Fealing Defeated



  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    Take a long look at that beautiful boy of yours and ask yourself "What kind of Mom does he deserve?"

    If the answer is, "A Mom who is going to be there for him," walk away from the Nutter Butters and keep walking.

    You can do this.

    We all have triggers. We all have stress. We all have people in our lives who aren't necessarily supportive.

    We all had to find ways to move past those things.

    Feel free to add me. I can be tough when you need it, but I'll always be supportive. It's a lifetime journey, not a two-week fix.
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    You need to put your big girl panties on and make a decision........Am I going to stay fat and unhappy or am I going to do something about it?

    Are you being treated for your depression and anxiety? If you aren't then maybe you need to get on something to start to get you evened out some. I'm on a med and it helps keep me from ripping everyones heads off, lol.

    Are you exercising? Exercising helps with mood. I see a big difference now that I'm exercising regularly.....and I don't mean just a 20min walk a couple times a week. At least moderate exercise 3-4x week.

    Also, a stumble doesn't mean you've failed. Refocus, decide what you want from life and move in that direction. We all go through downs but as long as you have more ups and are moving towards your goal it's okay. Put the stumbles behind you and just go forward without beating yourself up. It is what it is and you can't change it but you can change what you do in the future.

    You need to dicuss the food situation with your husband and help him realize that having crap at home does not help you. Is he also overweight? Have a heart to heart with him and help him realize that this is a life or death situation and you are afraid of not being around for your son. The best situation would be for the two of you to start moving towards a healthier lifestyle.

    But in the end it all comes down to CHOICES. You choose to eat the crap in the house, you choose to not change your life, you choose to stay the same. No matter what other people are doing around you, you are making these choices so change and make better choices.
  • moonpie83
    moonpie83 Posts: 24 Member
    I've been on and off the bandwagon time and time again! I'm and emotional eater as well and heck, I just LOVE food, I LOVE to eat!!! These past few days I have not been eating the best and, like you, I'm scared to death to get on the scale b/c I'm terrified of the number I'll see! I've been working so hard lately, and to just throw it all away so quickly and to have to start all over again. It is a struggle, but all you can do is, once you eat bad, just forget it, put it in the past! It'll all be worth it in the end!!! You can do it, it is possible! I'm a work in progress, just as you are (believe me, I love my nutter butters too!!) LOL We can do this honey!!!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I'm feeling your feels today. I'm travelling down the slippery alope of caring less about myself. I've been struggling with coming to terms with change, feeling sorry for myself and dealing with the fact that my bad habits have led me here.

    How did I do it before? I just did it. Just do it today. If you have tips and tricks up your sleeve that you learned when you succeeded for thirty days, replicate them. Just do it. When I'm at goal weight I still need to exercise and eat within TDEE. If I just do this when I'm overweight also, I'll get rid of the extra pounds. Just do it. If you have a binge, forget it, brush it off, and just keep doing it:)
  • mrsolsonwaters3
    mrsolsonwaters3 Posts: 12 Member
    Have compassion for yourself. Make today better than yesterday and go from there. Life is a precious thing, do what makes you happy and stick with it! Do not give up just because you have a bad week/month. I have been on this journey for over one year with a lot of ups and downs, but soon you will see the overall line moving downward even though there are peaks and valleys in your weight. Trust yourself and know that you can do it even if you have some moments of weakness, it does not matter, keep going!!
  • brcossette
    brcossette Posts: 89 Member
    DON'T STOP SNACKING....... I eat snacks all the time only they aren't nutter butter cookies they're fruits or vegetables or air popped popcorn for example.
  • foodequalshappy
    foodequalshappy Posts: 31 Member
    It's been 5 days. How many days of bad eating did you have that got you to the weight that you are at? I am betting it was more than 5. So draw a line under this, and start again. You have all the reasons to restart so just do it!
  • Archer9304
    Archer9304 Posts: 113 Member
    As my profile pic says...If you want to quit, ask yourself why you started in the first place :smile:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    The way I see it you have two choices:
    1) keep trying
    2) give up

    With option 1, you recognize that you're not perfect, but you keep trying anyway. One day or one week isn't going to ruin your entire progress. You just forgive yourself for being human, brush yourself off, and move on (starting with the next meal, not "tomorrow" which never comes).

    With option 2, you get to feel like a failure. It's really a self-fulfilling prophesy. You're striving for perfection, but no one is perfect, so you're setting yourself up for failure. When you realize you're not perfect and never can be, you give up.

    I'm going with option 1.

    Very wise advice!
  • greeneyes972
    My advice is, take it moment by moment. Set small goals! Daily goals! We can only conquer a day at a time, right? Make as many healthy choices as you can today! Take each day as it comes! If you have a bad day, dust yourself off and start again! If you have a bad meal. dust yourself off and start again! There is NO RULE that says if you eat junk, the rest of the day is trashed. You binge, shake it off and make healthy choices next meal. I try to add in little treats into my daily calorie goals, and I've recently found that I'm not a breakfast person, and I personally do better with pushing meal 1 out until 9:30 or 10, as it gives me more calories in the evening, when I usually want a snack or a treat. If you want to add me my diary is open to friends, so you can see what I'm talking about. Just remember, take it 1 day, 1 hour, 1 meal at a time, and CONQUER it! The more often you make healthy choices, the better you'll feel, and you'll start seeing results. Also, check your calories based on your TDEE, if you haven't. Make sure you're allowing yourself enough calories! The more deprived I feel, the more likely I am to binge. Don't punish your body, love it enough to nourish it with good healthy food, and treats here and there! Remember the quote, fall down 7 times, stand up 8!!! Good luck OP! You got this! :flowerforyou:
  • pythagarus
    pythagarus Posts: 16
    I understand the effects of depression. I suffered from Major clinical depression and PTSD. I became agoraphobic and passed my time by eating and watching television. One of the biggest factors in conquering the spiral cycle of defeat was for me to get moving. Taking a walk releases endorphins and it helps you achieve a little clarity. It stops that nagging voice that says " Why bother because........"even if just for a little while. You should talk to your doctor and tell them that you want to be healthier. Perhaps a different antidepressant would be better suited to being more active.
    You are not alone. Log in here and find the support and encouragement you need to start feeling a little better every day.
    "The longest journey begins with a single step. "
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    (3) If you are really struggling with depression and anxiety and cutting, work on that. Don't misdirect the biggest health concerns you have by thinking "oh if only I was thin, all my problems would vanish..." I speak from experience. If you have a life-long tendency to have unhealthy coping mechanisms, get some cognitive/behavioral therapy to help you cope using healthy tactics. Believe me, I totally understand. But the underlying issue with your weight is your coping issues. Deal with them now, or face a life of frustration and disappointment and misery.
    This. Cutting and bingeing can come from the same place -- they're both stress relief tactics, so you need to find other coping mechanisms that are good for you. It's probably not about the food, just like cutting isn't about the cutting. It's all about the stress.

    Are there things you can do, like take your son for a walk or take a bath, when you feel like bingeing? Sometimes, just changing your environment until the trigger passes can help.
  • dcmassena
    dcmassena Posts: 11
    1. Don't make excuses about being an emotional eater.....be an emotional exerciser instead.

    2. Don't blame your husband, my wife leaves junk food in our house all the time.

    3. When you do not log or weigh yourself you are lying to yourself.

    4. Food is fuel for your body....there is no reason to eat more than you can burn.

    5. Being hungry doesn't hurt as much as being fat feels.

    You can do this, the tools are right here for you. There are a lot of people in here that have been sucessful and so can you. Get yourself in order starting again RIGHT NOW! Log your food and maintain your calories....and if you are feeling tempted to eat garbage......get off your *kitten* RIGHT NOW and go for a walk or do some exercise. I promise you will feel better.

    +1 on all of this. You can do this. Trust me. I used to be in the same situation. I finally had a true heart to heart with myself and decided I would stop making excuses. Yes it is hard. I still struggle with it some times. I love to eat. Eating has always been a cop out for me. When I was depressed, I ate junk. When I wasn't happy I looked for happiness in junk food. Now when I'm having a pity party for myself I go do something physical anything at all is better than sitting around moping about being fat. You CAN do this!
  • mom2_4gr8kids
    Get back to eating healthy again. Today. Right now. Don't say that you'll start again tomorrow, because you probably won't. Don't weigh yourself for a week or so, because the unhealthy eating probably added back on some water weight.

    Most of all, tell yourself that your health and your son are more important than the high you get from eating too much. Before you eat out of stress/emotion/depression, take a walk around the block, talk it out with a trusted friend, come on here and read the message boards. You can find inspiration from the people on here.

    You can do it! Just have faith in yourself.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    I understand how you feel. Our minds can really torment us and ruin everything. But we can change our own thinking. It is actually possible.

    1. You need more happiness in your life. What would you do to be happy if food was not an option?
    2. You need to untangle your emotions. One by one, identify solvable issues and work on them. That's a really long term strategy that will make you strong for life.
    3. Reduce the junk- it can affect your mood and your cravings. Eating real food is liberating. I used to never be hungry and never be full. That's a bad feeling. Now, I eat a good meal, feel really good, and when I'm actually hungry a few hours later I eat a good, filling meal. And I really don't need the treats and snacks, except once every few days for fun

    Don't give up- you deserve the life you imagine!!!
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    (3) If you are really struggling with depression and anxiety and cutting, work on that. ...
    This. Cutting and bingeing can come from the same place -- they're both stress relief tactics, so you need to find other coping mechanisms that are good for you...

    I can't re-state this enough ^^

    Everyone learns how to deal with their stress, and we don't all do it the same. If you have a habit of dealing with stress a particular way, then it can be tough to start new habits. Once you have a new habit/coping mechanism, it's hard to explain to your past self how it works, since what you do to cope seems so LAME once you say it outloud.

    For instance, and it sounds dumb, but it works for me:
    (1) In my most stressful moments, I find my "happy place"
    (2) Instead of actually EATING food when I want to eat food, I make overly complex, multi-stage foods. Like homemade yogurt or crackers. Things you can EASILY buy in the store for cheaper. But the act of thinking about the food, researching the recipe, buying the ingredients, making the food, waiting a day while it marinades or whatever... it fills a need; I can't explain it. In short, I turned from an "eater" into a "foodie."
    (3) most day-to-day stress, I can now just distract myself by thinking of something else. But it took practice and time to reach this point.

    You can do it, too. Get some therapy. Buy some stress-buster self-help books. Whatever you think you'd respond to. Heck, do them all.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    You have already received a lot of great advice, but I just wanted to add this:

    Sit down and write out a list of why you want to lose weight and what your goals are. Your goals don't have to be about the number on the scale. When you feel defeated, wanting to binge, or just give up, pull out that list and read it. Maybe taking that moment to take the focus off of the urge to binge and focus on your whys will help give you time to figure out a more healthier way to cope with the stress.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    I've had chronic depression for what seems like forever, so I understand where you're coming from. There are days I feel so empty and hopeless that I just want to give up, chuck all my good food into the trash, and binge like there's no tomorrow. Then I take time to play a game on my computer or nap or go for a walk or just do *something* till the moment passes. Then I have a half cup of no sugar added ice cream or something else that tastes good, log it, and move on.

    There's no reason you can't enjoy the food you eat. Take a look at my diary if you want and you can see that I haven't been rigid in eating the "best" of food, but I've managed to lose 27 pounds despite it. I admit, it's easier for me, since I live alone and am accountable to no one, but I'm learning to make good food and enjoy what I eat. I have plans to make honey-baked chicken wings this upcoming weekend and pack some for the dog show next weekend--so even "normal" food is possible on a limited calorie meal plan.

    Good luck to you--I hope you can find your inner strength. It's difficult, but doable. Feel free to friend request me if you'd like. :)
  • abear007
    abear007 Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry to vent and throw it out there. I'm just so discouraged, and when I get like this I just give up for years.....
    One thing I had to finally come around and recognize is that I am a food addict. I LOVE sugar and I LOVE wheat based foods (bread, pasta, etc.) and most everything that is processed has one or the other or both. (Hell, 80% of the food at the store has been injected with the stuff.) Once I was willing to admit my addiction - along with understanding all the other health problems associated with those foods - that made the transition easier.

    I'm currently eating sugar free and wheat free - not counting calories at all and it's working great so far. The big plus is that I don't feel hungry as I did when I was focused on counting calories all the time. I have even been able to incorporate a small treat that's supposed to be good for you - a small piece of good quality dark chocolate and it hasn't halted my progress at all.

    Ultimately loosing weight is a mind thing. You've got to want it enough that you're willing to have the patience to do what it takes to get there.
  • Changingmyfatitude
    Changingmyfatitude Posts: 97 Member
    So much great advice and motivation from everyone, we have all fallen so totally understand and we all get fed up/tired

    You have to decide which tired you would rather be... Good luck