Feel like I'm not making any progress

Hello I been at my diet/exercise program for a month now and have lost some weight, I last weighed myself 2 weeks ago and weigh in at 275. I've been soda free for a month, haven't went over my daily calorie limit unless it was a cheat day, and I also been taking supplements such as Fish Oil, Protein Shakes, and Multivitamins. After a month I still look the same and feels like I'm making no progress so deep in my mind I'm saying "what's the point of continuing" I feel like giving up and seems like my belly fat has remained the same despite around the 10 pound loss.

I would appreciate the support and help


  • VenusSparks
    I too feel like I'm not making enough progress. I lost 5 lbs so far since 6/16. That's not a whole lot. But I figured hey if I keep losing at 5 lbs a month or any kind of pound a month it will amount to something. Don't give up b/c starting over is hard and annoying. I "started over" almost 5 times b/c I keep giving up. I learned to appreciate the small victories recently. I feel like my body is getting a little bit stronger and I just keep imaging what will happen if I keep going versus me giving up now and looking fat again for the umphteenth time 6 months from now. KEEP GOING BUDDY!! :flowerforyou:
  • VenusSparks
    Oh remember that our stomachs is a trouble area. Instead I focus on what looks like its changing.. Such as your arms or heck your ankles! lol I try to stay as positive as I can :D WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    Well 1-2lbs a week is the generally recommended amount for weight loss so if you've lost 10lbs in 6 weeks clearly you *have* made good progress.

    Unfortunately given your weight it will be a while before you can really see the difference. I'm not saying that to be mean, it's just how it works.

    Patience isn't just a virtue for this, it's essential.
  • jinxiemay
    jinxiemay Posts: 17
    I feel the same way you do :( I was taking in up to SIX THOUSAND CALORIES A DAY because I ate nothing but junk food, fast food, and drank 100 proof whiskey almost daily... I don't know if you know how many calories are in liquor but let me tell you, ITS A LOT. So in the very beginning of June I quit drinking cold turkey and REVOLUTIONIZED the way that I eat. I have not been through a drive through since then. I make almost ALL of my meals at home and if I don't I preplan what I will eat. I cut that 6,000 to 1,500 to 2,000 at very MOST on a "cheat" day. And guess what.... 8 pounds in 2 months. It doesn't feel like that's ANYTHING. :( After all the life changes I made, I quit drinking I cook more than I ever have in my life I eat healthy and stopped sodas etc. I thought that the weight would fall off at least 2 pounds a damn week. But man...................... GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! I'm frustrated right along with you and it is messing my motivation up!

    Guess what?
    8 pounds is better than nothing and even though I can't see or feel a difference yet if I quit I'll NEVER see a difference. I'm browsing the message boards today because I was feeling the exact same way that you are. I have to do something different. Even though I thought I was kicking *kitten*, I'm going to have to try harder. I'm going to add a morning workout to my eating clean routine. Want to do it with me? If we're not satisfied with our results we need to try harder!
  • maleckathryn
    take if from me, i started at 252 and got down to 150. (currently up 20 but working my butt off to get at least 10 off). At such a heavy weight it will take a while to notice. You will first probobly notice your clothing becoming loser.

    At that weight I would assume 20-30 lbs to drop only one size. as you get smaller under 200 its usually 10 lbs a size. Just keep it up. Nothing tastes better than skinny feels, and remember. This should be a lifestyle change, not a sprint to the finish line. This is a marathon, this is life, so you have to be on board for the long run for weight loss to successfuly happen and be maintained.

    Keep it up, you will feel better, sleep better, be happier. Soon enough you will notice and that will be the driving factor to help you continue on your journey. You have to think of it as a jouney. Not a few month process. Hang in there. Its worth it.