My Starting Line is Located in the 300+ Club

formality Posts: 15 Member
Hello everyone!

Pretty unhappy sitting in that 300+ club, so I've decided to get (re-)started. Tired of that number on the scale, the feeling of carrying all this excess around, and that voice in my head that tells me nothing is going to change, so there's no sense trying.

Planning to cut back the calories slowly so I can ease myself into counting calories/keeping a food journal. Hoping to slowly ramp up the exercise levels, too, but for now walking is all I can manage.

Looking to meet and chat with people who've had similar experiences. Many of my family members are in the same weight range as I am, and being surrounded by their 'why would you bother?' attitude is more than a little discouraging. I could use the support, and I'm happy to reciprocate!


  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Welsome, please feel free to add me, I started out somewhere 280-300 pounds, I am down to about 215 now, so I know you can do it :flowerforyou:
  • derrickyoung
    derrickyoung Posts: 136 Member
    Sounds like a solid plan. Starting to just log your food will open your eyes and you will soon be making smarter choices. At least that is how it worked for me to get started. I just logged for 2 days and on day 3 was focused on meeting my calorie goals. I started in the 300+ club as well and some great friends on here have helped keep me going through those early times when I questioned why I was doing it. Get some good supportive friends and get going, you can do this.
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    You can do this.
    I was on the wrong side of 400 when I started and I'm 50 years old.
    Just be nice to yourself if you mess up and don't quit.
    Good luck to you.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this! Stick with it, surround yourself with people who have succeeded! Add me!
  • VAEnergyMan
    I am looking for some encouraging friends, I will also encourage. Have friends but they do not log on consistently. I also was over 300 lbs, I have lost 20 lbs as of this morning. Please friend me if you wish.
  • JennyJiggle
    JennyJiggle Posts: 46 Member
    It sounds like you've got the right idea about where to start - and walking is a great form of exercise! There's absolutely no need to feel disheartened about starting there. Becoming more active is a victory, whatever the pace.

    I too started well in the 300+ club with little fitness and 5 months later I'm down some weight and actually enjoying exercise! Shock! :noway:.

    As you make changes some days will be easier than others but it will all be worth it in the end and you'll soon find your stride.

    Sent you along a friend request :)
  • formality
    formality Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you so much everyone for the encouraging words and friend requests! I really appreciate it. I'm really trying to find a strong support net this time, filled with people who understand the challenges ahead. I think MyFitnessPal was a great place to look!
  • tracy_getsfit
    tracy_getsfit Posts: 106 Member
    My starting weight was 375 on 07/01/2013 am currently at 218. I remember when I started felt like I was never going to see that "300+" go away. It does get better. Feel free to add me would love to help support you!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Good for you..I was in that club once too...You will get out of it..And as one poster alluded, the excercise you will be able to do will be amazing..good luck

    fell free to add (anyone) for additional support
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    Hi Nice to meet you :) I started wiht 300 lbs to lose and was in the high 400s. :) This site has taught me so much, given me so much knowledge and encouragement. I am sure it will do the same for you. If you are looking for friends feel free to send me a fr and best of luck on your journey, Just remember never give up and you will reach your goal :)
  • formality
    formality Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks again, everyone! So excited to be making connections with people who have walked paths similar to mine. I can really feel the strong sense of community amongst the members of this site, and it's made my first step/first day feel a lot better. So grateful!