

I started p90x on sunday. I guess i just have a few questions, If you have compleated the workout....Did you follow the food plan? why or why not? How many calorise is burned during the work out avg.? Also did you get the results that you were looking for?



  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    I did the workout and followed my own diet plan. Albeit, I didn't finish the full 90 days, so I am probably not the best role model. :)
  • TeresaHinson2
    TeresaHinson2 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I have done 3 rounds of P90X. I did not follow the diet plan. I wanted to eat in a way that I knew I could eat the rest of my life instead of just for the 90 days. I didn't get the "ripped" look but I dropped some weight each time and gained some nice definition. I really don't know how many calories I was burning but I did feel a sense of accomplishment after every workout.