Savory Breakfast Ideas?

corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
Hello! Hoping that maybe some of you have some go-to savory breakfast ideas. While I was never a breakfast person as a kid, I have learned to like the idea of eating in the morning. Unfortunately, I absolutely loathe sweet breakfasts (cereal, pancakes, french toast, etc)--> I just dont have a palate for sweetness (which I am sure some of you are thinking its a wonderful thing :0)

As much as I would love to, cant have eggs/egg whites everyday and my dairy allergy limits me to my once favorite lite cheese and cracker plate.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks again!!


  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
  • jeanywren
    jeanywren Posts: 72 Member
    Finally I find someone that does not like sweet things in the morning!! If I don't have eggs (sometimes with a bit of thin sliced luncheon meat or gf bread) leftovers work for me. Not salads but other goodies. Today was a few new potatoes with a bit of chicken and onion, sauteed in a little coconut oil. A little heavy for me but will have a light lunch. I am going swimming so will work it off!! Toast with peanut butter some days.
  • searsvls
    searsvls Posts: 164 Member
    I like to saute fresh tomato slices (especially now that's it's summer) and then add them to a wrap with a little mustard and some turkey slices. I do this when I don't have time to cook eggs. Hope this helps.
  • vismundcygnus27
    vismundcygnus27 Posts: 98 Member
    Yeah, I don't have much of a sweet tooth either. When I don't eat eggs, I usually just have a light sandwich. Or if I'm feeling super Colombian, I make calentado (basically just rice and beans, but for breakfast, haha). I'm not a huge fan of typical American breakfast food.
  • BringingSherriBack
    BringingSherriBack Posts: 607 Member
    I'm not a traditional breakfast person myself. Occasionally I'll have bacon and eggs on the weekends, but generally through the week I either eat leftovers or a wrap made with a low carb tortilla with turkey or ham and cheese. Wraps are also good with just meat and some spicy brown mustard.
    Just eat whatever you like. It doesn't have to be breakfast food.
  • KatrineJensen
    KatrineJensen Posts: 75 Member
    I make oatmeal sometimes, you don't have to make it sweet :)
    Plain oatmeal with just a pinch of salt is great, or you can google some savory oatmeal recipes, there are a ton of good ones.
    I also make frittata in advance, keep it in the fridge and just portion it out during the next couple of days. I know it's made from eggs, but I love it.
    Other than that, how about whole grain toast with natural peanut butter, or deli meat, cream cheese, avocado, tomato etc.? :)
  • catptrs
    catptrs Posts: 1 Member
    I change up seasonings on my eggs. It sounds gross, but I like lemon pepper or cajun seasoning on scrambled or boiled eggs. Seasonings don't cost extra calories, and there are tonnes to try (thyme, rosemary, etc). I also fall back to peanut or other nut butters a lot--when I was pregnant and lost my taste for meat, that's where I got most of my protein (and it doesn't have to be on toast---it's great on sour apple slices, rolled with roasted veggies or potatoes, or just off a spoon!). Cinnamon toast is good too, but just leave off the traditional sugar. And cinnamon has the added bonus of being excellent for regulating blood sugar
  • sakuragreenlily
    sakuragreenlily Posts: 334 Member
    I like to make garlic-ginger turkey stuffed mushrooms! I make the stuffing ahead of time and store it, covered with plastic wrap, in the fridge. I play around with the recipe in the link below. I use yellow onion instead of green onions and baby bella mushrooms because they're easy to find. Sometimes I add more garlic and ginger depending on what I have on hand and play around with seasonings...

    The recipe usually makes more stuffing than you can put into the mushrooms without it falling out into the pan. Don't overstuff the mushrooms. Instead, save the left over turkey stuffing and use it in other things. I like to scramble it with eggs, spinach, and peppers over the next few days.
  • 2kidsandatrip
    2kidsandatrip Posts: 98 Member
    I know you mentioned you have a dairy allergy, but I don't know if there is cream cheese that your a able to eat as you mentioned eating a lite cheese. For breakfast I enjoy a toasted plain bagel with a little bit of cream cheese and a tomato slice on each. A little salt and pepper on top the tomato adds a little extra flavor, its' delicious. Or you could try something similar to the nova lox bagel, toasted bagel served with Lox (salmon), cream cheese, lettuce, tomato, olives, capers & onion.