Lost my gains...

s1rGr1nG0 Posts: 11 Member
Hello all!
Well, I'm pretty much having to start over with my fitness goals. From January 2011 until August of 2013 I was a IT contractor working in Afghanistan. There was literally nothing to except go to work, watch movies, play video games, and/or go to the gym.
During that time I lost 30 pounds and felt great.
Last August I finally returned home permanently and unfortunately the weight began to come back. I've gained back about 20 of the pounds I lost. Overseas I had all the time in the world to exercise. All of our food was prepared for us and it was pretty simple to pick healthy food. Back home though it seems there is just never enough hours in the day. Being married and having a 15 year old and 6 year old daughter and then trying to find time to squeeze in some form of exercise is very difficult.

What makes matters worse is that diabetes runs rampant in my wifes family. She is diabetic, both of her brothers are diabetic, and about15 years ago her mother passed away from complications of her diabetes. In fact, her oldest brother lives with us. He literally takes a handful of pills everyday, his vision is horrible, and he has had one of his legs amputated at the knee...due to his diabetes.

Me, my wife, and my oldest daughter are all overweight and I've had enough! Yesterday I re-installed the MyFitnessPal app and Map My Walk. I entered all the information and tracked everything I ate. Last night we all walked 2.7 miles and by the time I went to bed I had a deficit of 300-400 calories! Gotta start somewhere, right?


  • steven402014
    brilliant start, and getting on here is an excellent motivator. load yourself up with new friends and that will help. my only advice, and i aint no expert, is to plan - it definetley works for me.

    good luck to you all.
  • AdaVanderlyle
    AdaVanderlyle Posts: 113 Member
    Good luck to you and your family!
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    Fantastic start!! The most important thing is consistency!!! We all slip up now and again but just don't let a poor lunch choice turn into a poor dinner choice/no exercise that day, etc. One step at a time.
  • VickieZureich
    VickieZureich Posts: 37 Member
    I read your story and could really relate. My grandmother was diabetic and passed in her 60's. In 2004 I topped out on my weight and was feeling really tired and found out I had become a diabetic. It wasn't until 2008 that the light bulb went on. My cousin who I was very close to had a triple bypass operation due to her weight and diabetis. In the 8 yr. period after that she lost toes, went on kidney dialysis and various other complications and 24 surgeries. When I went to see her during recovery she literraly held my face and begged me to not let my health go...at the same time I was going through some traumatic personal problems and was using food for comfort and went to emergency because my heart was racing. They gave me an EKG and the doctor came out and said If I didn't lose weight he promised I would have heart problems in 10 years. Finally it hit me hard....So I began tracking and with a program through our church lost 80 pounds...even became a leader. Well the program banned and I maintained from 2008 to 2010, and then my world began to fall apart. My dad was needing my help as a caregiver and I was handling his affairs and managed to gain half of what I had lost back..which is when I joined MFP. When I got serious this year I have managed to drop 47 pounds through sweat and accountability. I still have 30 lbs. to reach my ultimate goal...but want my BMI to be normal so might go a little further. I encourage you to make the time for yourself whether it be earlier than you get up or sometime during the day. If you focus on the fact that this is for not only your health but that you will impact your loved ones you can Do It and start seeing results. My best to you and your family...
  • doctorregenerated
    doctorregenerated Posts: 188 Member
    We have a lot of diabetes in my family too. Had an aunt pass away recently from complications from it. Its a devastating thing.
    congrats on taking healthy steps. You can get back to your 30 pound loss with consistency. Your whole family will benefit from your motivation. Good luck to you!
  • s1rGr1nG0
    s1rGr1nG0 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging words guys!
    When I was working overseas it was easy to exercise. I didn't have any of the day to day issues to deal with. I was doing weight training 3 days a week and also running/walking 12-17 miles per week.
    I have all the tools here at home to begin weight training again and I plan on cleaning out the garage again to give myself some room to lift.
    Last night I had a little chat with my oldest daughter and explained to her about diabetes and how devastating it can be. I told her that on her moms side of the family it's pretty prevalent and explained that because of her weight she is very susceptible to it.
    It must have worked because on our walk last night she was MOVING and was way ahead of us.
    She is going in to high school in the fall and will be in the marching band. Band camp starts in a couple weeks and she will be out in the heat 6-8 hours a day until school starts.

    Tonight, we walk again... :)