it is can anyone suggest any diet/excersise tips cos i can definitely feel weight increase, also doea anybody know if being on antibiotics stops the implant from working?? And is getting creamy discharge that does have a smell is this normal and NOT a sign that im going to bleed??HELP I NEED ANSWERS ASAP thajks girls xxxx
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    Open your diary so people can see what you are eating?
  • TiffanyVenitaPorter
    Hi, I'm so glad to find this website. I've had implanon for a little over 2 years and gained over 30lbs since. I've always been petite and actually in shock of this weight I've gained not to say I never had to work out for weight reasons now I've purchased a Gym membership and work out 3-4 times a week, changed my diet and still no change. So after reading this website it has brought me to the decision of getting it removed I will definitely be scheduling my appointment tomorrow!!! And I will also stop by to update you all on my progress after my removal! Thank you all for your opinions
  • caburkhardt
    caburkhardt Posts: 5 Member
    I know everyone reacts to ANY form of hormonal contraception differently, but for those of you who GAINED a ton of weight while on it and got it removed... did the weight come off right away? I am just curious, since you're saying the gain was due to the implant itself.
  • MississippiMama87
    MississippiMama87 Posts: 204 Member
    What she said. Did anyone lose weight after having it removed? The average "weight gain" (it hasn't even been scientifically proven to cause weight gain other than in a "placebo effect" kind of way) is less than 5 pounds over 2 years.

    I find it hard to believe that the Implanon caused any kind of significant weight gain. Maybe it caused an "I have the Implanon, so now I have an excuse to eat like a horse because, you know, Implanon makes you gain weight and all" effect.
  • deedee1243
    I have had the implant for 6 months and I have honestly gained 2stone.i don't know whether it is normal or not but have tried to lose weight and nothing has worked.
  • Wigguru
    Wigguru Posts: 4 Member
    I've had it for over a year now and had no problems with it what-so-ever. Tried the injection before that and again the same. The only weight gain I had was due to my own bad eating habits and laziness.

    I hear a lot of people "gain weight" on it and unfortunately that I find it difficult to believe. Not at all wanting to insinuate that anyone who has experienced this issue is lying or it wasn't because of hormone levels changing but I was warned before having it that while there is absolutely NO scientific evidence that it causes weight gain, it can cause your hormones to make your body feel like it's hungry leading to stuffing your face.

    I am now losing weight with having one in and it's not made a slight bit of difference, if my weight and inches did suddenly stop from dropping, the last thing I would be blaming is the implant, and I would definitely be looking over my calorie count and exercise regime a lot more thoroughly rather than trying to find a scapegoat in the implant and ultimately achieving nothing.

    That said, that is for me personally, everybody's body works differently, I know a lot of people who haven't got on with it and have had it removed for something that suits them better.
  • Hannahp1402
    Hannahp1402 Posts: 85 Member

    I work within sexual health clinics and hear this regularly - an Implant will slower your metabolism for the first few months ONLY, and will make you feel hungry. If you do not eat extra food, you will not gain weight. Lots of women come back complaining about the contraception making them gain weight, when really the problem lies with that person because they ate more because the implant made them hungrier.

    I have an implant myself - I just put some weight back on solely because I ate like a pig. Im losing again now quite easily..

  • kissedlin
    kissedlin Posts: 3 Member
    Can anyone help me.
    18 months after my implant. It took 6 months of a nasty cow to settle. A year in and I was on anti depressants.....due to life change.
    I have a few months no periods and 3.5 weeks periods.
    I also have banged on 1 stone. Which through months of trying (never struggled before) I can't loose.
    I'm So fed up. Should I have this out? Please message me
  • Das_18
    Das_18 Posts: 2
    I have had so many issue with my hormones and been on most of the pills. The implant was the last resort I had over he implant the first year and half were great no periods, cramps, depression etc. the last 6 months have been horrific with severe mood swings depression and weight gain. Since having the implant I have put on nearly 3 stone. I'm glad to see I am not the only one with this issue. I have the hospital in a few weeks to decide the next step I am seriously thinking of having the implant removed. But I hope they are able to provide another solution to the issues as I can't live with the normal cycles.

    Has anyone noticed a weight loss after having it out?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I've had an Implanon (well, 4 now) for almost 9 years. It's never stopped me losing weight, when I was doing everything else right. I put on weight, but that's because of how I ate and didn't move, rather than the implant as far as I can tell...
  • aethre
    aethre Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on my second Implanon and I love it. I do weigh 20lbs heavier than when I first got it inserted but... and I do wonder if this is the case for anyone else.... I got it in the first place because my partner was moving in. It's a well known thing that people do tend to put on a bit of weight when they go from single to co-habiting, and it's known for being one of the most reliable contraceptive methods.... I wonder if this play could be at work to a degree? I also had a change of job to a much more desk-bound role, in which I got rather depressed and my energy levels dropped to nothing... as more explanation of why my weight gain is nothing to do with the Implanon.

    I love the much lighter and further apart periods, however initially and after I got the new one, I did have kind of four months of constant bleeding. The doctor prescribed me three solid months of a mini-pill to regulate it and since stopping that, it's gone to a regular cycle again. So if you're having trouble with constant bleeding, that might be an approach to try before ditching it entirely.