Former Marine turned fat man, trying to turn it around!

Hello everyone, I'm Joey. I left active duty on December 2012 and I think I set a record for the most weight put on in a year. I went from 178 to 232 lbs within 13-14 months.

I've been using MyFitnessPal for almost 4 months. I started at 232 lbs and I've dropped to 189 so far. I have a love/hate relationship with the MyFitnessPal app, as I'm sure most of us do, haha. I don't really have much of an approach to weight loss, I just replaced everything in my house with healthier options and it has been working so far. I do ensure that I have what I like to refer to as a "sanity meal" where I will go to a nice restaurant on the weekend and order whatever I want.

I want to get down to 175, preferably 165. I'm relatively short, coming in at a whopping 5'8" so its a decent weight for me. After I hit that goal I want to try to put on 10 lbs of muscle, but that's a distant future from now.

I mostly do cardio, with a day here and there lifting, to lose weight. I've been 189 for a few weeks now so I am trying to switch up. I recently joined a brazilian jujitsu program and I'm hoping that will help me over this hump.


  • joverine
    joverine Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in same boat was in army and now gained some weight. Gonna lose 35lbs and go from there
  • JRich8389
    JRich8389 Posts: 9
    Sounds good, I work for the Army now as a civilian so it helps to be around fellas that take fitness seriously as well. Good luck to you, brother!
  • lngbrd
    lngbrd Posts: 279 Member
    I wasn't a Marine but I was a Navy Corpsman with FMF way back in the day. I experienced a quick weight gain shortly after getting out. I was 195-200lbs when I left and 235-240 within the next 18 months. Now sadly I'm well above that but on the down, around 12 lbs down since on this site and almost 20 since Feb. Good luck Devil Dog!
  • patb987
    patb987 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for your service and good luck in your goals.

    I am also going the same route, lose then bulk, I have 18lbs to lose. Anyone have any thoughts on how to count calories burned through weight lifting? I was sad that the sight was only for cardio, and I am aware its harder to calculate, but there has to be some way to get a guestimate?
  • JRich8389
    JRich8389 Posts: 9
    If you type weight lifting into the cardio section of the app it does give you a guestimate of how much you burned. I don't know how accurate it is per say but it at least gets you some credit for it.
  • patb987
    patb987 Posts: 44 Member
    Nice to know, will try that out, gotta get some idea on how much calories extra I can eat as I am on the 1500 cal a day for 2lbs a week. Seems I have to burn around 400 Cal a day just to make it work.
  • Tickwomp
    Tickwomp Posts: 27
    I got off active duty USMC last year and put on 20+ lbs.
  • carnavore
    carnavore Posts: 65
    Original poster: What's your height? I think I have the record for most gained weight in a 3 year period. 165-215. That's a 50 pound difference.
  • JRich8389
    JRich8389 Posts: 9
    I'm 5'8", we're pretty close in that competition, carnavore. Haha!
  • bbardwell0916
    bbardwell0916 Posts: 33 Member
    Same boat :) I was prior Navy then got injured and gained weight to about 185 then dropped down to 155 then got pregnant and gained it all back lol. So here I am at 175 and trying to lose it back to 145 if possible :) Good Luck with the weight lose and hope we can help each other. :) Feel free to add me anytime and we can support each other and be friends :bigsmile:
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    Ditto, went from low 170ish to mid 190ish in a twelve month periods after separation from the Army. Been in the mid 180ish since; however, in last three years been yo-yoing from a low of 176 to 210. Passing the mid life point really changes a few things. Just under 200 now and hoping to get down to my basic weight of 166 before I turn 46 at the end of next year.
  • shadowjack1965
    shadowjack1965 Posts: 107 Member
    I feel you Dog. I tell people I was in the Army and they say "when were you in the Army?"

    I answer "oh about 100 pounds ago..."

    Now my goal is to fit back into my class A uniform that's hung in my closet since 89.

    One pound at a time.