Intermittent Fasting, What's your take on it?



  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    It seems to curb my appetite and give me energy. Ironically, because I do a combo of 5:2 (with usually no food at all on fast days) and one meal a day on most days, I'm a high carb vegan who spends most of her time in ketosis. I think that helps with the energy and appetite, at least in my case, since I was in and out of low carb for two years before this and so I'm very keto adapted.
    do you mean low carb?

    also, how do you manage low carb veganism? serious question, that must be tough

    Nope I'm high carb vegan. Yet I I check regularly and I am, according to ketostix, in ketosis quite often. Weird, huh? Only thing I can attribute it to is my eating schedule and being keto adapted enough to move easily and quickly to producing ketones.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's not if you're breastfeeding, pregnant, or if you exercise strenuously. It's not for me. But I've heard it really works and it's not unsafe.

    Plenty of IFers "exercise strenuously". Some of my best, most productive workouts have been in a fasted state.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    It seems to curb my appetite and give me energy. Ironically, because I do a combo of 5:2 (with usually no food at all on fast days) and one meal a day on most days, I'm a high carb vegan who spends most of her time in ketosis. I think that helps with the energy and appetite, at least in my case, since I was in and out of low carb for two years before this and so I'm very keto adapted.
    do you mean low carb?

    also, how do you manage low carb veganism? serious question, that must be tough

    Nope I'm high carb vegan. Yet I I check regularly and I am, according to ketostix, in ketosis quite often. Weird, huh? Only thing I can attribute it to is my eating schedule and being keto adapted enough to move easily and quickly to producing ketones.
    very weird.

    i just looked into it a bit though, could be caused by high amounts of exercise or fasting, basically any situation where glycogen stored are depleted, so i guess if you do 5:2 its not totally uncommon especially if you're an active person
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    its just an eating schedule. if you have no problem staying within your allotted daily calories then there is no real benefit.

    that being said, it helps some people tremendously due to the fact that they are able to eat bigger meals within their eating window, and many find that it helps reduce hunger throughout the day
    Actually, it's more than an eating schedule. There's also added health benefits. Look into "Eat Stop Eat". He explains those benefits along with the referenced research behind it.
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    It seems to curb my appetite and give me energy. Ironically, because I do a combo of 5:2 (with usually no food at all on fast days) and one meal a day on most days, I'm a high carb vegan who spends most of her time in ketosis. I think that helps with the energy and appetite, at least in my case, since I was in and out of low carb for two years before this and so I'm very keto adapted.
    do you mean low carb?

    also, how do you manage low carb veganism? serious question, that must be tough

    Nope I'm high carb vegan. Yet I I check regularly and I am, according to ketostix, in ketosis quite often. Weird, huh? Only thing I can attribute it to is my eating schedule and being keto adapted enough to move easily and quickly to producing ketones.
    very weird.

    i just looked into it a bit though, could be caused by high amounts of exercise or fasting, basically any situation where glycogen stored are depleted, so i guess if you do 5:2 its not totally uncommon especially if you're an active person

    yeah from what i've read and experience ( and I used to use the test sticks) is something about unless you are testing blood - the urine sticks only measure the presence of ketones in the urine so "The liver will make ketones from body fat, the fat you EAT, and from alcohol --- the ketone strips have no way of distinguishing the source of the ketones. So, if you test every day after dinner, and dinner usually contains a lot of fat, then you may very well test for large amounts of ketones all the time. However this does not indicate that any BODY fat was burned."

    From experience alcohol will also cause the test strips to be dark purple for me and dehydration as well - days I don't drink as much water. Or if I test right after I have some fatty foods or exercise

    or something like that - I still like them and use them sometimes for fun though :)
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    its just an eating schedule. if you have no problem staying within your allotted daily calories then there is no real benefit.

    that being said, it helps some people tremendously due to the fact that they are able to eat bigger meals within their eating window, and many find that it helps reduce hunger throughout the day
    Actually, it's more than an eating schedule. There's also added health benefits. Look into "Eat Stop Eat". He explains those benefits along with the referenced research behind it.
    i've heard this before, it explains in some detail on the leangains website about the additional benefits as well, i just dont think theres enough info to come to any solid conclusions about it (and this is coming from someone who does 18:6 IF). for now ill just stick to it makes it easier to create a calorie deficit
  • PrimalSasha
    Every time you sleep it's 'said' that you are in a mild state of ketosis by the time you wake up. That morning spike of insulin that wakes you is automatic from our bodies. By doing IF you are extending that window of ketosis longer (after that initial morning spike). This is supposed to keep your blood sugar spikes non-existant for those hours and keep you in a fat burning state, instead of a sugar burning state. IF ups certain chemical pathways in the body that are thought to be beneficial as well (growth hormone and neurotropic factors).
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I do 5:2 or 4:3 depending on how I'm feeling. I've found it to be incredibly easy -- I didn't try it for a long time because I was afraid it would be too hard. I was SHOCKED by how manageable I found it.

    I specifically looked into because of the benefits seen in fasting for insulin sensitivity (I'm insulin resistant so this was a BIG advantage) and IGF-2 shifts (having to do with cellular repair).

    So, now I have a much easier (for me) way of creating my weekly calorie deficit and get the added benefits of increased insulin sensitivity and IGF-2 shifts. I've found it easier and easier over time and as someone else pointed out, I find myself less hungry on my TDEE days.

    So far, I've found greater results overall than just with my previous daily deficits. So there appears to be some additional advantage for weight loss eating like this. I can't explain why that is, but it is what I'm seeing for myself thus far. It's actually what I tried to bust through a 6 week plateau from just daily calorie restriction.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Dabbled a little with finishing eating earlier in the evening, and stretching out the time I ate anything first the following day. Can't admit to any success with the experiment, as I found anything over about 14 hours between eating to be disruptive to my eating pattern, and how easily I could control what I ate. Maybe I'm just too used to eating something in the morning, although at the moment I'm probably doing something like 14:10, as I aim to stop eating by 8pm, and as I get out for a morning walk before I eat, I generally don't have breakfast until 10am. I consider this more good discipline for me rather than any type of IF though, as I have been a nighttime eater in the past, so some sort of structure around when I eat I find helpful to avoid that, and remind me why its not a good idea for me to eat late at night, lol :)
  • zman1313
    zman1313 Posts: 70 Member
    I've been doing the 16:2 since I started my weight loss on March 1 without even realizing I was doing it. For me, the more time I spend around food, the more likely I am to over-eat, so I try to limit myself to two large meals a day. Breakfast was (still is) my favorite meal of the day. I love breakfast. So, to account for this, I eat an egg sandwich every day between 11-noon. Satisfies my need for breakfast food and is high in protein/filling. I then eat a snack (small sandwich or protein bar) when I get to work at 2 and eat my dinner at 7. Occasionally I'll snack a little after work, but it's usually just those two meals and one snack. Been at this a little over 4 months and have lost 72 pounds--I'd say it's working for me :)
  • matgh124
    matgh124 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been doing the 16:2 since I started my weight loss on March 1 without even realizing I was doing it. For me, the more time I spend around food, the more likely I am to over-eat, so I try to limit myself to two large meals a day. Breakfast was (still is) my favorite meal of the day. I love breakfast. So, to account for this, I eat an egg sandwich every day between 11-noon. Satisfies my need for breakfast food and is high in protein/filling. I then eat a snack (small sandwich or protein bar) when I get to work at 2 and eat my dinner at 7. Occasionally I'll snack a little after work, but it's usually just those two meals and one snack. Been at this a little over 4 months and have lost 72 pounds--I'd say it's working for me :)

    very encouraging. Thanks for your comment. Yesterday was my first time. i fasted for 18 hours and was able to eat my 1700 calories with in the 6 hours AND get my work out at the gym.... although my energy level was waaaay down at the gym....
  • systemlayers
    Definitely works for me. Since I switched to (well I'd say 90%) paleo and stopped counting calories in early may I've lost an average of 0.5lbs a day and I don't even work out exceptionally hard. I feel much stronger and can recently do multiple pullups/chinups in a row. I eat high fat and very rarely get hungry in the morning because of it. I follow the 16:8 diet and break the fast with a small lunch with salad/protein. The hardest part is making sure I get all my nutrients at dinner since I have to eat quite big. I think the fasting has definitely helped accelerated my weight loss, forcing my body to feed off my ample belly fat. I'll probably eat a small breakfast when I'm within normal weight range however.
    Again the hardest part is adjusting your calories and eating a big enough dinner since you definitely don't want to go under 1300 calories or so and that's surprisingly easy for me since I eat a high fat diet.
  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    I've been trying it for the last couple of days. I don't find myself wanting much in the morning (never really was a breakfast guy), but it's a challenge getting over evening snacks.

    I set my eating period between 1pm and 9pm.

    I wake up not feeling bloated. No reduction in energy (I usually pound about 3 cups of coffee every morning, anyway). No "low blood sugar" or "light-headedness", which, by what I've read, is just in your mind anyway.

    Feels pretty good, actually.