
I keep going over my protien. Does anyone know how this will effect my weight loss in the long run?


  • beasty77
    Unless it's by some severe amount that is adding a TON of additional calories, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Protein helps build muscle, muscle burns fat.

    If you have a choice between over & under on protein, over is the way to go.
  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    I completely agree. If you want to go over on anything, it's protein....but not too much of course.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Protein goals on here are set WAY too low. There is no harm in going way over what they give you. Most experienced users have changed their numbers so it's much higher. Same for fiber.
  • blakgarnet
    what are you eating? I'm struggling to change my diet to include MORE protein! Although I am trying to get 40% protein in my diet.
  • joenstefanie51609
    I am eating Chicken, Pinto Beans, Lean Cuisine Market Creations,Cottage Cheese. Those are my biggies. The Lean cuisine meals are actually very good. My husband will even eat them.
  • joenstefanie51609
    Ok thanks everybody. Really glad it's not just me.
  • beasty77
    Here's a tip that will make you look like a million bucks:

    Create a diet that follows these ratios:

    5/8 (62.5%) protein (fish, chicken)

    1/4 (25%) carbs (veggies & some grains-eat the grains earlier in the day)

    1/8 (12.5%) fats (nuts, avocado)

    That's your total macronutrients for the day, and create meals that use those same ratios per meal.

    -Yes, these same ratios, even if you are a female.

    -Don't get too bogged down in getting the ratios EXACTLY correct, but come as close as you can.

    -You will likely need to supplement some of your protein (20-25%), meaning protein powders.

    Do this in addition to working out faithfully, including strength training (the fastest way to burn fat), and I guarantee that in a month or two you will be absolutely stunned at the results. Trust me, it works, as long as stick to it and be honest with the diet.

    Good luck!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Here's a tip that will make you look like a million bucks:

    Create a diet that follows these ratios:

    5/8 (62.5%) protein (fish, chicken)

    1/4 (25%) carbs (veggies & some grains-eat the grains earlier in the day)

    1/8 (12.5%) fats (nuts, avocado)

    That's your total macronutrients for the day, and create meals that use those same ratios per meal.

    -Yes, these same ratios, even if you are a female.

    -Don't get too bogged down in getting the ratios EXACTLY correct, but come as close as you can.

    -You will likely need to supplement some of your protein (20-25%), meaning protein powders.

    Do this in addition to working out faithfully, including strength training (the fastest way to burn fat), and I guarantee that in a month or two you will be absolutely stunned at the results. Trust me, it works, as long as stick to it and be honest with the diet.

    Good luck!

    Crazy high protein, new member and no profile pic makes me suspicious but I do appreciate the suggestion - honest, I'm not belittling you for being new to MFP. Who knows you could be a trainer or nutritionist but before others read this like it’s the gospel, be wary, high protein diets have their negative aspects too.
  • beasty77
    Um, ok.

    It's not like I would have anything to gain from someone following this. And I am certainly not out to hurt anyone.

    It may sound crazy high, but if you want to be super toned, look amazing, etc, it isn't.

    I am a new member, yes. I have been working out, and into fitness for over 15 years. I usually just operate on my own, but I thought it might be interesting to give some of my knowledge back to this community, and I was already using the app (recently switched from another calorie counting app).

    I have also "fallen out", fitness-wise, due to entering graduate school a year ago, and I need to get back on it, so I kind of need to start over again.

    Sometimes I fall off the wagon, as we all do. I've done it in the past, religiously followed the diet I shared (it was created for me by a professional personal trainer), and had outstanding results. Would it make you feel better if I shared the pics from that session?

    At the moment I don't look so hot. As I said, grad school, etc. But I am now back on these ratios, and expect that my results (in the upcoming weeks/months) will speak for themselves.

    I enjoy helping people. The info that I gave is solid, and includes room for all of your necessary nutrients, and is not too much protein to take in (given that it is a ratio, not hard numbers).

    Take it for what it's worth, and if it's not worth much to you then ok. But I promise it will work. It's standard fitness/nutrition stuff.

    That being said, here are a few things to remember:

    -This thing is high rev. I mentioned strength training, and if you don't incorporate strength training, the macro nutrients may become wasted.

    -I am a man, but again, because these are ratios, they can and will work for women.

    Most people, as they move into trying to workout more and become fit, grossly underestimate the importance and need for larger amounts of protein. We aren't talking about a diet for sedentary people, or even people who consider "walking around the block" as getting more exercise (which I understand is technically true). We are talking about high end, looking as fit as you possibly can.

    Maybe you guys have had a problem with internet trolls or unscrupulous people in the past. I promise I am not one of them. Just trying to help.

    Again, would you like to see my personal results images from doing these ratios before?